Show r Something to Depend On Mr James Jones of the drug firm of Jones Son Cowden Ill In speaking of Dr Kings New Discovery says that last winter his wife was attacked with la grippe and her case grew so serious that phjslnans at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption Having Dr Kings New Discovery In 1 store and selling lots of it he took a bottle home and to the surprise of all she began to get better from the firs t dose and halt dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds Is guaranteed to do this good work Try it Free trial bottles at Z C M I drug dept I a Cash is a true mascot Get your shoes and your coupons 1 during the great f Mascot Shoe Sale r SPENCER LYNCH CO 124 Main For cuts burns and sores on man or any animal that lives use the genuine Johnsons Black Oil Z C M I drug dent I I ECZEMA i Most Torturing Disfiguring Humiliating I Of itching burning bleeding scaly skin and scalp humors is instantly relieved by A warm bath with CUTICUKA SOAr i a singlo application of CUTICURA ointment oint-ment the great skin cure and a full doso of CtmcunA RESOLVET greatest blood purifiers and humor sores ijtiGura REMEDIES speedily permanently and economically cure when all else fails rome DBCO jure Cnrv Com > Propt Bcwton ay Uov to Curs Ererj BUn mnd Blood Humor tret DiUPIV CanCQ FnriSM and nemtlfird t r PiMPLY FACES by rlinrl1 rnuDo CUTICUKA SOAT 1 The U S Govt Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others j Good Shoes for Everybody at i Enormous discounts I in the Mascot Shoe Sale SPFNCER LYNCH CO 124 Main Dont miss the Mascot shoe sale The greatest of all SPENCER LYNCH CO 124 Main Spring Is the season for new life in nature i new vigor in onr physical systems As the fresh sap carries life into tho trees so our blood should give us renewed strength and vigor In its impure state it cannot do this and the aid of Hoods Sarsaparilla is imperatively needed It will purify vitalize and enrich the blood and with this solid correct foundation it will build up good health create a good appetite tone your stomach and digestive organs strengthen your nerves and overcome I over-come or prevent that tired feeling This has been the experience of thousands thou-sands It will be yours if you take Hoods Sarsaparilla The Best Spring Medicine Medi-cine and Blood Purifier Sold by all druggists SL fr i r ii cure nausea Indigestion rlOOU S HlllS biliousness 25 cents Established 1SU 150 Offices The Oldest and Lorrest R Go nt The Mercantile Agency GEORGE OSMOND General Manager Dish and Idaho Offices In Proercai Building Salt Lake City I Wfll8 fARGO CSO BRNK IILLT LAKE CTTV PTJLK Ejstbllxhed ISO rricsact a General BankIng Business J B DOOLY Gambler THE DESEEET SAVINGS MK SALT LAKE CITY TTTAH Capital J100000 Surplus 10000 DIRECTORS James T Little President Moses Thatcher VicePresident Elias A Smith Cashier Henry Dlnwoodey George Romney JarrM Sharp H W Riter John R Barnes John R Winder John C Cutler D H Perry David Eccles E R Eldredere Four per cent Interest paid on savings deposits compounded semlannually > Accounts solicited from 51 ccward 1 tA tORttt l CO BANKERS sun lUAICEJ CITY VTJLZI I ESTABLISHED 1878 Transact a General Bonking Boatoss T R JONES COB CO-B Bg AUr LAKE ClTY UTA I Holds the worlds record for j long distance fast running I j I luifiiitQft r fROM J1J I r PU81HER P r Of MClURf8 I have traveled on most of the important railroads in America and Europe and have dined on such of them as have restaurant cars I would rather dine on the Burlington Route dining car that leaves Chicago at 530 p m for Kansas City than on any dining car that I know of in tee world S S McCLURE Publisher McClures Magazine The dining car service on the Ves tibuled Flyer which leaves Denver at 950 p m daily for Omaha Peoria Peo-ria Chicago Kansas City and St Louis is identical with that between Chicago and Kansas City referred toby to-by Mr McClure It is believed to be better than that of any other western railroad Thousands of travelers are familiar with it and will gladly testify tes-tify to its unvarying excellence Tickets and timetables at all B G W ticket offices W F McMillan General Agent 11 Walker Block Salt Lake City GRAND PACIFIC P HOTEL Opposite Union Pacific Depot Salt Lake City Utah Remodeled and Refurnished Rates 32 per day Special rates for families fam-ilies and theatrical companies H M ABBOTT Manager THE CULLEN ItTES2 and 250 Per DayS Day-S C EWING Prop Commercial National Bank OAPITAL JCATD IX 3OOOOO General banking In all its branches Directors H Auerbach John J nIrFSa1lb ertan hnFJ IhJy O J Salisbury lioylan C Fox ThOIULIJ UarabalU WP Noble Geom r M Downar John Doonellio Newell Beento NAlmN l BANK TWE RfrijBlIG Frank KnoxPresident Geo A Lowe VicePresident Ed W Du1canCashier E O GatesAsslstant Cashier CAPITAL PAID IN 8300000 SURPLUS S 22500 Banking In all Its branches transacted Exchange dawn on the principal cities ol i Europe Interest paid on time deposits H S YOUNG Cashier L S HILLS President MOSES THATCHER VlcePreslaenL U S DEPOSITORY DESERET NATIONAL BANK SALT LAKE CITY UTAH CAPITAL 5500000 SURPLUS 250000 Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent B H Schettler BANKING BROKERAGE S South East Temple Street Real Estate Stocks and Bonds Boutt ind Sold Notary work lI R BRS BANKERS EstbHbe JS3 Buccesaew to IHE UNION NATIONAL BANK of Salt Lak aq A General Dnnlrlna B i1neaj trtuu acted BOCK BOCK BOCK A fISnE4 BREWING co t fr I r jt1i tl I IIriIII111 J1t 11 tt 1111111lllllli I f l I r j t iTIIIIllml I II J rkf jf t 4 I K 1 t 1 17J Y Wfi t If 1 I r 5 1 = y Particular people purpcely poatpone placing orders for their U Bock Beer until they are assured of getting the genuine article Ours is purity and strength itself no artificial coloring to deceive the eye Our Lager Beer brewed with new and improved machinery is getting the reputation of being the finest in the market and we do not hesitate to request your patronage to prove the assertion Leave orders at J Alts 109 South Main Street or Telephone 265 A FISHER BREWING COMPANY I I If f I OREO l1 LINES I J C = ± AT rC = Sf Ari Trains arrive and depart at Salt Lake ClU dally as follows In Effect March 16 1S37 ARRIVE From Chicago Omaha St Louis Kansas City Denver Park oi j City and Ogden 310 pm From Helena Butte Portland San Francisco > Ogden and In termediate I points 905 am From San Francisco Cache Val points ky Ogden and intermediate 715pm J pm From Chicago Omaha St Louis KansnsCS den Kansas Ciy Denver and Og n 330am From Frisco 1iiii id iid Inter I mediate points 945 am From 3tercur Tint Provo Ne I Phi anpete Valley and inter I nedate Mixed points 630 pm rooele and traIn Garfield from Bnch TermInus 130 pm For DEPART I 1 ChICRJo Omaha Denver Kan3as City St Louis Ogden Fnnd Park City 100 For San am Cach Francisco Ogden i points Valley and intend For points Ogd i tj inte-nd inte r d i 800 am FPolnts 4t0puz S113 Trnrunago City ofnahaVDenvef St Louis Butte For Portland Eureka and San Francisco 700 pm 2L Mercur Provo Forpnli ulPete Valley 11 am am Frisco Y x NePn Mllford Mixed f 7 intermediate points 600 pja ottn itraln for Garfield BeacJi finand Garfeld Deacl 745 am Trains acJe ° f Juab Sunday run daily except Daly except Sunday Dal except Sunday south of J a CIT Telephone TICjT No omE 21 MAIN ST The only line in connection with the Union Pacific operating through Pullman Palace opertng Pulman Sleepers Latest Improved Tour Ist Sleeper Free Reclining Chair Cars Elegant Day Reclning Ca geiV SIS D B BURLET Ge Ti Mgr Gen Pass TicUt Ast W H BANCROFT vicePres and Gen ilgr GREAT SALT LAKE ROUTE Current Time abe IN EFFECT JAM 18 189T LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY No2For Bingham Provo Grand Junction and all points East poInt 7 0 ajn No 4For Provo Grand Junc a tion and all points East 740 nun No 6For Blngbam Mt Pleasant 14 p Pleas-ant Manti RIchfield Belknap all intermediate points1230 pm No 5For Ogden and Interme 130 diate points point 5 0 pjn No8For Eureka Payson p Provo and all Intermediate points 500 pm So 3For Ogden and West1145 pm West145 No IFor Ogden and West1255 pm ARRIVE SALT LAKE CITY No 1 From Blngham Provo Grand Junction and the Eastl2da pm No3From Provo Est115 Grad Junction and the East1110 pm No 5 From Provo Bingham Eureka Belknap Richfield Manti and all Intermediate points 523 pm No 2 From Ogden and the West 740 anu No 4 From Ogden and the am West 7SOpm No 6 From Ogden and intermediate pm Inter-mediate points 940 ata No 7 From Eureka Payson am Provo and all intermediate points 953 am Only line running through Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars from Salt Lake City to San Francisco Salt Lake City to Denver via Grand Junction and Salt Lake City to Kansas City and Chicago via Colorado points Through tourist or family sleepers without with-out change to Kansaa City Chicago and Boston Free reclining chair cars Salt Lake City to Denver Cit Street Ticket Offle 1 West Second South D C DODGE F A TVADLEIGH General Manager Gen Pa Agent ri THE PEOPLES S FAYORITB STrains PICa VORTE S-Trains leave and as follows arrive Salt Lake City Leave Un effect March 16 1S970 The Overland Limited for Chicago St Paul St Louis Omaha Kansas City Denver and Park City 700 a m The Fast Mal for Chicago St Louis Omaha Kansas City and Denver 700 p m From three to 1 hours quicker to all above points than any other line Arrive The Overland Limited from Chicago St Louis Omaha Kansas City Denver and Park City 310 p m The Fast Mail from Chicago St Paul St Louis Omaha Kansas City and Denver330 a m City Ticket Office 201 Main Street i Telephone No 66 The only line operating through Pullman Pull-man Palace Sleepers Library Buffet Smoker Dining Cars Tourist Sleepers and Free Recllnlnsr Chair Car H M CLAY General Agent UTAH CENTRAL RY General Office 203 Wlttingham Bulldlne DAILY TRAINS AS FOLLOWS Leave ArriveS Arrive-S 1 City 800 am Park City 1030 am Park City LOS pm S 1 City 515 pm Depot Main and Eighth South Su J McGregor Clarence Gary Receivers F E Shafer General Freight and P censer Agent THE COLORADO MIDLAND R R Two Through Trains Daily Between Salt Lake City Ogden and Lead vine Cripple Creek Colorado Springs Denver and all points east Only line running THROUGH CHAIR CARS Through sleepers on both morning and Thru evening trains ThIs line In connection with the Rio Grande Western reaches Denver earlier than any other line via Colorado Springs No change of cars or delayed Colordo trains Take the Colorado Midland Mid-land and save time and enjoy the finest ride and grandest scenery In Colorado For full Information call on any R G W Rv agent or W F DAILY O A BROWN ri P A Gen Agent Denver Colo Salt Lake City SALT LAKE OGDEN RAILWAY CO Time Table in Effect Nov 1 1SOS Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Arrvo Salt Lake Ington Farm Lagoon Farm Salt Lake Lagoon tngjton S 700 nm 745 am 713 am S4 am S 70 am am IOre am 1045 am 1 ar 941 pm 43 pm 4t pm 525 pm 510 pm 63 pm 643 pr 733 pm nillv except Sunday SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Leave Salt Lake S40 1040 a m 140 340 510 p m Leave Farmington 4 U4j a m 45 445 64 p m Round Trip to Becks Including bath 23 cents Children 25 cents 3 cent SIMON BAMBERGER General Manisor I W EARLY Pass Agent Hotel Knutsford New and elegant In a Its appointments appoint-ments SCO rooms single or enrulte T with bath rooms wIt btu bt-u S HOLMES Proprietor o |