Show I Some Powerful Po erful En forward in of Jm fr for t Salt ak A I i i iI I iI I I iI 0 r YI N r I r r N F c r 4 lJ Ji y a t ty tt tS f fj I j i i r rif if 14 J t j JIo w q y t i i t j 2 S t t k r S y i t te Group of Children O OB OIl the West Side Who Make the Railroad Tracks Tracts Their In the Shadow of the Church Child Playing With a Tin Spoon in th the e Hurry up Billy Said Nora Get Gat Across A ss Before the Train Comes Billys Oldest Brother Was Maimed for Lifo Life L o Stealing Ste g Rides Bides on the tho Cars Playground Refuse df of f tho the Street Corner of Main and Fourth South Streets r Aft A tail said Id Patsy aU ll 11 th the c j place pace pi i trot got to 10 iSy I n to him now salt said Mrs t c a big boy I Into you wands 11 k I play Whatever win will the Gt gentle ni imn n think k 7 1 h he two I f wo who were w Interested tee te III tei i i for few children smiled at lau fairy a aged d 7 1 who was jumping tr tracks In the railroad yard You Yo be at u hums vm my mv boy to said wul th thO ciL n who whit had bad hadr r rt fun fused 1 to contribute t th play n 1111 i ea e ly l morning walk wk on the west westI we I 1 U k wi was t to himself that his hie hi volition nii Us well taken and furnish him with wiM n rum nt with whit which to tom m met mt et tt tl tr i i t Mo far the ex fOX excursion Iun nn y 1 d r i tit t Men cn an uru success u 1 I l a 9 e was i distinct distinctly 1 I ly ann anni f c c cOf cC C Of f j cr u J 1 wf of u S 8 should I he ht Maid testily but In the ther r ji I h 11 n V h hn r re lu do d YU t U live lif livet t k 11 11 I k X 1 Ml 11 T 1 t l JJ t f fi tr r i L J t s 3 tle t tt r J JI Wt P r re rg rge g e A t Ste 3 rr C y rt rrt t r i t f n n n 11 1 nr er sit U 7 companion generously Ha He H was as one olle of or the tJ u a mamber m of or the Suit Salt Lake noel tion who knew Mew lie Its U eM better then than any anyone anyone bY one 0 else otoe and was beginning b to feel that H s substantial lon would be b the th result of 0 this mornings tramp It was Wall begun besun on Wednesday morn mom leg Jag of 0 lest last week at Main street and I Fourth South The enthusiast eat lut car carried carried r ried fed a camera ant and made his first t picture pic picture picture ture af of a baby b b who was wu upping dipping refuse rem from the street stroet into the U open sewer war with a small shall tin Un A Case Care of or Neglect Where Wheres that childs mother Asked the th t one They The stud studied studied led the Hie surrounding buildings the church clau with its Itc plasant lug III garden tho the the gro cory store opposite oPP none nono of those gave g O any sign that It Jt sheltered tho the little ones caretaker a n plain case eM of or neglect continued tho the speak spook speaker er r The uThe police ought to be noti notified f led fied fiedA ledA A playground might h ug Fug nJ K t f dIt I It woul woud 1 cr cco j v ti th chi ch l off the tho tt t 0 I vt Let t the n m other keep It off orr the t street n n gadding about wish wl h Tin o fl r of nf n n 0 1 v Me f fh the reason ro son so 80 many man have no to play pl They are not looked after His ros s grumbling continued well n Into tho the next block oro group a of five little UtU follows fellows loaned against a bill billboard billboard billboard board It was as fun to get their plo pic picture ture taken laken though they thoy tho had no Idea Idoa what it was for tor up tills un morning boys boos asked the play playgrounds pl playgrounds y grounds man said ono one of or them Aint doln damn in vacation except ox ept loaf lon lonIn in there was a ball ground around You will Iff havo a baseball field at Pioneer park in tho the now playgrounds you ou read about It In tho the pa papers papers pers pore asked a kod tho the enthusiast Shucks said Mid tho the boy There wont never nover bo be no playground They say my those rich guys wont give up any an money for tor It lL Us follows aint count countin in on that none but it would be groat great though The next picture was taken take n in to the middle of ot the tho street No ne could rould blame the half halt dozen n cyl c i 1 there th rr for tor they hid had ell 1 I Ii k i ka a beautiful br big sand pt ii ar ard anI 1 their the it own on dooryards iero ero desolate late and hereof here hereof of or enticements But Dut it looked dan dann n t e r 1 1 in r protested again that the mother or ortho orthe I tho the police pollee should put a stop to It i S Srun run an auto myself he said and children are an art Infernal nuisance playing in the streets Leuven Begins to Work ork It looked like a good argument for forthe the tho playgrounds but the leaven le ven was allowed to work without discussion Boys Bo shying stones at billboards others playing ball ban In hi the tho street a group sitting with their feet toot In the ditch outside a grocery store ron foil game gamo to tho the artists camera Upon being questioned tho the children ox ex expressed pressed pr disbelief that anything so 80 fine tine as ls a real teal playground would over overcome overcome come como their way VB If Ie it did they hoped It would have swings and teeterboards and an open place pIneo for games gam gamIn In a single block Immediately south of or Pioneer park thirteen children wore ore counted playing or in inthe Inthe inthe the streets The cit citizen citIzen citizen izen examined the houses houpes In tho the neighborhood for proof that they th Y would be bo bitter bUrr off orr at home homr and thought ho he had lead found it as the door dooryards dooryards yards are aro neat and attractive But It was learned that the stragglers came from houses In the tho alleys where n t e Sure Suro wo we play Inthe In Inthe the said saida a boy bo shooting craps amps In an allay allf way Folks aint a up no lawns for us and our orand wont bo boo built this season Its me for tho the play playground ph phI I ground you OU bet when whon wo we gets it IL ILI I Say do youse think come through with the tho money Tho The playgrounds man was sure and the citizen sold said there thero certainly would be funds if It it Jt was thought best to go on with the tho project Dont they make you OU sick now sold said the boy bo If Ir Its Ws best Why If It ono of them thorn came over here wed put him wise Did you hear about my brother Sam that got his leg cut off on cars in inthe Inthe Inthe the yards Ma said we but Sammie got away one day He wont never be any good again The tracks were tho the roar real object of or orthe the walk Hot and dusty they the did not seem scorn to offer orter any inducement for tor children to play pIny there th r but every few rods youngsters were found Cound walking the tho rails rolls or chasing ca each h other through the th yards One Ono old switch switchman switchman man said it was Vas impossible to keep them awn away There aint no other othe r place for them around here and tho the little devils la Is thick as S bees They The get got but I cant canOt help It The city ought to todo toI todo I do something I A Mother A mother with a baby in her hor arms the tile yards to LO search in some box cars on a siding She lost a kid a year ear ago He fell foil under the cars cr She gets near crazy eray if I her boys bo play pley around here now Johnnies over oer there Mrs Johnson JOhn o ohe he called Just watch her cuff cute him for playing on the tracks Johnnies screams lingered on the tho theair I air all until the next crossing oro ing was reached reach d Of course said the citi clU citizen citizen clUzen zen the city should put a stop to children playing here or in the streets If It I thought the playground you want so much would accomplish h that object I would gladly contribute to It 1 Almost Almas converted he upon Patsy and Mrs OGrady who ox ex explained that the tho childs mother was too ill m to look after him properly Xo No o ther not hard up for things to eat but Its Pat Paty y worries the life Ufe out of or her He Hp must be bl out play playing ng and sV sn alt at t got nobody to watch him Do you think he would go to a public playground asked ed the tho almost Sure smiled Mrs Irs OGrady Its If It the thing us mothers is pray In for t r But Dut it aint to be bo had for forthe forthe forthe the and they say it will tako take that much to fix Ix it up right Its too I much money for the For the children said MId tho the citi citizen citizen citizen zen somebody might give ghe at least that much Ill send a check for my share to your secretary he said to tho the enthusiast in parting with a warm handshake This has been an ex expensive expensive pensive trip but it was worth the themon money mon This is tho the true story of or a trip taken in the Interests of oC the Salt Lake Playgrounds association aS Its ef effect effect t upon a man who had stoutly dis dia discountenanced countenanced cl tho idea of or public play playgrounds playground playgrounds grounds ground is worthy of oC note Ho Her learned that there are thousands or of f Salt Lakes little wards who aro are forced Into the streets for want of or a 0 suitable place to play pia The west side aldo with its humble homos homes and railroad tracks is In special need and tho the plans of or the tho directors of the association association tion lion to utilize part of or Pioneer tr park for tor a public playgroup playground 1 will wll soon sCIon bear br nr fruit The children may cont confidently confidently dently export expect the tho place to be bo opened I to them in the tho not very distant f tu in u |