OCR Text |
Show 2B The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, March 26, 1963 w U(A5&. , , -- ,. ' 3. r- s V s s ... SVAy ' s ff ' 's ,g3giraV& Here fs your opportunity to save on fine quality carpets . . , use them as rugs or many are large enough to carpet your rooms FREE PAD WITH ROLL BALANCES OVER $30. wall-to-wa- ll. $l Utah's Largest Volume Carpet Store has left us with many roll balances . . . buy them Friday and Saturday and get free "Altex" Waffle Padding with roll balances over $30. Be sure and bring your room measurements. Fibre listed Indicates pile content only. Big volume We've cleaned out our warehouse of all small remnants In sizes from 2'x3' to 3'x5' and 2'x8'. Take your choice of assorted sizes and colors. Padding extra if needed. 2'3"x23'4" 7'9"x8' Sauterne Plain Plush Pile Moss Grn. Pattern. Acrylic 6'xl2'4' 8'2"x9'2" 5'10"xl1'2" 7'6"x7'9" 6'9"x$' 6'x7' 8'5"xl 0f. J 12'xl5' 9'xl5' Take Your 9'x12'10" Pick 8'8"xl1 '7" 1 1 '9"x9'5" TurqtfoT?e HdbVy 7'2"xl2' 6'x9' 7'xl 0' 9'x9' 2'2"xl2' Brown, 2' 4"x6' Cold, 3'x5'10" LavenBrown, 9'xl 1 '7' 7'6"x7'9" 9'xl 2' ; 9'xlO' . rf I O'xl Toko Your Pick 1 Blue-grOe- 9'xl 2' 12'xl5' Blue-gree- n, runners. Pad to $126 L Take Your 2'9"xl2' Gold, 3 x12' Ivory, I 2'3"xl2' Blue, 2'UMxl2 Cln- namon, 2'3"xl2' Beige, 26" I xl2' - ; i 15'xl6'7" 15'xl8'll" 12'xl5'8"-- . 1 , 1 15'xT6'8" M1 5'xl 92" 4'6"x6'6" Multicolored, 2'1 1" xl2' Gold, 2'6"xl5' Green, 2'3"xl5' Aqua, 3'5"xl0'2" 2'8"x15 Turq. 2' S" x 5, Beige, 2'5''xl5' Blue-gree- n, 1 Beige, 2'8"xV5' Beige, 3'x!2' Brown and Beige, 2'5"xl5' Spice. Pad extra if needed. Nylon Spanish Gold "501" Nylon Blue-GreText. Nyl. Twd. Brwn. & Black Text. Nylon 2'xl 4' 12'xl6'6" 1 2'xl 6' en lO'l SpnseHapId rz.Golcfpli Blueand 12'xl3'4" 1 2'xl 2' 1 0'2"x 13'xlS' V Beige, 3'7"x8'l " 8'6"x4'10" Spice, 4'6"x6' Floral, 5'x9 Gold, 3'6"xl2' Moss, 4'x7'5" Red, 5'x9' Gold if needed. Pose-beig- e, Gold, 4'2"x8' Pad extra ... 12'91 13'9"x15' isxl5'l 6'2" 1 2'x20'5" 1 2'xl 9' Tx24'6 f Choi! Spanish Gold Sculp. Acrylic 12'xl6'4" 15'x21' 15'21'4" 15'x20' Delivers J Earth Beige Plush Pile Acryl Aqua Extra Tight "501" Nyl. Blue, Black & Gry. Hv. Acryl. Pastel Beige Hvy. Text. Gold. Tan Thick Pish. Pile Acr. Spruce Grn. Ex. Thick Plbsh P. Sdn3r$g. Hvy. Pish. Pile Aery. 12'jlir 12'kir 7:9" 15fx24 .I,"- J BeigWone ScIp.Ucryli Celedon Grn. Hvy. Emb. Wool IS'xlT'S" 13Vl4'5" 1 5'xl 8' 15'xl5'6" 14'9"xl 5' 1 5'X1 il Aqija Hvy. Qubl 1 , JO ' 15x55' T5'x6Sr' . Aqua Hvy. Emb. Wool Beige NylpWU. lyory Plain Plush"?!! Acrylic-GolPlain Plush Pile Acrylic Beige Plain Plush Pile Acrylic Olive Green "501" Text; Nyl. Tropic Moss Cont. Fil Nylpn M abve-Rt- T 13'9"xl5' Sage Grn. Hw. Text. Acrylic 12'7"xl9'10" Beige Heavy Sculp. Acrylic 12'x21'6" 2'x20'4" 12'xl8'9" Delivers X f- pny plan. little each our Easy Values to $365 Buttercup Gold Text. Wool Brown, Cinnamon & Ivory Tw. Brn. & Beige Wool Wilton f xt. . I.Tl V . Blue"S?)Green Rofferned' Sand Bg. Hvf Wunda W. Cot. Jonquil Gold "501" Nyl. Tw dr Cocoa Bge, Hvy; Qual. Text. ,Sandf Bge. Hvyi Plush Pile s Sunset Gold Emb. Qual. Nyli Muted Beige Hvy. PluskJH6 pile Aery Pot. Sand Beige Hry. Plush pile Jade Blue Hvy. Plush Acryl. rn..-iea- j : 15'xl$'2' Blue & Grey Hvy. Commer. l"x!4' i 1 1 12'xl2'6" 1 2'xl 6' ; 42'x21'4b Lipstick Red ?'50l" Nylon lipstick Red "Sbl' Nylon Moss Grn. Patterned Acryl Sand Bge. Plush tW. ol 1 12'x22'6" 12.xl8'6" 12'kl6' I 5'9"x7 Wood tone, 3'xl2' t22 12'?cl8'6'' Vermth. Gr. Plush Pile Acryl. " 1 -- 1 Values I2'xl5'4" 120cl6" 12'xrt'8" Avocado Gr. Pin. Plush Acryl. 12'x23' Values to$167 Space Dyed Nyl. Twt Tan "SOI" Te;4t. Nyl. Woodtone Cont. Fil. Nylon Burnt Qrange Cont. FlirNyl, Reseda Greini"501" Nylpn Sage GncCont; Fit. Nyton y iafxfB'1 1'' 5 I2'xl6'6" 5'xl 8'- 5'xl 7'1 O'' 13'6"xl5' 12'xl5'9" 12'xl6'6" 1 O'xl 4' 1 2'xl 8' 2-to- ne Sand Beige Textured 1 2'xl Twd. Textured Nylon i7n Spice Blue-Gr1 2'xl2'8" Text. Nylon Twd. Textured NIncL. 12'xf3tJJ)0ptiz 1 2'xl 2' Opal Textured Nyl. Tweed Cocoa Beige Qual. Nylon 10'3"xl5' 10'10"xl 1' Turq. Thick Plush Acrylic 1 2'xl 3' Sand Beige Heavy Text. 1 l'7"xl2' Jong. Gold "501 " Nyl. Twd. Plat. Heavy Plush Cotton 12'xl3'7" To pay 12'xl3'- 1 l'5"xf 2' Antiqii 1 2'xl Martir 2' 1 1'2"X15' Turq. 1 2'xl 3' Burnt Orange "501, Nylon - Blue-G- r. 6"xl9' ' Golden Bisque Bg. Te: Canyon Gold 12'xl3'5" 10'7"xl2' 12'xl8'9" Curry Spice Qual. TextNyl. 2'xl 86" l'2"xl5' 12'xl27" Beige Text. Cont. Fil. Nylon Gold Space Dyed Nylon Twd. Muted Beg$jQuality Nylpn Spruce-fSree- n Quality Nyldn Brorze Orange 'f501' Nyfon Gofden Ton Plush Pile Nylon Flame Red Cont.1 Fila. Nylon 14x15 n. Pick Sandalwood Hvy. Plush Pile Gold, Cinnamon & Ivory Yarmouth Plain Plush Acrylic l$'xl5'3" ll'10"x42 1 l'2"x T2' ,GoIdenTcm "501 irN 1 needed. 12'xl8'6" 1 2'xl 6' 1 2'x20' 12'xl8'8" 12'xl8'9" 12'3"xl5' n. ll'2"xl5 extra. Spice, 27"xl2' Nutria, 2'4"XI 1'6" Gold, 3'xl2'9" Aqua, 3'xl3' Persimmon, Pad extra if 2'6"xl2' 12'x IGT". Values j Gold Hvy. Textured Acrylic Beige. Hvy. Textured Wool BIscuit'De Luxe QuqCWool Gpld Heavy AcrylJ 2'xl 6' 16' NyletT tle 9'xl 2' 7'xlT 7" 2'3"xl2' Blue, 3'4"x6'9" Martini, 4'7"x7' Ivory, 3'x7' Aqua, 2'xl0'6" Gold, 2'5"x8'7" Floral and 9' 2-te- Golden Tan "501" Nylon Off White Plush Nylon Blue-GrTextured Nylon Vermouth Plush Pile Nylon 8'xlO' Beige, 2'3"x7 Coral, 2'6" x6' . Sheared" 9,4"xl0'9" 1 2'xl 2'4" 9'xl 2' 12'xl8'10" 9'xl4'2" 2'8"xl2' Green, 3'2"x5'5" n - Jl'fif'xl 6' 12'16'9" Gold Carved with Fringe , Lavender Texjtured Acrylic Rose-Beig- e Greylock Floral Taffy Beige Thick Plash Beige Textured Wool i Heavy Nylon Patterned Blue-Gr- n. or Ch. Red Tex. Nyl. Blue Jat?e Nyloiy Tweed r 7'xNT der, 3'xl2' Aqua, 2'3"x8'10" Brown, 2'3"x8 and 2'2"x6' Green . . Values to $21. Padding extra If needed. , 1 pgTwdt Commercial Woof f ne U'xlh'7" Off White Herculn. Texture Rose-Beig- e Quality Wool & Brown Bge. Nylon Tweed Beige Textured Wool 9'xl2r Beige, 2'11'xB' 10'Xxl5' 12'xl3'10" 2-to- ne 7'9"xl 0' 3'2"x4'8" 10'6"xl5' I I3"xl 2' BeigeHeavy Jextured Beige with Accent Colors . CococBrovpi Tturedv Bronze Textured Cotton White Opal Nylon 7'x9 9'xl2V ll'9"xlT BeigeJHeaVy Textured Turquoise.Blue Textured Beige Copt. Fil. Nylon Extra1; Heavy Nylon Flora Moss, Green Heavy Ac Beige with Amber Flqral V Shell Bge. Hvy. Wool Wilton Turq. Hvy. Plush Acrylic Sand Bge. Hvy. Plush Nylon ' "MartljriUbtira Thick PlusMUIe OffWhlte ExVrp Thicjc Wool Avpcado Patterned Blue & Green Shpg Nyl. Twd, Patterned Beige tohe-on-toBeige Hvy,- Patterned Acrylic Dfiesden Blue Hvy, PfusH Pile Cbrry Spice Hvy. Text. Nylon $age Greeh x. Thick Nylon, Il'3"xl5' tetLJhtckAqylic Shadow )fve Heavy Nyjn. 6'5"x9'ET" Your (Choke 12'xl3'4" 12'xl4'4" Values to 72 Turquoise Blue Textured 6'x7'6" 6'xl2' Ms vers Bisque Bejge Tcturd Nyl. Spruce Gfeen ContTril. Nyt Rose Textured Wool & Nyl. Off White Plush Pile Nylon Olive Grn. Plush Pile Acryl. Sand Bge. "501" Text. Nyl. Grn. Hvy. Plush Pile Nylon 1 ; 2'xl 5 '7" 12'xl'3" 4s'xT5 14'4"xl5' 1 5'xl 57 15'x!5'6" 15'xJ8'; 15'xt6'6' 1 5'xl 5' 1 5'xl 8'4" 15'x21'4" 15'xl9'4" Spruce Grn. Hyy. Wool Wilt. Beige Sculptured Acry. --, Rose-BeiHvy. Wool Wiltont V Sand Bge. Ext. Neavy Twlit Bronze Gold Hvy. Plush Aery. & PearI Bge. Hvy, Cust. Wool Cocoa BrnDeej Emb. Acrylic , j y i Earth ge Toastgge. Extrb Thick Nylon tJ OffWhite extra Thick Pish.P.r Sandalwd. Emb. Acrylic Sage Grn. Emb. Acrylic Regal Red Textured Wool Taffy Beige Plain Pish. Acryl. Celedon Gr. Plain Plush Wool Shadow Olive Hvy. Text. Taffy Bge. "501" Text. Nylon Bisque Bge.,Textured Nylon Shad. Olive Hvy. Qual. Nyt. Royal Blue Cont. Fil. Nylon Flame Red Tex. Nylon ne USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN |