Show City Council All members of the city council were present last evening except Lundy Shurt Hff and Spencer After the reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting the committee com-mittee on laws reported a set of rules for the government of the city hospital something some-thing very badly needed The rules were allowed to take the usual course of ordinances ordi-nances and will come up next council night for second reading The committee also recommended that Dr Jones bill for treating treat-ing the firemen injured in a fire last summer sum-mer be not paid by the city Report adopted The committee on claims reported a number num-ber of claims aggregating 935 and recommended recom-mended their pa meat The fire committee recommended the appropriation ap-propriation of J3jO for fitting up the new fire stations and made some suggestions as to the expenditure of the money The committee was authorized to make the necessary nec-essary purchases The commtttee on public buildings and grounds recommended the placing of electric elec-tric lights at the corner of Adams and Thirtyfirst street and Madison and Twentysecond street Also increasing the salary of the supervisor of public buildings build-ings and grounds to 100 per month The report was adopted The sanitary committee recommended the purchase of an Eagle crematory for tho destruction of garbage dead animals otc at a cost of about 5510000 On objection the report was laid over for one week The special committee on tho Jones investigation in-vestigation reported the accounts of the city assessor and collector correct Referred Re-ferred to the finance committee E T Hendricksen petitioned for reimbursement reim-bursement for fire loss Referred to the committee on fire and laws Numerous citizens petitioned for a sewer on Twentysixth street from Washington to Jefferson Committee on sewers An ordinance amending the ordinance fixing the salary of supervisor of public buildings and grounds was read the first timeAfter After a small amount of unimportant business the council adjourned |