Show EMIGRATION WARD NARD TO TOLAY TOLAY TOLAY LAY CAPSTONE TODAY Youngest Ward in Liberty Stake Will Celebrate First Anniversary of Its Organization The Tile laying of ot the capstone for the new Dew assembly hall In Emigration ward the youngest ward of ef Liberty stake take of ot the Mormon churchwill will take place at this evening cel celebrating celebrating celebrating the first anniversary of ef the organization of tho the ward The new building Is built bunt to be later converted Into an amusement hall at the side aide of which will win be erected the meeting house boule But until that time services of or all an kinds will be hold held here The site Is on Tenth mast East street Just south of ot Seventh South street and on the cor corner corner corner ner tho the chapel will later stand The main auditorium will seat persons and is s equipped with a stage which can oan be added to tho the auditorium space making room for tor Pope Popo Burton are aro the architects and have made mode a most attractive design for the building In addition to the auditorium are six Sunday School Schoolrooms Schoolrooms rooms and a kitchen In the basement Bishop John has hoe arranged a grogram for tor tonight which will be as follows Hymn lImn by congregation Invocation Counselor c John O G Kelson anthem choir opening remarks remark Bishop John solo Sarah re report report report port of chairman of building commit committee tee ape and reading of ot articles to be de deposited deposited deposited posited In the capstone Counselor H 11 HB HII B II Folsom quartet quarte young oung ladles ladies ot of the ward ard laying of capstone ca stone anthem anthom choir quartet Pike Jenkins Jenkin Ashton tad ind nd Duncan of tho the ward address stake presidency anthem choir benediction Patriarch Joseph Warburton |