Show P 0 S of A Ball The first grand annual ball of the P O S otA ot-A was held last night atthe Walker pavilion and in point of numbers was a great success Twenty numbers were danced and the orchestra rendered good music The hal was decorated in banners flags and bunting and every person seemed imbued with a patriotic spirit A collation I I col-lation was served at 1 oclock by Kennedey after which dancing was continued The following fol-lowing committees were in charge and to them is due the success of the occasion About two hundred were present Committee of Arrangements A Watt H Glenn W A Stanton J J Greenwald W H Shelton C E Stanton A L Wilson A B Williamson A A Kind Master of Ceremonies A Stanton Floor Committee M Stnll J H Watts W n Grant A S Barrett A B Williamson R O G Showell Reception Committed C Dowlin W L Dykes W J Harvey Harvey Hardy J J Greenwald G B Brastow A A Kind A W Raybould H T Duke C E Stanton A S Barrett W H Bucher Walt Murphy T E Nichols A D Elliott Henry Page A L Wi son C W Hall C W Reynolds C J Weth erby Sharp Walker S U Watson C M Eb erly D Utter Thomas Bennett S D Cady G S Erb W J Lynch F Harvey S Ewing Those present were Mesdames Beaty Li le Palmer Kaign Dallas Raybould Crosby t Duke Perley Sloan Stanton McClellan W A Stanton Glenn Paul Short Ryan Groshell Showels Kind Smith Ewing Palmor Watts and Misses Brown Starbuok King Larson Sharkey Bowman Ricketts Lunt Cullinan and St Clairs Rueben Oats Sullivan Oliver Smidden Thompson Shonck Harris Cady Bowman Goodwin Welst Bruff Nichols Croft Cope Munson Snell Strongburp Stanton Abbott Ab-bott Sinclair Sharkey Barber Lowry Wil llama Peck Gillespie Beattle King Davey Harris CrawLIttloWilby BoydenThurrls and Messrs J H Watt R S Cannon W C Goby J H Walker Misses St Clair M J Tobeas J D Cady Grant Smith B F Whit temore H T Duke D P Morgan W H Ryan Sam Loins Carter Haynes Montgomery Montgom-ery Mueller Gordon Short Griffiths Living stone Barbour Hanson Garrett Falks Cham berlaque Showell C E Stanton W F Stanton Stan-ton C B Glenn Reynolds Kine Dykes Ross Denim Ewing Kaign Hanlin NicholsBennett Vanalsten Watson Dallas Everley Bucher Barrett Ravbould Dull Lloyd Holland WotheI Thompson Rosser Barryman Wotherby Big i man Reese Jamison Sanders Mansfield Wantland Wills Paul Williams Maack W J Ford C L Hughes |