Show COUNCIL RATIFIES MONTHLY PAY ROLL City Solons Clean Up Business Because Many Will ViII Go Goto Goto Goto to Reno I GRANT TAX ABATEMENTS GIVE PERMISSION FOR FOB WEATHER ER BUREAU KIOSK Realizing that there tiler would bo b oe no mating of the Ua Salt Seit Lake city u week wk ae sees b made mad for transacting the business of ot Salt asit Lake at Reno Ro Hey ev the coun COHn council ell cil cleaned wp tip p Its 13 slate at a P mooting meUng Titer There were really roan two meeting o tk the first being called at 1118 1115 morning for fer forthe the passage of ef tha monthly payrolls and nd th the being beg eaU lIed 6 at 1117 1111 for tr of f partial estimates and such auch other ether business bises b aa as might before rore tile the met meet m a aTUf Till TUf TJ monthly payrolls amounted to and aDd they titer wet west through un under Under der ft suspension ef of the tile rule Partial estimates of tel for foraYIng paving aYIng ower water main maR and aRiI EWe we walk work amounting to 0 nearly nearl tM M H C CO 0 wee worn wore approved tb th final goIng to the for fer checking Then the tho tit took tok HP tip p routine b bt The Utah Light St Railway company v fly ent a ft ao no Ute tie after of f the tho council to t va vaca vacate v ca Ce cate El E loU v nth West street tr between t n th Ute the Bait Lake Route and aM Oregon Short tra If St th the ny would fur furnish nish n b fr t free power for tor th the operation of ot oft I ih t ti elevator OH OR the city sM old of oC the I Joint building This Thie was Wall referred to I Ithe th the Itt en Oft municipal law laWIt and the tho city elty attorney to draw up 1 p a proper contract J 1 t D Hanl y contract for newer extension No 27 woo was wa approved by request Thin Thle extension la I s known cown n Handy lid Fowler sewer In I 1 Second North rth street t from f Quince to Center Ctr street t and a the work will wilt he Ite done m Grant Tax The Tha application for tor a spur r franchise for the tho Oregon Short ort Line LaM to th ThA plant of the tho Tamers FarM Oral Orala Milling was wall hold heW up VP OR on the of 0 Councilman oana John Jolt HoI Hol Holl l Jy y who Mid d that It was wae apparent arat ht th the railroad ran wanted to build bund a ft In la front of private pr l property for the th tora of ears re rather rat thin than a ar r TIr ir track treek as a requested in Ia the application a tion Un Five Fhe re petitions tit for abatement of fewer wr taxes ux from residents t on n Cap P Ui hill wr were granted ranted on the of ot 0 the th etty efty dt attorney saying ha that in each eRch nce the t he property woo waa wa below U grade d of ot the sewer wr and the tho city elt Jid 0 no right to charge for tor rn nt could not DOt be he used oy bi the tho taxpayer It wan w understood how however ever cr that the property owners are aro to get rIght of ot way wa to t hI heck hack yard ard to tn other t t and thui connection are a made nd the t tar will Wilt b collected The Th petition of nC the tho United States tate hr bureau for permission to erect a kInk for the hP hl of ot weather In where they could be hO seen Ne Nethe Vv the wan wa w granted and the lr Ink k will win he hi located l a at t th thA corner of or and anet Main street SOY hv Tr place aeO of the t ho council wanted n t nt placed In nn on oear r rn r of or the t th city colt and county Ont ITI h i hut Mt t the government t of oC official in that tat the of ef the have It where h it could VIo k wa to Ix be II e en n bY bv The n petition of nf C the tit Continental Irl nr for per jn 1 11 on to construct from the th 11 T 00 11 k to U t the U Mo k OB on 11 the then the stipulation n rth wa wan wa with tion that the work wort he be und under r the t ion of ot the city etty engineer n U to In rt The n council d Another doe elec electric 11 1 n lIht ht to tf n b li placed t In th T nark rk Tier the he laV Rb thI n hein taken taka on n re ine f of nr the n hoard of nt perk rk cent m oner The Th ThC of or the nu Sugar Sar r Tou nh f r r M foot feet Of or fire fre bo h w nV RO r ore and the th city a reel to be ho oared ea for tor fort forb t b T the tho th uh who f 1 3 S p 71 r e An n eTT Jf a srn r ft for far haul Ing a load of or two n Mock will get no n license n n fl the th next n Mme he h at ftp afI t 1 Jf the of or to the jIP I council A report was waa received bv hy the tn n fl th tit the to tn the III effect hort He and ad l had h been bc n It w wall h n ted ThIs Th the appropriation a n U th Ih the on ew O w wu 1 referred to tn apportionment with a r roe to tim teU and nd at for f r an a Immediate ItT mediate |