Show I RELIEF WORK IS NOW THE FEATURE Louisiana Levees Crowded With Expectant People ALL WANT TO GO t TO VICKSBURG HANDSOME DONATIONS FOB TH NEEDY COMING I Another Break in the Levee on the Louisiana Side Situation at Biggs Where the Torrent Is Bushing Through the Crevasse Is Hourly Growing Worse Thousands I Thou-sands of Acres of NewlyPlanted d Ground Rendered Useless A i 840000 Flood in Michigan VIcksburg Miss April 19 Relief work is the feature of the flood situation situa-tion here It is reported today that Louisiana levees are black with people waiting to be ferried over to the city Lieutenant Crowley of the quartermasters I quarter-masters department is here buying supplies for the flooded region in general gen-eral and handsome donations are coming com-ing in by mall and wire |