Show II i J = I 4 THE SALT LAKE HERALD TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23 1892 t 4 cEHE H sRALD 1 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 1Y THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY DIRECTORS S C CHAMBEHS President HEBEH J GRANT Vice President rL DYER JouST CiA to Ci-A SMITH THOMAS MARSHALL L RwLml R W YOUNG LW JUDD GEO CuiJJJvS 01mR WlNDJR SIMON BAMBEUGER HORACE G VIUTSEY Business Manager TEE DAILY HERALD Is published every morning morn-ing Mondays excepted at THE HERALD block corner West Temple and First South streets Salt Lake City by THE HERALD PUBUSHINO COMPANY Subscription price in advance UO 00 per annum post paid SEMIWEEKLY HEHAIJJ IB published every Wednesday and Saturday morning Price In i advance S3 00 per year six months tl 75 postpaid THE StrNDAT HERALD Is published every Sunday Sun-day morning Price in advance S2 50 per annum post paid SUBSCRIBERS will confer favor by forwarding i information to this office when their papers we not promptly received They will aid us to determine where the fault lies communications should be addressed to THE HERALD Salt Lake City Utah CITY DKLIVCHT By the year Invariably In advancelOOQ By the month 100 By the week weekJ T DTJSUAn Co Circulators Entered at the Postofflco at Salt Lake City Utah for transmission through tho malls as second class matter TUESDAY February 23 |