Show FLOATING CRANE IN CELEBRATION Old Hercules Tore Loose in m Honor Hanor of HomeComing of Roosevelt FINALLY TURNED OVER GREAT DAMAGE TO BATTLE BATTLESHIP BATTLESHIP BATTLESHIP SHIP NARROWLY AVERTED BY ESPEY July 2 Old Hercules the t h giant floating crane orano Is le the Jonah r rt at f the t e New York navy yard To oele cele celebrate brate rate the u homecoming hoRto of 01 Colonel us broke loose fray her moorings and aad while the cheer ohr cheering ing crowds were wr making malting Yew Mew N York Yorki h i I 1 with the truo of 01 their theira a doom inome to tIM Lb the tho float foat in Ia 1 0 erase rau ran raa amuck and nearly made history by b barely barel toeing m its efforts to f t wreck the big battleship Florida Floridan n nv v r being constructed The lh IIer uI e also aIM damaged the dry ry ryd dork dok d k alongside aleICe of 01 which bleh she lay a which is le the largest r ih the Atlantis Atlantic and In which the theN N braska woe was docked when undergo Ia repairs the Ww Nw K York Tork navy nav yard 7 rd fore force evl eTI d nily has ha net Mt yet ot loomed learned how to han ban banIN hanI ii IN I I the Hercules IB fa a heavy b wind even ufer Its thrilling t experience with the f 1 Jonah In la December fist 1104 At that m n th tb the Connecticut was w being beinS built bunt i 11 rd the was lying alongside I t her bel h r delivering steel tL At the lunch n fl hour hoer a heavy wind wlAd Mew blew from the then n Into lato the channel where the Ue if ul s was lying The workmen had bad badiI til iI tl I left I ft TIM The wind tore her hr loose from fromi i hr r moorings and sni aided by by a strong streng f flood od tide tale t sent ent her r rapid I y up the Baxter Acted Promptly Across cr from the Connecticut anh An aa h rfd red at t tae tM Cob Ce dock desk were tha Ken urk the tho Kearsarge x the Illinois and andu hr t u r big bhe ships of off the less tLe Atlantic fleet it jut just happened Appa that Naval Construe tr i r J Baxter who Is I now I th lh t h Florida and who was then theno o the Connecticut was wea on en the Ioor hor of off on one of the dry docks dock Instead of f bing laK at 11 luncheon He happened happe nod to took toi jk i ok up and caught cht sight stat of or the giant l 1 arm of the t e Hercules moving UP the haunt channel L He Ue looked leaked at 11 01 and nd noted that at that hour houri i hi hr h N 8 ought to have ocen Deen some Mille hr ell eds He 11 Jumped to the th sn cr s un n that thre was WAIl something rlou and Ind dashed up the life slippery pr ps of nf th the dry dO dock to find n the t Her iler iii 11 making a direct line IU for the Ue old oW I T tas Gathering Gathen together a rw f w ni inn n who bf happened to be within rail can 11 they tb made a noose of a rope and I h a skillful throw caught a staunch In I un fl of the he Hercules Berea The ROOM noose held bold behlI and I nd making the other end IMI fast fant n t to te a al l bollard tic mid mad career reer of the Her Herout out was w checked check but as aa she Me swung w as ag around she aIM gave p gave M Texas a s glancing blow 1 low which stove Roye a hole bole In la her Iter side sider r her to be taken into lato dry dock Homel otherwise t she might haw have havena ha tone na down doa el Much nt Tty Ty this time thus U the yard 78 was WU in to a state 1 f t great excitement Whistles Whistle wore w blown 1 from ron all aU Ute the shops to Ie und tie tIc alarm alana for tor the tb workmen to ton toman man AH n their thIr posts t as su It was soon SOA that tt a shift hift of the wind take tak tIM the tier Her c I JI CI across 10 the channel and she might t r rk reek ik th the Kentucky and aad her ber sister Mpa ino And either IU sink alak or damage them theIL The Th Heresies Is ls now BOW such ek a wreak i that it t Congress Co has appropriated 11 to repair her Iter In Iii t the meantime In fn n ruler rr not no to delay work on o Mo Ute floating emu crane era has been bean r t w 1 d from the U Boston navy yard rd and andi an ani i i taken tak an ap M the t work the Ute t a as performing RC ig The report of the tb accident a Rt to the Ute UteJ J 1 reul great n naval circles chaise for tor the telegram tl from r Arm S l Loots LeatH commanding It tao M New NewYork N York irk v irkS navy Ity yard yanI made made it appear aa as If Ie Iet iti ti t Florida and a not aut the tb lb H bad hed turned Hn over ever overt everA A t Dry Dock flock The dry 17 dock dek Dewey at Manila loons Is ls roving proving t to e be H another Jonah JOlla She too Leo Leoh lei h a a mystery attached to her Iter and aRd nure h ha has had d to make II an a appropriation of 01 to raise rat and repair ir r A Assistant I tnt Secretary etar of the tIM Navy vy v Bald hi l today toda that Just t what r l the I Dewey ew cannot eAnet now h t explained t an and l probably will not be benow Known now until labored correspondence ee een i 11 ben heen n had with the naval RAYal authorities f 0 Manila and a full report received Iran from t ti board bard ard of ot inquiry The lH wry otter after being towed across erON Up it Atlantic Mediterranean through b bt th t h B Suez OX renal anal the Indian ocean the theIna theIna thetna Ina r a amt nl Into the tb Pacific to tb the thel l a bit of ot seamanship Ip thata that a t t r ri d worldwide attention and ap alt puse II 1 U bus ha h s had bad a run MIa of hard liard times tl I I r lint a month or two ago AltO tromp th tho spreading aple laK of ot alarming r irh that the accident was wall the Ute re ru remit remit mit II of maliciousness m ness on OD the tho part palt of employed to work on OR the Ule Wt In B she he went t down It was d In tn naval circles that there t tI i d I b II n an accident acet It was waa said mid Jd t tt t n tat r nt she would weW be Ite speed rt d a all as her had 41 been left lett lettIn 1 t In not lint tidally officially of reported It 1 knon kno n that the th Dewey has a hole bole In 10 her silo How this th hole hob came oame e there titer thereOf 10 n Of nt m n to know The Tho ria naval of fi lii 1 cabled from Manila ask uk n h that U the first amount of 11 rf n eio lo to raise sad and repair to ii the I we ewe wey to e to m Met aa M a atch would wW hay have to be med made of oC the hole hoi h n In la her 1 side aid A Secretary 8 Winthrop has hu hasi i d l the records of the be Dewey Dewoy gone sone but hut there thre Is I no bO reference to her hr having ever had a s hole stove In her br brI I officials claim the he hole Ie Is I an au old 01 one 0 that had been patched There to Is such welt a on oa the r question qu flat that Mr Ir Winthrop has bas I Iy given y up his efforts to bring a ulek solution of ot the t problem p sad and will pa patiently pat timely t await fun full mall man reports which will not be bo forthcoming until the tb end of nf August It seems certain though that the tb Dewey Dew will be raised and put In weking condition She Obe la Is expected to tobe tobe be temporarily patched and aDd pumped clear of water by b the Ute middle of July The Tho repair work to make ke her Iter operative I will consume several additional months month Meanwhile the question que Uon as asto asto 8 to whether Japanese Japan spies kIe had bad a hand baad handIn In la the accident is being considered Secretary of oC the Navy Meyer Ier Is 18 In favor of selling all 11 the obsolete war warships warships ships of the navy Y At his b direction the general board of or the navy has bu completed a survey of all aU vessels to determine It If any R of them theta can CIUI properly be sold OkI This report has haa not net yet boon been made JRade public The gunboat Detroit for COr Instance has been n out of commission com commission mission for tor several eral years because she Ithe shele Is le It too expensive to run When the general board makes mak public Its re report report port Secretary Meyer Intends Intend to take the the matter up with Congress It Is too late to have ve the matter settled at this session but It Is one ORe that lit la 1 sure lIre to be put up ap to Congress next December De Df December cember Legislation will of ot count course be necessary for Cor the sale of any navy vessels ve lL In dl ng this subject sub ct Secretary Meyer eJer sat sal salI satI HI I believe It would bo a great saving Raving Ing of or money If f Congress es would authorize the te sale Ie of a great groat many of or our small vessels y yachts cruisers ote otc I find that the tb expenditure of or the appropriation appropriation for tor repairs which was made madet last t year Mr will show that a very ery small proportion goes for tor battleships and cruisers and that an enor enormous enormous proportion goes goeB for tugs yachts and small mall cruisers etc ute It seems to me mo Mr 11 Meyer con oon concluded concluded that It would be wi wise e for tor the department to have bave sale sal of ot vessels such as a had a few years ago whon whoa she courageously condemned alot a alot alot lot of or ships ship It Is 18 like a man who has the courage to go Into his hla park and cut out a good number of trees in order that the remainder can develop I We Yo must mut show bow some courage In approaching approaching ap approaching I this question and condemn a lot Jot of ot riffraff vessels on which we weare weare weare are lavishing money needlessly I 1 claim that tbt by b means of or this Inspection In inspection pee tion we shall hall be able to give Congress Congre B Information by which we can name a alist alist list lut of ot vessels of different types which should hould be disposed of I |