Show I AT A T JEFFRIES CAMP CA MP I Jeffries Training Camp Moana Springs July Jul 3 Fishing and card playing were the only things to occupy py Jim Jeffries mind today From early oarl in the morning until he sat under the trees beside his cottage playing hearts and nd rejoicing in the misfortunes of his opponents Many people went out to to sr we him A line Une of curious visitors was strung along tho the fence that shuts the cottage lawn from tho the main grounds nfl all day They seemed to think Jeffries would do something but nobody hazarded a guess what it would bo be The card game gamo broko broke up and a stir sUr of expectancy passed the crowd Jeffries stepped step pod out the gate an automobile drew up before the tho gate and a few tew minutes later he was bound down tho the road bound on an evenings fishing up tho the Truckee river That waa was the sum total retal I of ot tho the excitement at the camp today Jeffries was waa in an extraordinarily good humor all day da Frank Gotch hi hl his former theatrical associate and firm friend spent the tho entire day with him The pair pall after several hours playing hearts were ahead about 52 U 2 each ench They pooled their interests and in invested Invested vested the fund at the tho roulette wheel across the road rondo As a result they the went back to the heart game with 14 and Jeffries JoffrIes was highly delighted with the outcome of their frenzied finance Many visitors of or Importance came out to the camp during the day and the challenger greeted them aU all very pleasantly Ho no was more snore interested in the card game gains than anything else however and turned back bock to it after alter altera a few words from each caller Gotch Phil Campbell the Reno trout catching expert eX ert and Jack accompanied Jeffries on the fishing trip The party went to Cala CaJa vada on the state line Une about twenty miles up in the hills west of ot the tho city When they returned thirty river trout were stowed in the bottom of or the tho car Jeffries proudly exhibited them to everybody who ho stepped up to the ma machine machino machine chine chino Thero There Is la a feeling of ot utter conJ confidence confidence dence denee among Jeffries camp following as to his ability to win on Monday Monda There arc are of course some somo differences of or opinion as to his method of or train training trainIng training ing but all are positive that hie his eon con condition is beyond boond question qU The boxers Corbett and are bemoaning the fact that the big fellow would not heed their urging to work with the gloves They believe bellevo that If Ie he be had boxed more he ho would have hayo boon been able to save himself from punishment In Inthe Inthe inthe the rin ring This however they con oon consider n neider sider eider a detail The result will be the same in any event they the declare dealer The strain of training days dA has hu told to some somo extent upon little Mrs Jef Jeffries Jaffries fries She spends her time hovering about her husband watching him and thinking of or him all the tho time Um whether ho is at work or at play Id prefer not to say anything about It said Mrs Jeffrie Jeffries today teta when asked for Cor an opinion on the e fight tight Im not interested in piles fighting but I am Interested In lii n my husbands welfare I believe he be will win win of course but I 1 do hope this will wm willbe willbe be his hla last fight Among Jeffries visitors today t w wore wo re automobile loads of or Th They y were piloted out to camp by Snot Sam SamI I Langford and camo came to wish the white whiteman b man success when ho clashes with Johnson |