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Show r ryyyrt yTrrory . 4D f rytMr t v rrmrty rtTYtro yrrr rrvrrryfrrmn .TV y The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, March 26, 1965 yr STATE INSPECTION & WHEELS ALIGNED Indi- ana, with records in the 400-den links. He later became the course and then went to Tucson tendent for four years at yard medley relay and classic course superinendent at, the where he was a course superin- - Tucson Country Club. performances by its divers, led In 1961 Gene took the same Thursday nights opening of the position at the Salt Lake Coun- National Collegiate swimming try Club and played an active championships. Thfc relay team trimmed the part In directing the growth of collegiate and American marks the new 18 at the canyon links. to 3:30 7, and Olympic winner The St. George Lions Club has Ken Sitzberger dethroned teamturned over a check for 2,500 to mate Rick Gilbert as the diving champion. the city of St George to be used Two other Hoosier divers toward construction of the muas Indiana scored 100 placed course. check The was nicipal to push ahead of defendpresented by L. Bard Blackham, points Southern CaliforLion president, to City Counci- ing champion which tallied 75 behind Roy nia, lman Neal Lundbergi who broke the American The golf course construction is Saari, well under way. The water system has been Installed, the Tops Ticket Sales greens planted and the fairways CINCINNATI, OHIO (UPI) -will be seeded within the next The Cincinnati Reds reported ' few days. Thursday their advance ticket Plans call for the course to be sales now are approximately completed and ready for play by $56,000 higher than the clubs e the latter part of June. record. previous 1 By Jack Schroeder Tribin Sports Writer s I - Gene Schneiter resigned his post Thursday as ground super--. lntendent at the Salt Lake County Club and assumed the position as head golf professional at the, St, George municipal links. asGene will have a fahis none than other sistant ther, Ernie Schneiter Sr. The elder Schneiter has -- designed and supervised die construction of the new St George layout top-flig- ' Newest Course v 500-yar- Swim Duel AMES, IOWA (A P) nrrrTT rrrmo r f V n d and NCAA freestyle re- meet mark and shattered the! a year ago, Saari took the lead cords. American record with his time on the third lap and won by five The fleet junior broke his own of 4:36.6. A three-evewinner feet over Michigans Bill Farley Indiana Tops St. George Hires First Links Pro nnrv w-- w w Set ceiter Mrf camber Set tee-l- a end toe-o- et Tighten, adject iteerlng Stata inspection sticker S tegular 9.93 value S'?) 77 fh it wreak Mast Cart only one-met- This is Utahs newest public golf course and comes after years of planning by individuals and private enterprises. It will open later this summer. All attempts to previous launch a golf program in the St. George area have failed. Now the golf course is a reality. It measures 3,100 yards and ranks as a par 35. It is laid out In the picturesque red sandstone hills northwest of the city. Gene Schneiter . . . Takes new All Year post as pro at St George. And the outstanding feature of the St. George links is the fact it will be open for year-roun- d play. And no other course in Utah can make that statement. Gene Schneiter will report to St. George about April 1 to take over his new duties. His father, Four members of the womens Ernie Sr., will serve as a board of the United States professional during the winter Utah months after he closes his Riv- Olympic committee toured acand resorts ski Thursday erside Golf Club in Ogden. of site the area as the claimed the Gene started as a caddy at the institute Club 1968 at winter age the sports Ogden Country of eight He began his career as for women. a water boy on the private Og The quartet toured Alta and Brighton Thursday and will visit Treasure Mountain Friday. A meeting Saturday in the Hotel Utah will conclude the session. Sarah Jemigan, chairman of the committee, from Floridai always LIFETIME GUARANTEED SEAT 9,s MUFFLERS (stalled tree Any American Car flxcept lata Muitkt) STATS INSPECTION WITH PURCHASE ' S. Stole DA OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUN. 2-- 1 4 COVERS TOPS faH MtB for rmH m 34S Installed Fraa 114 Installed Free Convertible $1088 I FREE! 1147 SHOCK ABSORBERS INSTANT 8:30-3:3- 0 No Interest or Carrying Charge CREDIT all-tim- 3f Schneiter Sr. . . , Builds George muny golf course. Ernie St Womens Games Committee Acclaims Utah Ski Area GASOLINE at LOWEST PRICES Call me ep BUY A FORD WALTER LARSON L 50 West 9th South sss-is- n Stetson University, spoke for the group: I was im"Magnificent pressed tremendously. In all my travels around the world I have never seen anything like your scenic beauties and winter sports potential. Also in the group were Dr. Ann Paterson, head of womens physical education at San Francisco State; Dr. Thelma Bishop, head of womens physical education at Michigan State U. and Mlckee Mickelsen, superintendent of recreation for Salt Lake County. The 1966 institute will stress beginning skiing and beginning figure skating. The Ice events will be held at the Hygeia rink in Salt Lake and the ski Instructions will be given two days each at Alta, Brighton and Tre- asure U.S.Royal introduces v. . v Mountain. i ? o SACRIFICE OFF-SEASO- FINAL WEEK ALL SALES PRICES ON ALL OUR NO CHARGES wet ewrw.'ytmll hold th On even better control in in or cornering than you passing had when your car was brand new. On a dry road. Other side benefits: Less wander when you drive down a straight road at 70 or 80. Practically no trolley tracking when you ride in and out of an expansion strip on the highway. About 10 longer tire. wearing than our 1964 first-lin- e youll have better than you could goad 50 when your car was brand new. NO LAY AWAYS MERCHANDISE N FINAL NO REFUNDS You never know when It's going to rain. You never know when a friendly1 road is going to turn into something wet and slick and treacherous. Thats the whole idea behind the rain tire. Youre ready for it when, ever and wherever it happens. On a wet curve, The ride: So quiet and smooth, its original equipment on many '65s. 50 more skid resistance. And when you accelerate on a wet road, youll have 20 better traction than you had when your car was brand new. On a wet, slippery road 30 shorter stops. 'With a set of rain tires on youf car, youll be able to stop 30 road than shorter on a brand was car could when your you pew. (Thats how much difference there is, on a wet road, between the rain tire and the tires that originally came with the 64, 63 or '62 cars. If you own a 61 or earlier car, the improvement will be even mors dramatic.) rain-slick- HUNTING Coats, Pants Values to 450 19.95 FISHING FISHING OUTFIT by Sooth Band rod, reel, line ' BOWLING eoavorio, IP5 SKI Mvnarl M atone Values to 14.93 . A 95 29w req. 60.00 SKI BASEBALL PANTS SHOES ladies' "Libo" 21 25 reg. 42.50 Wttla SKI CLUBS BOOTS Harpar "Teurnamtflt Sestrioro 3 woods 8 Iron, reg. 0595 reg. 45.00 17.95 Values to 14.50 You can gat If this tire sounds just too good genuine without. to be true, and you expect to have to pay the price in a rough or noisy ride (or in money), youre wrong. It comes as Original Equipment onsome of the most prestigious 1965 cars. Which means that it has be- to be quiet and smooth-riding, first-lin- e tire. The official name of the rain tir Is the U.S. Royal Laredo. Non So dont give the dealer a hard time if the tire he brings out say Laredo. Give him a hard tim if it doesn't US.Royals rain tir (U.S. Royal Laredo) for as low as $24.90 Th 4.00x11 pies (ex an4 smooth tire e ff yeer set. 195 J. W. BREWER 2364 Grant Av. EX TIRE CO. 1 reg 1495 J. W. GYM BREWER SERVICE CO. 1680 Wall Ave-E- X PROVO ROYAL TIRE CENTER 180 North 2nd West Prove, Utah Ogden, Utah portseostor 29, 95 GOLF makers on a wot road, imagine the control youll have on a dry road. d 995 SKI 195 7.95 surer control when you pass or corner. rod end root reg. laagu reg whats it like when the sun out? tomes We knew youd ask that And were glad you 'did. Because But On a dry road: the price of the rain tire is as re assuring as the tire itself: about th same price as any other leading FOOTBALLS BOOTS BAGS If its sure-foote- BOOTS Figures cant tell you, though,-Wha- t it feels like to drive on rain tires. Your car will handle in the rain like it never handled before. Surer of itself. More responsive. Making contact with a good, solid hunk of road that each rain tire has squee- geed dry. cause there nobody with a mor sensitive bottom than the test driv ers who evaluate the new models in Detroit Ogden, Utah LOGAN TIRE CO. 1475 North Main Logan, Utah Phone SK SHOES , 2250 reg- - 5.95 j 95 220WEST$a SALT LAKE TEMPLE CITY, UTAH I. 44. A. AASIA. tuuu U U. A r, UU . r,- -, c. f. r r. s e. e. a. p. f-- f. . ,, |