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Show r e""' o w m- -t' TTVTTT -r- Local News Features Section -ir Ti't'l yrYTit'Y T "r--yy alt afo Sfilmne fvwv yyrrTrT'rTyf st t Wrwr't w yf-r- r ' y wvtt ww w te v" o Leader TV Fare, Page G8 Comics B Obvious Political Aim On Grand Jury Issue By Ulark.Lobb Tribune Staff Writer What rapidly is becoming Salt Lake Countys $64 question-w- ill there be a grand jury to investigate alleged irregularities in county government? remained unanswered Thursday. But an investigation by the Salt Lake County Attorneys Office continued at a busy pace and additional political thrust and parry ... were injected. ft Disruptive of Our Legal Process Wayne L. Black, Salt Lake County Democratic chairman, called a special news conference Thursday morning to read a statement challenging a Republican charge Wednesday that file county attorney investigation merely is a coverup of the need for a grand jury. This charge was made by Arden B. Engebretsen, GOP county chairman. For the chairman of the Republican Party to inject his obviously political viewpoint into this matter at a time when the seven judges of the Third Judicial District Court are carefully considering all matters pertaining to the advisability of a grand jury is disruptive of our legal process, Mr. Black replied. It can be nothing more nor less than an unworthy effort to influence our judicial officers in arriving at their decision. - Duty as Citizen to Present Evidence The seven judges will meet Friday noon in the courtroom of Thelma F. Davis . . . Train Judge Merrill C. Faux, presiding judge, to hear witnesses and pupils to use their talents. possibly to decide whether grand jury is necessary. Mr. Black continued: If Mr. Engebretsen, or anyone else has any evidence of 1 violation, either by Republicans or Democrats, whether in office This cougar kitten, one of three new ones at Hogle Zoological Gardens, is One fallow deer seems to be saying, Lets kiss and make up, to another or out of office, he owes a duty not so sure he likes having his picture taken. He will get used to the idea. of animals. The official opening of zoo is planned for this Saturday. as a citizen to present this evidence to the Salt Lake County Attorneys Office or to the preciety in which he will live as an By William F. Smiley siding judge of the Third Judiadult Editor Tribune Education cial District Court. A first grade teacher herself, On the other hand, if all he Mrs. I teach a child, said The Georgia Peach was prinhas is vague rumor and speculaThelma F. Davis, of Griffin, cipal speaker Thursday at the tion, he should keep his mouth of the National opening session of the Southshut and leave these decisions to Ga., president Education Assn. Department of west Regional Conference of the those who are attempting to no question about whats new of the new displays and addi- plus a number of bantam roostBy Stan Bowman Teachers. Department of Classroom make a judicious decision con- Classroom tions. ers and hens. at Hogle Zoological Gardens. Tribune Staff Writer I want to give him the kind Teachers at Hotel Utah. , cerning these matters. And the animals have a few In fact, after official opening Now being built and probof education that will enable At 2 p.m., when the first sesPeople are always asking: Saturday, even the animals will surprises of their own. Not on Innuendoes ably ready for occupancy by him to utilize all his natural sion began, 495 teachers had Whats new at the zoo? have to look out for construcSix More Dingos is the new Zebra An Olympus High School sen- The county Democratic chief ents and acquired abilities. I registered for the conference But this year, there w ill be tion workers still finishing some For example, the Dingo wild pddock, eompletethatouse ior, Dennis E- - jacksorii with a then praised County Attorney want him to have a firm founda- from Arizona, California, Colorathem for electrically of 95.83 per cent, won the Grover A. Giles for his promise tion in the basic areas of leamdogs from Australia have a famNew Mexdo, Hawaii, Nevada, 1965 state high school mathemato investigate any and all ing. ily of six cute pups in the main during the cool weather. ; ico and Utah. tics contest of the Utah Acade- - charges and to issue complaints I want him prepared to be a building. More Concessions They were welcomed by RobThe river otters, temporarily A new concession stand Is my of Sciences, Arts and Let- where law violation is discov- contributing member of the so- - ert T. Kreuger, president of housed in on Monkey Island, will ered. Utah Education Assn. being completed at the zoo com- ters, Junior Divison. soon be moved to a new disHis (Mr. Giles) statement His brother, Richard A. Jack-son- , and hospital to complemissary Moderates Panel water with also slide, no in a student at Olympus, remains unchallenged that play, complete ment the picnic area and tables Nothing Serious was top sophomore, Mrs. Jean such complaints have been just west of the main conces- finished last year. Ella Forman, president of J. Pedersen of the University of made. . . . Mr. Black said. CAR BABIES: A recent col- - said they wouldnt last three sion stand. the Arizona Department of Utah Mathematics Department, The Democratic Party reafumn asked out loud if anybody months!) Where Are Seals? Classroom Teachers, presided at contest chairman, announced firms its confidence in the counin Utah had been born in a taxi-- ; the session and was moderator MR. CANNALTE recalls that to be the will that Adjacent Thursday. ty attorney and our seven cab. No luck as of a panel on the local associain the old days, air line stewar- new harbor seal display which judges and will support them Meet the Parents tions place in the improvement desses not only had to give pills, will be opened as soon as seals yet . . . unstintingly in any decision they of instructional services. PanelBut I did hear punch pillows, smile at the pas- - ordered have arrived, "accord are sons the of Mr. and make. They ists were Marian Cochran of from Mrs. sengers and make everyone feel ing to LaMar Farnsworth, zoo Mrs. Dorsol B. Jackson, 1927 If the court decides to call a Salt Lake City Lines was New Mexico and Donald M. NelNation of safe, but they also had to unload director. Dr. (4275 Longview South). grand jury, we are confident it granted permission Thursday by There are sets of possums and South Salt Lake. the baggage. Bunched in second, .third and will be on the basis of properly the Utah Public Service Com- son, Colorado. now in the zoo cats tailed of The for United her ring manual first Two fourth places with identical assembled information and not mission to abolish tokens and They agreed the role of the association was to initiate curriAir Line stewardesses, issued on hospital which will be put on scores of 93.75 per cent were on the basis of innuendoes of a weekly passes but was warned culum May 15, 1930, carried a complete display at the childrens zoo changes, to support imRonald Calton- - Highland highly Jack rate further it should not seek partisan Republican poliROOSEVELT A Roosevelt of Instruction, to proset of instructions for the girls, when it opens May 30. provement Phil Lo; Howard Dittmer, in the next several hikes tician. And by that time, zoo officials dmry farmer and father of six High test where proposed changes did including this order: Monson and Glade gan High years. feel, there will be one or more Thursday was shot to death Provo Meets Questions not fit the needs of the children High. IT IS THE duty of all stewThe change, fourth in five or achieve their Intended blessed events in the burro near here in the climax of what his After purprepared reading Sharing fifth, sixth, and sevardesses to keep passengers family for the childrens zoo. into to police said was an argument enth places, with a percentage statement, Mr. Black asked for years for City Lines, goes and poses, supplement the front seat of a car in North from throwing cigar butts out of effect Sunday. However, all tokwith another rancher. Bird Bridges score of 91.66. were Stephen Ron questions. The first query conchanges with proposals from inCarolina. the plane windows! ens are to be honored until April dividuals in the identiof Sheriff George Marett affiliation the cerned To N. Alan the political teaching field. Cummings, bring visiting Olympus; public now Another daughter, Erin, 30 and be redeemed at cash AROUND AND ABOUT: The closer to the birds, two bridges fied the victim as Russell Rob Davis, Logan and Stephen Alan Delmar L. (Swede) Larson, Salt Should Be Consulted three months old, was born in date. Lake County sheriffs chief cri- value after that breaks nine dishes have been built spanning the inson, about 50, of Ioka, a small Edens, Skyline, the back seat of an automobile3 on We the front line, we are minal deputy, assigned to the about five miles Fare Changes (Shucks, Elaine will waterfowl pond to the island and community in front of Cottonwood Hospital !a yaar1,248 Entrants and their know the children of office south m as a a to here. then break that many the penguin building, county attorneys Saturday - The PSC order raises the There were 1,248 entrants in and we know our profesto probe runeeds, Remember back to the good night fight!) . . . Heres good Visitors can now actually be investigator special Sheriff Notified the contest, conducted in eight mors of straight fare rates on childrens news for you veterans who, among the ducks, geese and old days when, if a teen-age- r laxity and irregulari- fare from 10 to 15 cents. Adults sion well enough to be able to in the state, Mrs. Peder- ties. centers RobinMr. Sheriff said Marett effects of proposed went into the garage, he came served as enlisted men in the swans will pay 25 cents and students 15 judge sen said. Only 257 competed in sons was discovered after been Mr. Mrs. Forman said. I have advised body that Three are recent a reveals out with the lawnmower? changes, young cougars study Army cents. 1963. See Page B-Column 6 Therefore we should be conthat former Army officers are being kept in a separate display his office received a call that H. M. Selander, City Lines sulted at all HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Donald, until they are old enough to the victim was dead in his truck Average score for all contesstages of curricuC. Cannalte, the United Air civThanw7Wf0mer" enlisted join the nine presently in the near the junction of the Ioka tants was 47.92 per cent. Scores general manager, said the fare lum development. 6 Lines man, is all aglow these men! . . . The adjustments are necessary to The teachers had a special highway and U.S. Highway 40. were computed on the basis of average U.S. Cit- big cougar cage. support present services. Officers at the scene found the the number right minus days. He's getting ready to cele- izen walks about 65,000 miles And the fallow deer have even treat Thursday evening, with And we feel the public preof the number wrong, brate the 35th birthday of the during a lifetime. (Unless, of a bigger family this year than victim had been shot. the Tabernacle Choir providing -fers a small fare hike than a re- a 8ir line stewardess. Late Thursday Sheriff Marett converted to a percentage. course, you happen to live in Al- - as wdl more than 25 (at last private concert for them in he duction of our services, was questioning a man in The top 26 students will recount) in the paddock. That's right, the pretty girls abama!) the Tabernacle. The choir sung said. There are between 10 and 15 Roosevelt City Jail concerning ceive awards, including acadewith the snappy uniforms have four numbers for the teachers TOO LATE for this legis-- i ITS '' of certificates my The Commission order warned from their Worlds Fair merit, pins the fatal the 35 peacocks roaming shooting. been riding the clouds for grounds, reperand scholarships, April 17 at lature, but it may be .a good Inclement was (he word City Lines that if the manage- toire. years. (When they were first in idea two Utah now from State University. for weather over the Inter- ment cannot cope with the probtroduced, cyncical old pilots Howard L. years Continues Friday Timson, 1427 Wilson mountain Region Thursday-fro- lems of operating a small tranWill Be Cited a be Ave., suggests The conference will continue plug Idaho to southern Utah sportation system without reprinted Teachers of the top four j on Utah license plates for our and from Nevada into Colora- sorting again to higher fares, Friday with state breakfasts at George Barton, D. B. Kelly, do. skiing. then perhaps the management 7:30 a.m. and general sessions Thomas and Rudolph R. Harry Afternoon temperatures should make room for others at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. At 2 p.m., Something like. Ski Utah Reese, 'respectively also will from the 20s into the who might be more successful. groups will discuss the same ranged or World's Greatest receive academy certificates. 40s Special to The Tribune and was there continuaa subject Thursdays panelists disSnow. Further Orders The Logan winner, Alan N. tion of cussed. snow flurries in AMERICAN FORK The spotty He also suggests that inasDavis, also was the top junior The PSC order also requires At 9:30 p.m. a special areas. Utah Highway Patrol reported valley student in the contest. much as Utah has fine of the Somewhat heavier snowfall the firm not to pay any stock film of President Johnsons early Friday that a pedestrian Winners at each of the eight was in ski resort ar- dividends, except with written audience with 225 NEA memwas killed when struck by a worlds largest copper mines, reported regional centers were: Brigham eas lane of that our car plates be made car in the south-boun- d along the Wasatch Front, approval; not to sell or lease bers will be shown In the Junior of out do Young What University, Mr. Monson, with from an inch to eight any of its properties or buildings Ballroom. copper. you Interstate Highway 15 midway Provo; College of Eastern Utah, inches of new snow without PSC approval, and to ' Speaker at the 9 a.m. session between here and Orem. The think? reported. Gerald Edward Hyde, Monticel-lo- ; Roads its operating figures and will be Dr. G. Wesley Sowards. report rethe area victim was identified as Turk throughout TODAYS VALENTINE College of Southern Utah. mained miles traveled Stanford University professor of monthly. with wet but clear, Oberhansley, Spanish Fork. Glenn L. Nielsen. Cedar High; Richard Wong did the right The order signed by Hal S. education. At a noon luncheon In spots. Dixie College, John Douglas thing the other day . . . and Weather will be similar Fri- Bennett, PSC chairman, the Empire Room, Ronald CarlSchmutz, Dixie High. gets Todays Valentine. over the region, but with stressed that a reduction in son, president-elec- t of the Naday Snow college, Ronald R. Hare, Mr. Wong, services was not the answer to tional Council of Urban Educasome slight warming. B-who works at See Page Column S the lines financial difficulities. tion Associations, will speak. Hercules Powder 1 rv, was skiing a recent v ii t lT'" r- Teachers Hear Call To Foster Talents- - Hogle Gales Open' Saturday S.LStudents Top State Whats New at the Zoo? Just About Everything t Math Tests mid-sprin- g ''""sfore Dan Valentine's S.L. Bus Line Wins Fare, Boost No. 4 Father of Six Shot Dead In Argument Bo-bet- j - , ' Snowfall Spots Most of Area one-four- Its Chilly, Too m Bulletin - ... .... 6, .dr. Promotion Days Ahead for Shoppers Z 1 p-weekend. ping down the is . hillside, he spotte da wallet. It Was full . . . full with about $160 worth of currency and an identification card belonging to the ' owner. Mr. Wong called the owner of the wallet It was William Bueh-le- r of Clearfield. Mr. Buehler was very happy to hear about So happy, in fact that when he came to pick up the wallet he also brought Mr. Wong five pounds of ham and some steaks. Mr. Buehler operates a wholesale meat establishment I always find it a pleasure to give a Valentine to a rtidn who 1 is honest because he wants to be 4 not because he has to be . . . 10 and a Valentine to you, Richard ' .. Wong. Members of the Salt Lake City Retail Merchants Assn. Thursday drew up a long list of promotion ideas to stimulate downtown shopping during the coming year. Meeting at the Hotel New-hous- it MILLARD COUNTY To March 26, 1965 To March 26, 1964 All of 1964 ; See Story, Page B-- 4 i - e, they presented plans for sales campaigns covering major holidays, the four seasons and whatever is left in between. - Mr. Bentley and .the committee suggested the association members adorn display windows with yellow daffodils to School Carnival for the chil- dren in August, a special welcome for the October LDS conference, and & downtown ski spectacular. in the same month. t Among the sales campaigns slated during coming months are the Downtown Dollar Downtown Days, June Million Dollar Clearance, July Back to School Dollar Annual Fall DaysrAug. sales during the three-da- y campaign. Also suggested were promotions in May commemorating Mothers Day on the ninth, and Downtown Vacation Value Days, running from May 1 Baseball, Too But more than sales "campaigns will be presented by Kick-Of- f Values, Sept. 24-the association this year, the' Greater Downtown Days, Oct. chairman pointed out ExtraDowntown Moonlight Sale, curricular Oct. 27 ; Downtown Days, Nov. promotions include a Salt Lake City ChamDowntown Year End ber of Commerce night at Clean-UDec. 27; Downtown Derks Field in May, a Back January Clearance Jan. 21-2- 11-1- 16-1- Days ' Wayne Bentley, chairman of the associations .promotion committee, submitted a list of more than two dozen promotion ideas, the first opening the annual Spring April 1 Downtown Days. Spring Elliott M. Wolfe, president. Downtown Retail Merchants Assn, and Wayne Bentley, promotion chairman, present sales plans. 19-2- 7-- 12-1- 13-1- 1966 and file Downtown Whitt Elephafit Days, Jan. 21-2- 1966. Street Lights Also among the promotions, but with dates to, be set later, are dedication ceremonies for the new State Street and Broadway street lights and the opening of the new George T. Hansen Planetarium, In the old city library building. , The annual Salt Lake City Jaycee Christmas Parade on Nov. 26, tiie day after Thanksgiving Day, was set as the opening date for the opening of Christmas shopping by file merchants; . . ... . |