Show THEPRRISAARKETOMRNV Paris April Madame the market woman solved the sex question long ago She made man at best only a useful adjunct In his younger days her husband may hope to take some part in conjugal affairs As he grows older his rights slip away from him indirect in-direct ratio to the increase of madames avoirdupois V At 50 madame corsets oegiri sucn a wealth of ethereal force that monsieur mon-sieur obeys orders without a demur The more obscure his position at the end of the stall the thinner he Is the more ponderous is madame Seemingly no stall is allowed to have two fat persons per-sons Some wise statesman may have decided that the necessary space for such a luxury was more thin the city could afford as experience may have proven that two fat persons in a single sin-gle booth results in a Wrangling over authority and no vegetables or legs of mutton sold In nine cases out of tent ten-t Is Madame Somebodys name which is hung over the stall When Its It-s monsieurs name no woman is about and monsieur Is as fat as madame his neighbor who lays down the law to her thin husband If you ask madame to explain these things she will tell you that she takes the helm in > er husbands hus-bands interest as well as her own What does a man know about making jj a tall effective Can a man arrange cheeses so as to make a charming picture In varying shades of cream and yellow Can he furnish so wide a background for them as madames apron Are the customers custom-ers men Not at all They are are women for the most part And a woman can best deal with a woman The few concierges and chefs who come enjoy a little banter with a lady other than their wives Eh monsieur On general gen-eral principles a man has no business selling market products He is too extravagant He does not ipnreciate he value of a sou A nretty young cook or housewife with a few conde cending words might wheedle mon ieur into allowing her to name her own price But nobody wheedles madame The while she is bowing and smiling so politely she keeps her eye steadily on the main chance She is the one who gathers In the sous and makes them go a long way Monsieur is valuable for lifting and carrying things but he is no financier It is on Wednesday and Saturday that the markets are held in open places in different parts of the city springing suddenly UD in the morning and passing away suddenly at night At T a m the Cours de la Relne looks as if it had been a market for cen tunes at 7 D m It is a promenade i The Iron supoprt and their oil cloth I covering which the government erects j to nrotect madame and the astute and active cltizenesses from inclement j weather have not only been removed but look as sharply as you will you will not find a single vestige of any of the produce which madame has been vending Madame and her belongings came in a cart and go away in a cart The street sweepers do thereat |