Show HARNESS HORSEMEN HA HAVE V MEET MONDAY Salt Lake Driving Club Give Matinee at State Fair FairGrounds FairGrounds FairGrounds Grounds Lovers Lovera of harness racing will be given their inning Monday Mondy afternoon when the Salt Lake Driving club holds lu its first matinee at tho the state tate fair fairgrounds fairgrounds grounds L 1 lL IL Curtis president of the club and Secretary George O 0 Smith have rounded out all U details for tor a good afternoon The Tho three events named have bave filled with the best beat ma material tonal In the tile state and with the track In the good goed condition it is In now fast fasttime fasttIme fasttime time will be made The feature event will be the free tree trot or pace with a 1 purse bix starters Bartera will bore for tor the word toe the crack Queen Pamona l amona with a mark of ot tl who won the Arizona last year and baa has been a consistent performer in Utah with five other speedy ones onea John Weber Webers crack will not have hayo things hor own way and nd one of the best free freo ever seen In Utah Is la prom promised promIsed promIsed The 25 trot and pace and the 2 30 trot and pace have havo filled with well vell matched fields In the stand will be L I 1 H lL Curtis Curti A AJ AJ AJ J Shores and Rod MacKenzie James Jmes Devine will be the starter The card starts at Z 0 p Po m Secretary Smith has arranged for the fight returns be between between tween tw n heats The entries and owners are Queen Pamona lamona John Weber Salt Lake Black Thorns Thome H IL L 1 Fox Salt Lake ke ban Dan uan Z Charles Zel Zi Zelmer Zelmer mer Olden Ogden Alsina Henry Harker Mayflower Mrs III L I 1 M Erickson Brickson Salt Lake take Laura O IL Ira Taylorville Trot or Pace Harmonica John Ned N d Wilkes W H Woodring Chester S Spiers Bros Salt Lake Foxy Togo Spiers Bros Broil Salt tAke Lake Trot or Pace Ml o Bingo John Simpson Jimpson Bingham Alberta J A Awards Ed Edward wards ward Salt Sait Lake Telephone C 8 U Johnson Ogden osey L I 1 H if Howard Dan Livingston Salt Lake |