Show IDAHO POLITICSI I Republicans Bidding Hard for the Mormon Vote I A Most Decided Chance of Opinion Now Go las on In the State to the North of Us POCATELLO IDAno Feb 22Spcclal Correspondence Cor-respondence of Tim IIERALDl the Mormons Mor-mons have made a bargain with the Republicans Republi-cans to bo allowed to vote In the next election it has not received the sanction of the leaders In this county Still from the action of the Republicans one could easily surmiso that the Bear Lake stake people had come to a mutual understanding In a conversation with I state Senator Underwood a heretofore strong I antiMormon we would glean that the election I bill passed by the last legislature of which he was a member will amount to very little Inasmuch Inas-much as the Mormon people can easily got around Its provisions At the time of the passage pas-sage of this then obnoxious law the Mormon people in that part of Idaho were circulating petitions intending to ask Congress to provide away a-way for them to be attached to Wyoming After considerable examination of the hill by wiser heads it was found that the bill was framed in buch a manner that its provisions could be easily gotten around The Republicans Republi-cans about this time also became regfu the I fact and ever since that time have been trying to TO BID FOR THE MORMON VOTE Some of the leaders of the Bear Lake stake have come out strongly for the Republican party and agree to deliver the Roods at the corning corn-ing election provided they are not molested in voting By some of those who aro not posted and on to the inside workings it is thought that county will roll up a big Republican majority but in this they will be mistaken The Mormon people will not be dictated to by the president or his counselors in the way of politic and from very good authority we understand that but onethird of the Mormons will vote with the Republicans In tho remainder of Idaho no bargain bar-gain has been made and In case they vote tho Democrats will receive it rho Mormons in Blnghatn county are not making any movements toward either party although the Republicans are bidding hard for their support It is true the prospects are Very encouraging for the Mormons j Mor-mons of Idaho to vote in the next election and if they do from now on they will quite a factor i in Idaho politics as in years gone by It is very I hard for some of the former antis to become reconciled re-conciled to the new feeling being manifested as the action in the late Republican state league shows Bob Spence went to Boise to represent Bear Lake county in the meetings but through an error the statu at large were not posted and I he was not admitted 1 hose who had been sot ting bill found their plans were being knocked out and to remedy the evil later I A LOVE FEAST WAS HAD in which tho Republicans said the Mormons would be welcomed to their ranks and the resolution res-olution which has appeared in ritz HEHALD was passed It was said that the barriers had been first removed by the National Republican committee and now it was the place for the Hate committee to do the Same which it did do but with a very wry face to ow wo expect those Mormons who are to talk Republicanism to do so with a loud hurrah while those who go with the Democrats to say little hut cast a straight ballot Still water runs deep they say and this is to bo the motto of the Mormon Democrats Tho newspapers are devoting considerable space this week to tho movement of the railroad rail-road company in furnishing passes and a special spe-cial car to a few or thoM who attended the league meeting of Republican clubs in Boise i and there is much bitter feeling Lockwood tbo Union Paciao attorney for Idaho made a bold strike for his company among the Republicans Repub-licans and seemed to have a good pull with tho influential onus and accordiug to one of the dolecatos he agreed to deuver the Bingham county delegation vote consisting of twenty three member to any one he aw fit going so far as to expose some of his county delegation caucus proceedings This aroused their wrath and Colonel Hanniford protested against so much assumption and proceeded to score the attorney in the open convention Still notwithstanding not-withstanding all of this kick Lockwood succeeded suc-ceeded in carrying his points ana placing the Republican clubs cubs IN TUB HANDS Or THE BAILHOAD MONOPOI ISIS This fuss is merely a continuance of tho quarrel which has been raging within the e publlcan ranks lor the past year bo the Demo rats are baying very little but watching the inn lutiThe Idaho Fa is people have been making some test cases of this new liquor law tic nt the brat tried m the state 1 seems that un 3er the now law any person may appear before I the probate judge or a justice of the peace and I mulie l affidavit that a leitiiiu percon ib an habit ti tl I ual drunkard or is in the habit of becoming intoxicated in-toxicated Tho officer then informs the saloon I keeper who sells the man liquor to netnerPi11 i or give away intoxicating liquors to the aid person l it is done alter this process of ll Is gone through with the saloon keeper Is to be lined serve short term in the county jail and have his license revoked One aaloonist was arrested for the offense Lut his plea was that It was mlneial water given the man and he was discharged Another case against another saloonist is set for next week when an interesting inter-esting squabble is anticipated The county Democratic central committee is expected to meet in Blackfoot about March 7th They have been rather unfortunate as tho chairman and secretary have both rovert away from the county but i is understo d the cal will be issued by a majority of the committee commit-tee Those remaining of the committee are S F Taylor and Orviile Buck of Idaho Falls W P Ramsey Rcss Fork Charles Napper Pocatello Poca-tello C V Vcodall Soda Springs and Hyrum Hanson Oxford These will meet reorgau ze and lilt the existing vacancies of three members mem-bers Their desire is t meet loon alter the state committee meets so as to decide upon the proper time for calling precinct primaries lhe bemoLTatlo club of this placo has requested the committee to meet at the earliest possible day and although the 7th has not been fully decided de-cided upon it will tit least be during that week In conversation one of the committee it seems they are desirous of organizing A DEMOCRATIC CLUB I EV UY PRECINCT I and start the ball to rolling early In the campaign cam-paign but he us well as alt others aro expecting expect-ing new life In the coming fight and expect tho Democrats throughout the county to name the nominees Instead of one > or two dictators as that was the principal cause of defeat in the last campaign l the statements of the temperance people are to be relied on Idaho will have a new party in the next campaign The Prohibitionists are making their arrangements to place a state ticket in the field and their convention will probably be held in southern Idado at what placo is not now known They do not expect to poll a heavy vote but are merely making a starter For county officers they will support ono parties or the other of the two great political On last evening tho DEMOCRATS OF IDAHO FArr organized a Democratic club and have started out with D big list of members Only a temporary tem-porary organization was effected but everything every-thing starts out with hopes of success A large number of Republicans have sigrifled their in tontion of joining the Democrats on state and county politics S F Taylor was elected chairman and R C Bonney secretary A committee com-mittee of three consisting of Louis Elg High Storer and Dr Cavanaugh were appointed to arrange plans for tho campaign Speeches were delivered by a number of the Democrats and a general good feeling manifested |