Show I I American Fork Briefs J Special to The American Fork July 2 Alex Cun Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham the brick meson mason was pain painfully painfully painfully fully Injured yesterday by b a fall rail of or the tho scathed on n which he was working Some of or the boards broke and let him fall heavily to the ground fracturing three ribs The following persons left leCt here this morning for to witness the fight James Crystal Ira ChIpman and Alex Crystal Mrs airs Myra Mra Strong proprietress of ot the St Elmo hotel has sold out and will go to Salt Lake to take charge chargo of or oran an house bouse Thomas Binns Dinna Is very ory ill m at In the Fourth ward from typhoid fe fever fever fever ver Nearly all the miners working In American Fork canyon are down to spend the Fourth with their families |