Show SALT LAKE ROT REALTY REAL TV I PRICES NOT HIGH Insurance State Statement Statement Statement ment Shows That Average Figures Are Reasonable MANY WAYS TO ESTIMATE EXPERTS ASCERTAIN VALUES OF OP RULES That the tho real estate prices In the tho business district of Salt Lake are arc net nt high in to proportion to the figures lI of other cities of the country countr of relatively the same ame else Is ms shown In a compiled complied statement recently r nth Issued by the Penn Mutual Life LU Insurance company Including In Including Including 36 15 C of or the tho largest cities In which the insurance company does business The Penn Pan Mutual holds mortgages mortgagee amounting to about 4 on bus busIn ln In mess s property throughout ut the county counter count and anel makes mak a of knowing the Ue varying conditions In each locality In the figures complied COlli plied it Is shown that the highest prices for Salt Lake realty In the business section Is le 2008 per front trent foot which taken on an average population of 1080 makes each front foot worth 3 for each residents of the Lb city The Tho same figures are quoted for Spokane but there are many than other cities eitle of the east and wet west which show how a larger price figured both upon the population and the price demanded for tor the property Besides this thill it must be remembered that men ion mo who purchase land In Salt BaIt Lake especially in the business die dis district are getting more for lor their mon money money money ey than In any ether city olty In to the coun country country country try For when they the are getting one foot of or ground that ono one foot loot runs back 16 feet or 10 rods rode In Inmost Inmost Inmost most cities olUes the depth would be scarce scarcely ly Iy 1 0 feet If II that much But Dut still the tile Insurance company Includes all of the lots lot ottIe regardless regard lOlls of 01 the depth of the Centers Center Develop There have been offers along Main street of more moro than 1000 for prop rop property erty orty and It Is said that as a much muc as a foot was offered for the Smith drug store stort corner GOmer Second South and Main streets street but that offer ofer was turned down As a rule the relative price of 01 busl bust flees 08 property gauged from the lation decreases as the th city grows e And this is explained in the fact tAN that as the olty spreads out more titan than one on real business center Is established for forone forone one thing And again as 8 a city caty grows grow Is there Here comes Om a time when a given price J about the maximum but the growth of lr the city may constantly go on The value of a piece of property from a abu business bu lne standpoint figured IB III out to toa toa toa a nicety through many man odd and ex exacting exacting exacting acting ways woys but there thoro IB Is always a limit to the price can oan go goThere goThere There have been been m many complaints heard lI now and then when business men menor menor menor or others othera are not feeling well that the thO th price of real estate o tate In Salt bait i tAke Lake Is 1 fir far too high both In the residence and anil an business portions It Is true that Is in I Iman inmany many man Instances where values have been placed upon property which appeared ap appeared eare ridiculous but which have haro been paid willingly later Four years ago the tho prices of or real estate e tate In the Business B district of Salt Lake off ore of or Main Mam street treet was ridiculously low But once this was forcibly brought home to the owners of or the property and business businessmen bu men there was a rush for this property as a far south as os EIghth South Mouth street and prices jumped lumped Into the air almost overnight As in the business district so 0 In the residence district Jn fn regard to prices There are men and women who think they should hould get a certain price for their property And the price they s set t may appear too high with the tho result that it is Is 18 left alone for years without being boing touched But as a rule business businessmen men who have studied the conditions throughout the tho country the prices In Salt Lake taken on a Q general scale seale are not too ton high and that there are fortunes to be made In the pur purchase purchase purchase chase and sale of 01 real estate In this city during the next few years as u there has hall been in the past |