Show Fought fora i Society Belles Smiles Special to THE HERALD Examiner Dispatch LOCKPORT N Y lay SA lively prize fight took place last night between two prominent young society bloods named Bertie Price and Allle Willard the stakes boing the right to the smiles of a fair society belle of this city Tho affair was to be kept secret The men fought at tho private room of a mutual friend named Charles Carnes The men stripped to the waist and put on fourounce gloves it was a regular pummollng match which tOmo severe body blows were exchanged Roth young men showed little scuncc and their work at times was most ludicrous In the slick round ViUard landed oaPrlces nose drawing blood and inning in-ning the fight The menwere spirited away and the affair is tho talk of the town awayand |