Show FAIR WILL CASE It Has Narrowed Down to a Fight I For 1000000 San Francisco April 19The trial of i the only remaining issue In the Fair case was begun today Instead of a contest over the whole estate anil a struggle for 20000000 it Is it ilghtrtfor 1000000 the case having narrowed down to I legal I battle over the two pieces of real estate which Mrs Nettle Craven says Senator Fair conveyed to her by pencil deeds a few weeks prior to his death The administrators ad-ministrators and heirs have for the time I forgotten their disagreements and in this action have Joined force against Mrs Craven whom they regard as their common enemy After considerable con-siderable discussion by the attorneys today the court announced that the question at issue was the alleged forgery of the deeds This Issue hal been raised ijy the answer of idmlnistrators to r Cravens cross complaint and In so i 1 far as the complaint of Miss Virginia Fair raised the same Issue the Intervener will be heard Several days will probably be occupied in securing an advisory jury for Probate Judge Slack |