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Show ' Sister Suzie By Fred Francis' - n - WASHINGTON (AP) MisWhile Democratic chairsissippi Sen. James 0. Eastland man of the Senate Judiciary said Thursday that President Committee assailed the bill as Johnsons verting rights bill was helneus and oppressive, advodeliberately designed to exclude cates erf broader legislation Texas. urged Congress to write more Eastland cited Mr. Johnsons sweeping voting rights guaranhome state in arguing that the tees. fashioned administration the We want to protect, in every measure to exempt all but the possible way, the right of every states they wanted to put the single adult American to vote in knife in. Presi every election, AFL-CI- DOWNTOWN Solon Raps Education Bill; 11 Utah Areas Excluded He said this meant that 11 Utah counties, even though ecois con- many of them are hard-hi- t rence J. Burton cerned over the failure of tiie nomically, cannot qualify for a d ministrations aid. Lau- education bill to provide funds for school districts in sparsely populated counties. 6-pa- In the committee the Mississippi senator asked Katzenbach whether he discussed with Deputy Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark as should not be included, but tie did not discuss it with you? asked Eastland. He did not discuss it with me, Katzenbach said. PanAm Strike Eyed NEW YORK (AP) - Pan American World Airways pilots will strike next Thursday at 7 p.m. unless a contract dispute is settled by that time, a union spokesman said Thursday. TAKE A LOOK! Take a Coed Look Hera's , i.w.lry stora. Quality, atyla, aaloctioa, prici, valuo all hard muii ral SEI DICK IENNION BENNION'S BOYD PARK 1M South Mala a EMpIro Your Diamond Htadquarttrt COTTONWOOD ge cover story on the mormon city at great salt lake Bennett Asks Braceros on Utah Farms the During Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach. Then Eastland made his charge on the Senate floor. the reasons for skipping Texas, dark, the son of Supreme Court Justice Tom C. dark, comes from Texas. I dont recollect any such eonverstaion and I dont believe there was any such conversa. tion, Katzenbach replied. There was no scheme to eliminate Texas or to keep Texas out of this biU. Your deputy attorney general discussed at length why Tex glory with us in this color exciting 1 Tribune Washington Bureau e p. dent George Meany told a House . Judiciary Subcommittee. Eastland talked about Texas as his Judiciary Committee spent a third day questioning 3 was it Jack "Who was president after Hoover? Er Dempsey? WASHINGTON- -R The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, March 26, 1963 Vote Bill Slaps Texas, Senator Charges House debate on the measure, Mr. Burton disclosed that Burton cause 0f an arbiTribune Washington Bureau trary cut-of- f figure there would WASHINGTON-S-en. Wallace be 11 rural Utah counties ex- F. Bennett appealed cluded from qualifying for fedThursday to Secretary of Labor eral funds. He identified them W. Willard Wirtz be-Re- as Beaver, Daggett, Garfield, Grand, Kane, Morgan, Piute, Rich, Summitt, Wasatch and to eral aid program are recently classified as economically distressed by the Department of Labor, said Mr. Burton. counties so his against the use of Mexican workers to alleviate help farm labor prob lems in the west. Wayne. "A number of the Utah counties that would arbitrarily be denied participation in this fed- The modify stand Assurance should be given to Utahs farm- ers that classified neces- - Sen. Bennett sary farm labor have suffered from chronic unwill be available, he wrote the of loss and gradual employment secretary. In addition, Utahns population. feel that you should modiWhen viewed In terms of and I stand against the use of fy your need, which should in my judgwhen bonafide emlabor ment, be the overiding criteria foreign agencies certify that ployment of is this sort ap,on which aid is not available. labor domestic portioned, the small, depressed counties are certainly entitled to Change on Crops full consideration and equal Sen. Bennett said he had been ' treatment. advised by Utah farmers that, The administration bill, acnot plant crops this may they cording to Mr. Burton, provides which require large amyear less counties ,no aid for having ounts of hand labor. than 100 children from families If they do not plant these less income of an annual having crops, the canneries in Utah and than $2,000. the West will not be able to run this fall, compounding the problem, he said. 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MAIL COPIES OF SUNSET TO FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OUT OF TOWN In attractive, exclusive mailing envelope . sent anywhere in the U.S.A. including postage only 50c each. I I City, Utah 841M Plaas send April Sunset Magazln. to name, on list attached. ZCMI P.O. Box 1229 Salt Lak fa A particularly intrigue-- , ing view of our state ccrpi-to-l threugh the beautiful Eagle Gate is another pictorial feature of the Sunset article. GARDEN - 550 South 6th -- copies fa Photo, reprinted from Sunret Magenta. Lan. Magazln. Com-anr 50c , List nam.s and address, oo reparat. Charot v ach including postage State-- - a ft East $065 West 3500 South in Granger c . . Zip. ahL r JUmtitane v noloi4 I I I |