Show In the Senate WASHINGTON May STho Senate took up the House bill providing for the classification of worsteds and debated it at length At 2 oclock the question on the order of business canto u and It was decided to consider the worstcd bill toa conclusion and then take up the appropriation bills The silver bill pproraton bis siver bi was made unfinished business for Monday at 2 oclock The Senate passed without amendment the House bill providing for the classification of worsted goods as woolens It now goes to tho President for his signature The vote was apart a-part one yeas 3 nays SO The Senate then took up the pension appropriation bill The pensoin appropriation bill appropriat ing for the next fiscal year 97090701 was taken up An amendment offered by Sherman and Washburn to increase the number of pension pen-sion agent from eighteen and twenty to twenty one gave rise to a long discussion As a vote disclosed the absence 01 a quorum the Senate adjourned |