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Show t fyynnr w y ywr orr n r wrt Tn'r yrT nnrTYT rry -- tr rrrnry t7- r - yr-w- y vr 1 8ryr- - iTrtrrrrr rrr r nnn tt v m The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, March 28, 1965 2D Utahs Chief Fills Tax SUGAR HOUSE STORE stojpeside parking a any time!! Board Post Ransom Quinn, Ogden businessman, Thursday was appointed, to the State Tax Commission by Gov. Calvin L. Rampton. Mr. Quinn, associated with an Ogden automobile dealership, will succeed Arias B. Belnap, who is retiring. During the session of the Legislature Gov. Rampton appointed Bruce T. Jenkins, Weber County assessor, to tite post and he was confirmed by the Senate. Mr. Jenkins subsequently declined the appointment. Mr. Quinn, a Democratic appointee to the bipartisan commission, was appointed to a Malt Anderson . . . Wins Utah term starting April 10 and endFFA speech contest Thursday. ing March 1, 1969. Lists Appointees Speaker Kay Allen of the Utah House of Representatives Thursday announced his appointments the to two study groups Little Hoover Commission and the State Legislative Bear Rivers Wins FFA Contest Council. To the Little Hoover Commission, which jvill study organization and operation of the executive branch of state gov- emment, Speaker Allen named himself. Rep. Ray Harding Lake) ; Evan H. Mickelson, Salina businessman and member of the 1961 House, and Har- A Bear River High School sen- ior won first place In the speecF contest that kicked off the 37th annual convention of the Utah Association of Future Fanners of America Thursday night. Mark Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max H. Anderson, old H. Smith, Heber City merBear River City, spoke on chant. Completes Roster Youth, the Foundation of AgriThis completed the roster of culture, commission, the Speaking in the Sate Office the Building Auditorium, he said, other eight members having alEducation, research and in- ready been appointed by Senate 1 ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY SAVE THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! shoe buys a : : : ! WOMEN'S SLIPPERS QUILTED WORK 0 t Assorted tyle and colon In warm and comfortabla clip- pan. Broken sizes 4 to 10. 38 only. SUOAR HOUSi-MA- SUOAR A WOMEN'S & Fran Fantastic savingsl Wanted colon and itylei. 70 only. fKOO Hurryl These will go fast. Jbnly " $15: style 3. FLOOR IN HOUSE-MA- Special Savings! Plaids styles. zip-o- and plains. Regular and longs. SUGAR HOUSE-MA- bOO SUGAR HOUSE-MA- Stock IN 6 Vi to 11 repellent. Hurryl doth or flannel pajamas. Comfortable styles. Sizes DRESS SHOES only. - SUOAR HOUSE-MA- 388 BOYS' FLOOR IN onlyl Long-wearin- soles, g quality leather uppers. Hurry while they last! 75 pair only. SUGAR HOUSI-MA- cotton flannel Machine-washabl- e in warm and comfort SUGAR HOUSE - FLOOR IN MAIN FLOOR MEN'S COTTON University Assorted spring colors. right styles. Sizes 5 to 9 AA & ft widths. Drastically reduced! 47 pairs. HOUSE-MA- Fashion j0Q V&0 BOYS' SHIRTS & PJs CASUAL SLACKS Special Savingsl DRESS HEELS grad styling in popu- lar colors. Long-weing scotchgard finish fabric. Broken siijs. 70 pair. SUGAR HOUSE-MA- nQO OO FLOOR Quality knit shirt itylei and colors. cotton pajamai in auorted itylei end printi. SUGAR Warm end comfortable tops and drawers in thermal fabric. Broken sizes HOUSE-MA- (t M 1 IN for and BAN10N FLOOR HOUSE-MA- IN priced famous In all weal J HOUSE-MA- IN label FLOOR bet- 2J1 HOUSI-MA- IN HOUSE-MA- 5 IN FLOOR IN Easy care fiberglass In decorator colon. Buy eeveral pair at thli law, low price. AM C 47x36 or 45 long. M K Lorga size scarfs tn assorted colors and patterns. Stock up now at this low, M low price! Hurry Mm only 60. for SUGAR HOUSE-MA- FLOOE IN BATHINETTES DRAPERY LINING Fantastic savings an these quality built bathinettes. in- Adjustable, lent. Hurry! only at this low pricel Quality lining to enhance drapes. Sun resistant. 48 wide. Terrific valuel SWEATERS Assorted solids cardigan or and stripes tn slipover styles. in yd. TIER VALANCE SET Cheeia from imart decorator fab- floor Horry, only 50 leti. REDUCED TO CLEAR at Much higher priced blanket! big eavingt. Auorted fabric! and colon. Mochiire-waihabl25 HOUSI-MA- IN plastic assorted 1 QQ 7r BABYS' yd. SUOAB Beautiful print! In bettor quality euper abiorbent towels. 300 only ;r 277' BATH MAT BUYS! Mlity pattern bath mats with non. tkid back. Thick absorbent 1 44 I Ferry. 25 only FLOOR rainwear. $ Broken sizes, styles. 12 only. 50 only. PRINTED TOWELS SPECIAL! WASHCLOTHS Galaxy pattern check wash cloths. Extra thick and absorb-ant: Stack up nowl SUGAR The newest fashion crazel Smart prints to enhanca your outfit. Durable vinyl fabric. Choose several new. 1 88 I - HOUSE-MA- FLOOR IN . J INFANTS' CARRY-AL- L Plastic model with padded seat and colorful beads. Sturdy con--- $ struction. Hurry, only 12. INFANTS' HIGH CHAIR Maple finish In durable hardwood. A terrific buy at this low $ price. 4 only. Q $4 f SUGAR Choosa from weekenders, beauty eases. Pullmans and full size at one lew pricel Asserted colors In dufr able finish. SUGAR HOUSE-MA- $6 FLOOR IN 99 SUOAR O' 88 NOTIONS BUYS! selection of notions. Tom ter covert, razor blades, thread, dolls, Big coaitori and many more. . 4) 4eo. Mm PENNEY'S SUGAR HOUSE HOUSE-MA- FLOOR IN ASSTD. CANDY . SPECIAL! Fresh and tasty candy the entire family will enjoy. Chaos, from delicious dollar mints er chocolate covered poo-n- ut clusters. SUGAR HOUSE-MA- IN HOUSE RALCONY T" JACKET, SKIRT and PANTS SETS! Doublt breasted style in popular sport suits. Slim tapsred slacks, tailored skirt and long s I s e v jackst. , 100 wool. SUOAR Easy-ca- r, O Full or twin size. Machine- wash. 42 only. Big laving! an quality itretch slacks. Petits or average in assorted styles and colors. ON LUGGAGE! Short flouvM and short legs In snap $ crotch style, pretty pastels, to 2. Sizes CRAWL-AB0UT- S Machine-washab- CLOSE-OU- MISSES' SLACKS Only from. SPECIAL BUY SPECIAL! WOMEN'S far 39,:65 C PURSE SETS your 8A4 Aftft house-ma- WOMEN'S CAPS REDUCED! Reduced to dear! Assorted stylet and fabrics. Popular d) for$1I Mo colors. 200 only SAVE! WOMEN'S tically reduced to fast. Hurryl 8UOAR HOUSI DOWNSTAIRS BETTER SPREADS Cheat from thermal, quilts, br throws In prints and spDdt. OSS Full or twin. 36 only CHENILLE SPREADS Tufted chenille tn decorator colors. ! Choose from wools or dacron cotton in pretty pastel shades. ForNewest styles. much merly higher pricedl Broken sizes. I STRETCH CREEPERS CLEAN-UP- WOMEN'S JUMPERS! SUGAR MEN'S WINTER MEN'S SOCK BALCONY HOUSE WOOLS! SYNTHETICS! WOMEN'S 100 broadcloth or blend fabrics In shift gowns or llstp shirts. Assert, ed colors I, prints and solids. Reduced to dsart Buy eeveral ot big eavingsl Warm and comfo r t a b I a Action-fre- e comfort plus sleek fit in cotton gabardine stretch fabric. Choose from a host of colors in solids and plaids. Sizes 8 to 18. NYLON SCARFS DRAPERIES FLOOR HOUSE-MA- Skirts SUGAR Reduced to dear I Beautiful 100 mohair shrugs In newest styles and colors. Sizes 25 to choose from. SUGAR 177,077 Shorts FASHIONS PINCH PLEATED 99 fabrics. 80 only. charge it at 4 w W yd. WOMEN'S SHRUG SLEEPWEAR FLOOR styles In FLOOR FLOOR IN Quality fabrlt In white only with ' gold trim. Uving room size. 3 only. IN GIRLS' SLIPPERS SUOAR $h$3 LAMP SHADES 187 HOUSE-MA- e, $0 SUOAR HOUSI-MA- eotton in asserted stylet and colors. Sizes V4 to 1. . Sizes SUOAR end colors In comfortable slippers. Mo 25 pair only time low price Broken sizes. Jamaica Broken sizes. g Fantastic cavings an men's tor sport shirts. jac or regular styles STRETCH FABRICS! Save now on tlightly toiled foundation.. Various styles in girdlts or bras. A Handy utility towels you'll find " many uses for. Quality $1 cotton terry. for low $1 Woman's Sportswear FLOOR IN FOUNDATIONS J GIRLS' RAIN COATS SHIRT RIOT! Long-weari- Assorted HOUSI-MA- SAVE! WOMEN'S RAYON PILE RUGS INFANTS' BLANKETS MEN'S SPORT BIO VALUE! SUOAR ALL PURPOSE TOWELS Quality cotton and dec rotor prints. 600 yards. Is SpecJaf Buy on styles. Broken sizes. 38 only. SUOAR REDUCED! "sugar FLOOR e,t ric! In the neweet colon. 88 sharkskin. Sizes 38 to 42 regulars and longs. IN MANY STYLES! Add a special touch to your wardrobe at big savings. As surfad colors and pad 199 I suit or KNITS savings en better sweaters end knit shirts. Various styles, colon. Broken sizes. 29 only. luits HOUSI-MA- FLOOR IN WOMEN'S BELTS Decorator colors in 100 rayon scatter rugs. Non-ski- d C Jm for back. 40 only. several at this low, pricel Elastic boxer cotton waist in 100 fabric. Machine-wa&- Terrific Specially SUGAR HOUSE-MA- QQF FLOOR Buy SUGAR LABEL SUITS white. SHOP Singl, vinyl dress storage M bag. 70 only Toflon ironing board covor reduced Jymbo size, dross and suit bags. Holds 14.16 188 to 4)88 garments BOYS' BOXER PANTS sugar canvas ties are machine-washablsanitized. Buy several pair for summer ahead. Red, blue, black or RIOT! selection SUOAR Stock MEN'S FAMOUS I 99 1088 WASHFAST COTTONS up now at terrific savingsl g L SUGAR CANVAS OXFORDS NOTIONS of useful items, curler bags, bar sets, flashlights and many more, Hurry while they lostl 150 only. 77 wanted In FLOOR IN MEN'S THERMAL WEAR IN ? FLOOE IN lint removers, Foam filled pillows In decorator colors. Corduroy or rayon cover. Hurry, only 28. 2 for L WOMEN'S $1 CORD THROW PILLOWS FLOOR IN G GIRLS' HOUSE-MA- HOUSE-MA- t I: Ltor litsstistoitosttesso Big 1 Teflon ironing A cover 99, Toddlers' end girls' spring coats and parkas on terrific savingsl Assorted style and colors. only. SUGAR J In famous styles Big reductions to o label nylons. sell fast. Choosa ireur favorites and CLOSE-OUT- and ;;S2,M able styles. Sanfor-izefor long wear. 126 only. SUGAR : WO'S. NYLONS LOTS OF ITEMS J A22 teeeeeeaeeaeeeeeeeeo door crasher ! AREA RUGS 1UGAR SPRING COATS FLANNEL SHIRTS WO'S. JEWELRY B0SSA NOVA CLOSET BRIEFS T HpUSE FROCKS 100 washable eotton dresses in eolorful prints and plaids. Misses' ond half sizes. Stock up now at this low pricel FLOOR IN Big tovingtl Boyi' eotton briefz. Long wear- Ing. Sizes 6 to 16. Mm for COTTON Drastically reduced to sell fast. Popular styles In black $2: Assorted styles and colors in short sleeve cotton shirts. Smart colors. CLOSE-OU- vig ses- HOUSE-MA- low NY SAVE! WOMEN'S ter- Choose frorff-pea- rl. and others In smarf styled necklaces, $1 earrings and bracelets. for SUGAR In as- Smart decorator colors andpat- terns in various sizes, Long- wearing, non- - P88 backing. BOYS' SHIRT RIOT! 100 Banquet Speaker Banquet speaker will be John Mr. Martin cited toe work his brarich of toe organization has done with toe Peace Corps and toe Agency for International Development with natives of toe Fiji Islands and Indians in Pern, national as examples of successful en- Thirty-fiv- e group training sions will b$ held. " deavor In a sew field. BOYS' PARKAS only at this ridiculous Assorted styles and colors at rific savingsl Fine qualify Discontinued AAf rOO FLOOR IN FLOOR Big reductions on quality broad iiiee HOUSE-MA- for W CLOSE-OU- SUGAR Wis., only. SUGAR oooooooooooooooooooo KITCHEN TOWELS Super absorbent cotton terry sorted prints. Machine- wash .Only 200. 2 & ,a FLOOR IN J Reversible rugs in decorator colors. Big 24x10 sizes. j j II 8 eliei h) Madison, Broken 147 price! Quilted styles in assorted eolors. Broken sizes. Water MEN'S PAJAMA Q W J88 up now MEN'S SWEATERS president of Cuna Mutual Insurance Society. Keynote speaker at toe business session Saturday at 10 a.m. will be Archie E. Cameron, Madison, specialist in toe education department of Cuna Inter' sizes. SUGAR Mon'e winter weight HOUSE-MA- winter coots, focktts ond coats at unheard of low prices. Quality fabrics In popular colors ond styles. workmanship. BRAIDED RUNNERS door crasher! A vV (A Mm 88 Drastically reduced! Easy to read, accurate! Color selection. $A W 21 only MochinePWv wash. FLOOR on sovings ton. IN Specially pricedl ot terrific savingsl Brea d 1 1 o th ( short sleeve style. Special Savingsl A. Colby, Big SUGAR from WO'S. HANDBAGS with 19 only. Terrific values! FLOOR UNDERWEAR drawers and tops. cotcombed Jo from much higher priced socks In the latest colors and designs, long- wearing fabrics. 150 only. PICTURES REDUCED! 4 5 IN O Large size pictures in various decorator scenes. 88 REDUCED BOYS' MEN'S WHITE IVi to colors. In a Choose BATH SCALES DRESS SHIRTS Boye' $ HOUSE-MA- SUGAR SUGAR : SUGAR MEN'S WEATHER Drastically reduced! Unlined and . - ulai Broken 51 poirs only. COATS and Chooso CLOTHES HAMPER Various styles ond fabrics boys' quality dress slacks. TOPCOATS ), He is chairman of the Department of Economics and Business Administration at Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, Mich. All events for toe three-da- y session will be at the Newhouse Hotel except for the final banquet Sunday at 2:30 p.m at The Terrace Ballrooom. W0S. Quality vinyl cover hamper ventilated back. Assorted eeeoeeeee FLOOR IN HOUSE-MA- Sen. Moss said Rep. David S. and he had arKing ranged for the session with Rep. Aspinall so difficulties which have arisen in conjunction with the selection and exchange of mineral-ric- h lands between the State of Utah and the federal goyerament could be removed through better understanding of the problems and possible solu- Kenneth J. Marin . . . Will tions. speak to credit union men. Cites New Work velours SUGAR O I Revenues The credit union movement must avoid the folly of wedding Itself too firmly to old ways of doing things, Kenneth J. Marin, president of the Cuna International said Thursday night Mr. Martin will be the peaker at the awards luncheon Saturday noon at the Hotel Newhouse for about 1,000 delgates to toe 31st annual convention of toe . Utah Credit Union Leape which begins Friday afternoon with registration of delegates. STOCKINGS eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a MEN'S TOPCOATS J 1UOAR Broken DRESS SLACKS Wonted colors. Hurryl CD-Sa- Aide Counsels Credit Union: Avoid Folly of Old Ways RUG RIOT! 100 sizes. Hurryl Only 200. SUGAR HOUSE-MA- IN FLOOR FLOOR IN HOUSE-MA- an in popular washable, BIG BUY! BOYS' Luxurious distinctive AFTER SKI BOOTS (R-Sa- lt Benefit ENTIRE STOCK nylon pile in the newest decorator colors and patterns. Foam backed to stay in placd Priced to clear fasf 14 only. SUGAR HOUSE DOWNSTAIRS more door crasher! McKav zen, said Mr. Gardner and our complete program has been bottled up pending a solution. There are 37,994 acres now involved in pending applications made by the state which have been held up because the lands selected by Utah are classified " as being mineral-rich- . KNEE HIGH 88 00000000000000000000 Sh os Savings MEN'S Now cave even mart styled knits colors. Machine shape, retaining. Now tavo tvtn moro en mon'i better work ackets. Light weight, FLOOR IN ht By Frank Hewlett are Sen. Vernon L. Holman Tribune Washington Bureau Sen. W. Hughes WASHINGTON The State of Brockbank Lake City), Utah has run into a serious snag Sen. Samuel G. Taylor in working out land exchanges Sen. Ernest G. Mantes with the federal government Sen. Merrill Jenkins This was reported Thursday and Miss Judith by State Land Board Director Whitmer, attorney of Salt Lake Max C. Gardner following a City. meeting with Sen. Frank E. Moss Mr. Gardner has conferences scheduled Friday with Interior Secretary Stewart L. Udall and Rep. Wayne N. Aspinall chairman of the House Interior Committee, in the interest of resolving the problem. Exchanges have been fro- SHIRTS reduced to clear! pr. e, Halts Utah Land Trades 0000000000000000000 2 ROOM SIZE 22 genuity have made agriculture President Bruce S. Jenkins Lake City) and Gov. Rampadvance more in this century than all others combined. ton. Sen. Jenkins appointees are Through FFA and vocational-agriculturwe can acquire the himself, Sen. John T. Bernhard : Dr. Reed L. Frisch-kneClrill needed to work in this and Sidney G. Baucom, growing field. of Salt Lake City. Taking - second and third both The Hurgovernors appointees are John were: Naegle, places ricane, Washington County, son Joseph Rosenblatt (chairman), of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Naegle, Salt Lake City businessman; and Wayne Anderson, Spanish Thorpe B. Isaacson, Salt Lake Fork, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- City; Mayor Merle E. Allen, Ogden; and John Backman, Salt ald Anderson. The convention will be held Lake City. Friday and Saturday in The Speaker Allen, who automatically becomes chairman of the Terrace, 464 S. Main. Legislative Council, named to riiis interim study council Rep. Gunn : - tv fashions reduced to clear ! I door crasher ! rs.m v eeeeooee-oooeeooe- ee BOYS' KNIT JACKETS (D-Sa- lt lt Rep. M. James Macfarlane Lake), Rep. J. Robert Bullock Rep. Ross Plant and Boyd F. Jensen, Murray businessman. Previously Named Council members previously named by the Senate president 6eeeeeeeq reduced to clear ! reduced to clear! BUYS FOR THE FAMILY! home needs I I for women children door crasher I (R-Sa- lt Serious Snag 1 2,b,$l FLOOR 0000000000000000000 door crasher! I WO'S. SKI PARKAS 3 only. Be early for this terrific buy! Quality stretch nylon parka In bright prints. water repellent. , $2 SUOAR NY WOMEN'S SWEATERS Italian hand knit mohair In papu- lar styles and colors. 3 only. b $ J' O shop Thursday, Friday, Monday, Till 9 |