Show THE LEHI LEAGHER It Will be a Go Beyond all Doubt EUREKA AND HER RICH MINES I Jew Discovery In the BnlHonBeck Prospect ore Getting Ready for SpringThe Rich Prospects Near Brigham City There is now good reason to believe that the proposed leaohing plant at Lehi is r a go beyond all doubt and work will be commenced just at soon as the frost is out of the ground and before the summer smoke will be issuing from the stacks of the new enterprise MesBrs John Beck A E Hyde and T R Cutler are the moving mov-ing spirits in the new enterprise which is n guarantee that it will be a success These gentlemen will be heard from again in a few days Eureka and Her Mines Hon W H Smith superintendent of the BullionBeck spent Washingtons birthday in this city and leaves for home this morning He says Eureka and the other mining camps adjacent thereto are booming in the true sense of the word The improved train service inaugurated of late is giving the best of satisfaction and the depot improvements are being pushed ahead just as fast as is possible during such weather A new strike was made on Friday lust on the 800foot level of THE BULLIONBECK north and south and the body of ore is opening up finely This mine still leads in the tonnage output Everyone is looking for the opening of spring to seeTHE see-THE CEXTEXNIALEUEEKA give a spurt When the new plant is ready to hoist and the road off the mountain in good condition the output of this mine will make the richest ore from Park City look like a waste dump THE VICTORIA is improving right along the ore is better with depth and the ledge bigger Much interest writes our correspondent is being shown in the porphyry belt at Silver Sil-ver City by investors 1 will take a trip over that way and send you some items of interest from that section of Tintic THE EUREKA HILL is averaging about three carloads everyday every-day but will send out three times three as soon as everything is arranged for the shipment ship-ment of ore by the new railway THE KETSTONE is working along smoothly sending out I about fifty tons of ore daily The ore is firstclass and there ii lots of it in sight Work on the new shaft is progressing rapidly and the long Colorado Cnief drift is nearing completion The seventh level shows up line a jewelry shop and is an index to the millions below A great body of low grade ore was struck in THE GOOD ESOUOH claim lying west of town owned by Pioneer John Giblin that shows the width of the ore belt has not been fully shown yet The prospects are bright for the claim which will yet repay the owner for his lasting faith and hard work in Tintic THE ALAMO is still idle Here is a chance for some monied man to take hold of a sure thing end add another rich mine to our list as the owners are poor men willing to give a lease and bond to responsible parties on fair terms The trouble heretofore in Eureka has been that inexperienced men have rushed in here secured terms wherever they could on little or no money and expected to make mines at an outlay of f 6 A better class of investors are coming in now who are looking for more desirable ground and many producers will be made this season PROSPECTORS GETTING HEADY The continued fine weather has started many prospectors feet to itching and there will be quite an exodus March 1 Tintic is a fine winter camp many prospectors find employment here when driven from the bills by the first snows of the season and lay up a grub stake for the following summer sum-mer If the heartless goldbugs of Wall street had to take their turn at exploring the bills for mines and undergo the privations priva-tions of a miners life they would be taught leseon they have never learned and deal more justly with the debased white metal the poor mans money LOST OPPORTUNITIES A gentleman recently returned to Eureka after an absence of five years He was greatly surprised to find suoh an increase in-crease of population and output of ore said he had missed the opportunity of his life in leaving when he did would consider con-sider the last five years lost secure more property as close in as possible and stay with the camp until he loft in a wooden box or a Pullman as there was by far a brighter greater futuro for Tintio than any camp he had visited in his travels Still the erratic prospector will like the wandering Jew be ever on the move for more distant though less inviting fields THE SANITARY CONDITION The county court came over from Nephi last Monday to look into the sanitary affairs of Eureka They were shown the necessity of some improvements by such prominent citizens as Delos Lombard and others and have promised to appropriate a sufficient amountof money tobuild a sewer and thoroughly clean up the town What the town really need is homo rule ns we send to the county treasury nearly 515 000 annually in licenses alone not 10 percent per-cent of which ever comes back It is full I time that Eureka put aside her swaddling cloths and began to wear long dresses The town is as favorably located as any mining 55 a town in Utah In a healthy pass in the mountains has the richest mines in the world is being built up rapidly and permanently perma-nently by an energetic class of businessmen business-men and could be made a most inviting spot for newcomers As it is we have no protection from fire inadequate policy protection pro-tection no sidewalks nor regular streets and are looked upon as an infantile community com-munity that cannot get along without the correcting care of the parental county court LOOKING rOB INVESTMENT Mr De Golyer of Colorado is visiting Eureka looking over the field for investment invest-ment in some of our promising prospects He says that notwithstanding he is owner of a big share of the Last Chance mine in Creede and that Creede is a great camp with greater possibilities there is right here in Tintic every evidence of coming greatness and if the people of Salt Lake took the same interest in the camps that are tributary thereto and would help the mining industry like the Denverites do we would be known on the other side of the big mountains and millions of idle cap ital would come this way to help develop the country THE MASKED BALL The longtalkedof masked ball was held in the L 00 F hall last Monday and was a grand affair Many of the characters char-acters of romance and history were well represented by the participants who enjoyed en-joyed the festivities as only the honest sons and daughters of toil can enjoy a holiday holi-day A ROW IN CHINATOWN There was a serious row in Chinatown last Tuesday The malefactor was tried before Justice Smith The evidence showed that he had struck one Sling Snaut over the head with a slixshooter and fired two shots at him but unfortunately his aim was poor Attorney Brown while trying to impress one of the witnesses with the solemnity of an oath asked him if he knew what would happen if he swore falsely The Chinaman answered Yes me sabe you go to hell The defendant was held to await the action of the inquisitors inquis-itors at Provo PAT SHEA JUBILANT Our respected fellow citizen Pat Shea is jubilant over the arrival of a bouncing 10pound baby boy another addition to the Democratic majority in Utah Mother and son are doing finely and the doctor thinks Pat will come round O K with the help of a few herbs Rich Prospects near Brigham City The new Alton mine north of town is showing up finely The tunnel is down 19 feet Samples of ore at that depth were sent to Salt Lake this week and Thursday the results of the two assays were received The first showed 186 ounces silver S40 gold and 30 per cent copper The second showed 728 ounces silver 2 gold 20 percent per-cent load and 10 per cent copper These figures were given us by O L Barnard one of the owners of the Alton mine The vein from which the ore was taken is 18 inches wide Bugler AN EIGHTINCH COPPER VEIN Yesterday we learned from L H Jones that an eightinch vein had just been struck in the Surprise mine two miles north of town The ore is heavily charged with copper and silver is not lacking Six miners are now busily employed on that mine and its promising companion the Grand View Developments on the latter show that a rich copper ledge is close at hand They think the uncoverings of a few days will reveal something fine The proximity of all these mines to the railroads makes them doubly valuable Bugler THREEFOOT VEIN OF GALENA The Passerville mine located near Three Mile Creek canon three miles southeast of Brigham is reported to be showing up well this week The tunnel and shaft were I down 114 feet from the surface Wednesday Wednes-day and development work still continues A 3foot vein of galena quartz has been lately struck which is becoming richer invaluable in-valuable ore as the work progresses The mine is owned and is being worked by parties living in Brigham Willard and Mantua They are so encouraged with the prospects that they expect to keep miners constantly at work Bugler |