Show A Good Word for the Train Boy Illnature seems to be at the bottom of a small crusade which has been begun by certain persons and newspapers against the boys who sell newspapers and a variety of other things on railroad trains It has I j often peen said in a joking way that the trainboy is a nuisance but scarcely anyone any-one who rides frequently on the railways is seriously disposed to regard him as such Indeed there is a general good feeling toward I to-ward him and the irascible people who sometimes vent their spleen upon iiirn arc looked upon with contempt their fellow passengers Especially on long journeys onerather welcomes the bustling energetic oy and very few men ride three or four = > U hours without purchasing a copy of somo publication and being glad of the opportunity opportu-nity to do so The trainboy thou follows an honest calling supplies a common demand de-mand is industrious enterprising And accommodating ac-commodating and ho would be sadly missed if his business were discontinued We can not afford to see him abolished I |