Show SUMMER SCHOOL B m m v BETTER BElIER THAN TIN EVER EVERMore More Wore Persons In Attendance and Instruction Excels Any Heretofore 32 2 STATES REPRESENTED STUDENTS COME FROM PROM MANY DIFFERENT LOCALITIES Tho first firt half of tho the current session or of tho the summer school end ended ended ed ott Saturday and at that time the school had bad reached a n higher piano plane In point of numbers and general cy 07 than over ever before In Its history The Ibe students that hat at af kist year by more than The Tho enrollment of ot 1909 was woe conId larger than that of previous years ears The Tho Th present registration places the Utah Institution In among the tho largest summer rammer schools In the United States and which It are ore chiefly not schools attached to standard col but and other resort states of or tho Union are aro resented on the Ute rolls of the school and a n number of students enrolled come from various arlous parts parta of Mexico and SIKI lid Canada At least leut ono one foreign country Japan has hM a representative He te lo S Y Babo Baba who came directly from rom Nippon to Utah for his hin scholas cholas scholastic tic Uc training Among the tho students are arc areman many man school officials and Instructors a number of or them representing col cot colleges leges legett and grammar schools schoola In Chicago Minneapolis St Louis and other important cities That the tho Utah school hool ranks high both boUt In the of Its Ita and aDd the general of or lt Its It work Is to the testimony of ot those vIa vis I tors In many respects re they affirm the Ute Institution has no superior and I future seasons wUl will see a 0 greater in influx Influx I flux of or students from the east and middle west Token of Examination With the cooperation of or tho the state board of or education the tho summer school provides courses of study which en enable enable enable able the school teachers of or Utah to enter upon their work without special examination Largely because of this thie fact tact the department of education holds boWs oon conspicuous place Under the direction of Dr Richard G 6 Boone and other experts this department la Sa curing coring for the training of several eral hun hundred dred dreda dr of teachers who will next year hold portions In the colleges high and Anel grammar grades grad of the state The department of education under the direction n of or Dr William O G Anderson of oC Yale Tale Jakob Bolln Bolin BoU of f New York and others IB Is larger and more efficient evident than ever be before before before fore Among the students are num numbered numbered numb b red many athletic coaches and Dd in tractor of gymnastics In the scholastic branches as won well as in the professional courses the work of or Instruction is S progressing Students Student of oC modern languages are re To required q to put their whole whet attention on I one ORe particular language In order tool that definite prepress can aan be made in th the short abort summer term Students of or the physical science II spend the tho entire day In lecture room and laboratory of or the course coune in which they are studying Officials Officiate of the school and leading lending educators tors of or th the state Mate who are in touch with the tho in are enthusiastic over its pres pros present present ent set condition and its prospects pro pe ts Professor F W Reynolds secretary of the Ute committee Is to acting executive of ot the school Chairman William M r I Stewart who has baa been Incapacitated i ifor for work by illness III Is S now t Isi at t his hl ranch on the Provo Prove river Several of the tho faculty and many students have e gone ne Into the I country or Ot the tho mountains to enjoy the Independence epe clence day recess ees Farm and canyon resort parties are numerous Among these who will spend the hell holi holiday day d at Brighton are Dr Boone Boon and his who is visiting him from California Dr W G Anderson Henry HenryS S A Anderen ron Miss Maude Mamie May fILY Bab Rb Babcock cock Miss 1 Louise Lou Delaney MiM Mine Ber Bertha Usa tha Lah and Miss II Frances Munson Mur lOn |