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Show y rroTnr t r rrtyrrmrnni trr rrn y n'y t 'itt t fTt o vrTOryvvnTrrryTorrrTvyTrrvTyTY'ro rrt yrn'vyT trrr m rr'r y "S. St. George Names BYU Tennis Team Shoics Class, D-- 2 Section D Salt Lake City, Utah Page One! March 26, 1965 Friday Morning Tribune Test; Sports Mirror by John Mooney Calls 200 Tribune. Sports Editor Exit Area Skiers 6Stage-Doo- r Johnny As Aggies Play the Field While we dont know what the Western LOGAN Athletic Conference wants from a potential member, I cant see how the league can expand without considering Utah State U. as its No. 1 can- -- -- Give or take The Aggie athletic director continued, a few minutes, we have a potential of 300,000 customers within an hours drive of the USU campus. When the freeway is completed, fans in Kaysville can to our new stadium quicker than they can to the Uniget versity of Utah stadium, when you consider the Salt Lake City traffic. "We appreciate the fact no stadium is any good until you get the fans to fill it, and we are scheduling to make the home schedule attractive enough to draw the necessary crowds. Once we get the stadium, we have promises of home and home games to give us opponents that will attract the fans. We know we can compete with any team in the area, and fill its stadium; all we need now is a new, larger football stadium and the' crowds will follow a win' ner in a new edifice, Bus concluded. But no longer are the Aggies pleading or whining, no longer are they threatening or cajoling. The Utah State University is sitting in the game playing a hand that can go either way, high or low, and certain to win at least half the pot. Press Boston in Scottsdale, Ariz., the Chicago Cubs edged San hit a Warren Spahn Ageless in Mesa, Ariz., Francisco homer, drove in another run Baltimore defeated Detroit 4 and pitched the New York Mets in Lakeland, Fla., Milwaukee in Orlanto a exhibition baseball vic- whipped Minnesota St. Louis nipped Housdo, YanFla., York New the over tory ton 7 in St. Petersburg, Fla., kees Thursday. Cincinnati got by Philadelphia The 6 in Clearwater, Fla., the Los the Mets pitching coach who Dodgers took Kansas Angeles from was acquired Milwaukee, 5 in Bralenton, Fla. and City allowed only one run and four the Chicago White Sox routed hits, struck out three and 10-- 4 at Fort Myers, walked the same number in a Pittsburgh By Associated 8-- 4 8-- 7 7-- 9-- 5 3-- 2 124-- Jeff 1 I, ody hlp oiHaBaMHHHaaHaBaia Repeat Sellout YOU ASKED FOR IT GILLETTE Elliott Gains First in NCAA Race CRYSTAL - top-flig- ht winners, as he did Thursday in losing out to Elliott. The two skiers are long-tim- e friends and were together on the U.S- - Olympic team Gallagher title won the U.S. this year and Elliott is national 15,000-metchampion. Overnight Snow cross-countr- y An overnight snow changed the course radically after days of sunshine had glazed the surface. Coaches and competitors said waxing for the run was extremely difficult Bjerke, a member of Denver: defending championship team, was second in this event in 1964, with 37 The event was the starters, opening WouMn'f )ifm run muth smoofher It Utofi'i springs w run't of the 1965 collegiate championuf of kiltirf , ships. Other Utah entrants in the y after the 1964 season to become NCAA finishing an executive with a detective were Pete Karns, 1:03.07, placNEW YORK (UPI) Hugh agency, will be honored at a ing 11th, Fritjof Prydz, who finMcElhenny) who retired from testimonial dinner next Wednes- ished 18th and David Engen, the National. Football League day. night- 28th. r- Observation Ward Honors cross-countr- Ex-Gridd- er cross-countr- - Bees Drop First Game Of Exhibition Season Special to The Tribune ARIZONA - Fort farm dub of the Chicago Cubs, whipped its bigger brother in the Salt Lake here Thursday in Bees, the opening spring exhibition test for both squads. Fort Worth raced to a i7-- 8 lead after five innings and the n outHivers needed a burst in the last two frames to avert a slaughter. Manager Stan Hack tested five pitchers against the Texans. Only Charlie Hartenstein was able to stem the tide in his three-innin- g stint against Fort 7 Worth. MESA, Worth, a double-- A 17-1- 4, six-ru- NO MONEY NYION 4 TUBELESS or TUBE DOWN TYPE Modern iof.ty tread detlgn " Long wear tread compound Tough Nylon cord body , Nylon wrapped bead atiembly firm rim teat No . for Salt Lake collected 11 hits to for Fort Worth. Byron Browne, a slugging outfielder, and tall Tom Hillary, a first sacker, smacked Bee homers. The Bees tangle with Tacoma Friday in Phoenix. 042 470 Worm 0 11 302 030 Sett Lake City 3 Finley, Helnti (4) Gerberman (7) and Corotopassi, Procopplo (7); Severinsen, Davis (3) Tarlecki (5) Hartenstein (7) and Krug, Holdener (4). W Finlay. L Severinsen. Home runs: Ft. Worth, Faulkner; Salt Lake, Browne, Hillary. 000--17 024--14 Dealers Please 6.00x13 6.70x15 7.50x14 8.00x14 GUARANTEE 30-MON- TUBELESS BUDGET PAY DAY New New New New New eafety tread design rugged vent-con- e sidewall styling Nulon blowout safety driving comfort TERMS Ne Dealers Please BUDGET 6.70x15 7.10x15 TERMS 7.60x15 NYLON 4-P- 7.50x14 No Money Down 8.00x14 6.40x15 No Dealers Please lew Than 1.35 per month Whitewalls 2.30 more GUARANTEE 40-MON- NYLON QUALITY to 30 morn, toft miles. Mora blowout protection. Extra puncture pro action. Deeper. "Living" tread. Greater Skid Protection. Quick "Step and Start" Power. Smart. New ttyllng. 38 No Dealers Please 600x13 630x13 750x14 00x14 50x14 Ne Money OOxIS Down 900x14 Whitewalls 2.40 Mora tOOxIS 3.00 per ate. GUARANTEE 4-P- PREMIUM for those who deserve the finest 0 Extra Mileage 50 mere tread wear 4 Reliability at High Speeds 4 Safer Steps and Starts PREMIUM 4-P- 560x13 390x13 640x13 6.70x13 710x13 760x13 PREMIUM 4 AD Down Us than 3.00 gar month GUARANTEE PAY DAY TUBELESS 4 30 No Money Whitewalls 3.30 more TUBELESS safyfy tread design rugged vent-con- e sidewall styling Nulon blowout safety driving comfort NYLON 6.70x15 7.10x15 7.60x15 7.50x14 8.00x14 6.40x15 36-MON- New Now New New New let. No Money Down thon 1 .50 per mo. Whitawalli 2.2S morn ULTRA 13 NYLON TUBELESS TUBELESS NYLON I t. May al. GUARANTEE 20-MON- 48-MON- AI Severinsen opened for Salt Lake and gave up four second inning runs. He was followed on the hill by Bill Davis in the third. He gave up six runs before giving way to Bob Terlecki, who yielded seven runs in the big Texan fifth. Dallas-F- NOW FOR NEXT SUMMER'S USE bat authorized thii Tha Gillette factory ... Kiwanians Hit Hoops UY -B- on the famous GILLETTE Tires! ran a - guletteI BARS ARE DOWN PRICES ARE TURNED LOOSE a The 16th annual Helper Kiwanis Clubs invitational basketball tournament got under way Thursday with some of the big names of Intermountain basketball competing. Some of the stars include Terry Tebbs, Johnny Ben-so- n andFrank Carbajol of Levin Insurance of - Provo; Skip" Kroeger, Doug Moon and Jerry Romney of Crows Nest in Salt Lake City; Joe Worthen for Browns Billards of Payson; Bob Quinney and Mike Gardner for Childs Bakery of Spanish Fork; Curt Jenson and Wilson Watkins for Riggs Shoes of Price and Doug Rollins and Harold Cunningham for Chucks Pharmacy of Helper. In addition to amateur basketball, the tournament provides funds for the Kiwanis Clubs sponsorship and participation in Western Boys Baseball, Little League baseball, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. I a Stuff n Somesense ... r; h kins, ATS; 13 Ruth Herbert, Snow Basin; 14 Sue Nebeker, ATS; 15 Wendy Mor8-gan, Jackson; 16 Gretchen Sediar, ATS; 17 Joan Curtis, KIFI; 18 Jill Frank, Lynn Ratcliff, URS; 165 r, ATS; 7-Cookie Jacobs, JHSC; 166 Trudy Owen, JHSC; 167 Cheryl Staley, JHSC. Expert A Boys 20 Joe Infanger, Jack-so21 Ray Miller, URS; 22 Jim Shafer, 8-ATS; 23 Calvin Ross, URS; Durham, ATS; 25 Steve Wirtek, KIFI; 27 ATS; 26 Robert Anderson, John Teufer, ATS; 28 David Jenkins, eve ent Heitz, URS; URS; Fla. six inning pitching stint at Fort Spring mever, ATS; 31 Jeff Lowe, URS; The only run Spahn allowed 32 John Frank, ATS; 33 Mark Miller, Lauderdale, Fla. 34 Billy Max Johnson, TIAGO; was a solo homer by Phil Linz ATS; 36 John 38 Rolph Beldon, Jackson; Fourth Win in the third. Spanh, meanwhile, Bauchman, KIF; 37 Allen Budge, Jack-so38 Rav Groth, KIFI; 39 David AnKIFI; 40 Mark Higgins, ATS; It was the fourth victory in a had single, drove in a run with derson, 41 Snow Basin; 42 Bruce Tom a sacrifice hit a homer Jacobson, Olsen, fly and row for the Mets, who have finJackson. 43 B Boys in Dan Aproberts, the seventh. Expert ished last in each of their three ATS; 44 Kenny Louder, Sun Valley; 45 Solid Brad Hunter, URS; 46 Keith Phillips, Job National in the League. years SBRA; 47 Bruce Ream, ATS; 48 Brad The Yankees have lost eight of solid Langston, ATS; 49 Tom Barker, Snow Terry also turned in Basin; 50 Tom Feeny, URS; 51 Danny their last nine. ob, striking out seven, allowing Armstrong, Zion National Park; 52 Mike Pocatello Ski Assn.; 53 Wayne Amos Alonzo Stagg, who died Ralph Terry, meanwhile, be- only one base on balls and scat- Wade, Petty, ATS; 54 Randy Armstrong, Zion mile came the first, major league tering eight hits in going all the National Park; 55 Tom Carter, ATS; 56 102, age of 90 Craig Gorder, URS; 57 Jim Sage, ATS; would swing a golf club 100 times 58 Rad Dye, URS; 5 Dennis Erskine, afternoon,..,..., ..Max pitcher to go nine innings in the way for the Indians. 68 John Crane, ATS; ATS; 1 San 11 400000 003 Francisco -7 Arizona (Flag- spring training session, hurling 200 300 003- -1 13 2 Wade, Pocatello Ski Assn.; 62 Tim DurChicago (N) 6--1 to Indians Cleveland a the 68 Jerel McQuarrie, TIAGO; ATS; ham, College coach who Parry, Priddy (8), Linzy (9) and Haller, ATS. Los Angeles An- Bailey (8); Jackson, Burdette (6), Jaeckel 64 Craig Hansel, olly Capsule Class (Pee Wees) Girts Jan. 31, been mentioned promi- triumph over a and (7), (9) WP Bertell? Slaughter Seehotzar, TIAGO;199 Janet Staley, team in Tucson, Ariz. LP Linzy. HR Gabrielsoft. Slaughter. BYU coach prospect gels 198 Kristi Larsen, TIAGO; 197 Jackson; nently 101 201 3008 16 0 Los Angeles (A) In other exhibitions, the other Boston 196 Pam Dana Melches, Thiokol; 100 002 TOO- -4 11 0 several football vacan-- ; half of the Bames-berge- r, 195 Cindy during Pocatello; Angels squad beat Chance, R. Lee (6), Radovlch (9) and Brennan, Pinedale; 194 Kay Christensen, cies . . . Cougar Rodgers, Egan (8); Wilson, Radatz (6), TIAGO; 193 Cheryl Hunter, URS. Earley (8), Connoly (9) and Tillman. WP Capsule Class (Pee Wees) Boys 192 ASC 11 football Chance. LP Wilson. HR Knoop. Jeff Seeholzer, TIAGO; 191 Brad Melches, 1963-64 190 Johnny from 1 season because of 000 100 000- -1 Thiokol; Mitchell, Los Angeles (A) Utah; 302 100 OO- x-6 8 0 189 Pat Rochford, Cleveland Jackson; 188 Mark a classroom scandal, Snow Basin; 187 Mike TayLuddington, McGlofhlin and Turner (8) Locke, (4), Salt lor, TIAGO; 186 Scott Schreyer, I Bates; Terry and Sims. WP Terry. LP Spilsbury giving academic ter Lake; Lawson, Salt Lake; Locke, x Divided squad. 183 184 Scott Lou Scarlett, Jackson; atcredit to who did 200 010 310--7 12 0 Robert Houston Toly, Park City; 182 Gary Don 230 000 000--8 12 0 St. Louis Juntend classes. . . . The Frantz, Park City. Intermediate Girls 65 Wendy Riser, Farrell, Mackenzie (4), Giusti (7) and ior College Bateman, Grata (7); Washibum, Purkev ATS; 66 Becky Wlrlck, ATS; 67 Judy (4), Cuellar 8) and Smith. WP Ciiellar. Taylor, Solitude; 66 Kaidi Morgan, Jack-sosome omens may LP Giusti. HR Washburn. 69 Jerri Lynn Budge, T4AGO; 70 71 Kathy Solitude? Cathy Savage; 200 000 020--7 14 1 when Burlington, Iowa, Baltimore College of 010 200 100- -4 14 3 Dahn, Salt Lake; 72 Linda Ferre, Salt Detroit 73 Patti . . . 74 Lake; Tiago; Worley, has supplied several Wtrdia Keevert, Jackson; 75 Jane MOUNTAIN, Bunker, Barber (4), Hall (6) and Lau; New Mexico U. Wickersham, Gladding (8), Navarra (9) 76 Ann CEU supposedly a couple of po- WASH. Snow URS; Manful, Mike Elliott of and Freeh an. WP Hall. LP Gladding. Basin; 77 Ann WeHs, Pocatello; (AP) atty Utah- farmed the season. . Ann Budge, TIAGO; 79 Carolyn Fort Lewis College, Colo., won HR Powell. ; ioO001 100 0 New York 6 163 Linda -3 (N) Solitude; Hansen, Mardo, Roberto Pena, who supposedly will be Bees the cross-countr- y 001 000 100- -2 5 1 JHSC; 164 Kristy Owen, JHSC. championship New York (A) 80 Intermediate Boys Jock Abbott, will be given Athand Beamarth Cannizzaro; in (7) National Spahn, the Cubs Collegiate opportunity squad, Brennenman (7), Reniff (8) and URS; 81 Eric Ellason, ATS; 82 Jeff meet Downing, ski Coach Bob Kennedy reports 83 George letic Association Veasey, Howard. WP Spahn. LP Downing. HRS Crabtree, Jackson; Mesa, Ariz. . . . ATS; 84 Bry Herzog, ATS; Nevada book Thursday with a time of 55:34 LosLinz, Spahn. Cards, Stoddard, Sun Valley; 86 Tom Nielson, Dodgers 030201 101 0 9 -8 Angeles (N) 87 Tom Snow Christensen, for the approximately nine-mil-e 4-120 020 000--5 9 3 Solitude; Kansas City 1 the League flag, Basin; 88 Roy Beldon, Jackson; 89 haul. Miller and (8) $e 90 Torborg; Drysdale, Dava Lowe, URS; 5-McKain, Reds in Larry 6-- 5 1; book picture Yankees in gui, Tompkins (7) and Bryan. WP Orys URS; 91 Mike Barrett, Solitude; 92 Mike Gallagher of Colorado dale. LP Tompkins. HRS Bryan, Landis, Fred Harrison, Sorter-quis- t, American 3-- 1. URS; 93-Orioles Chisox . . . T. Davis. was second in 56:20 and Harold Torborg, SBRA; 94-Barker, URS; 95 year, Dodgers, and Braves 96 John 410-0 15 102 002 Solitude; 10 Clay, Smith, Randy (A) preseason Bjerke, Denver, w?s third in Chicago 97 Robert 4 12 2 TIAGO; 000 300 001 ATS; 98 Fillmore, Pittsburgh choices sixth, 99 -:34. 57 of Matz TIAGO; was Utah respectively. Seeholzer, Jensen Bryan Barry Johnston, Clinkscales (5), Lizondro (6) ick Latham, KIFI; ATS; . . . Dick Hall, and Romano; Bee Gibbon, Blass (7), Wood Higgins, who was tops in seventh with a time of 1:01:37. 101 ATS; 102 Rich Doug. Springmeyer, JohnWP and (9) (7). Virgil Pagliaranl, seven-wee- k 103 Mika Snow Basin; PCL, scoreless ston. LP Gibbon. HRS Johnston, Paglia-ron- l, Manfuil, Unofficial Results alph URS; Petty, URS; Agee, Berry, Romano, Buford. over from 1964 season. . . . Fer-rlend 000 Oil 1317 13 0 105 Steve Ashley, JHSC; 106 Bard Cincinnati Aug. 11 This was on the basis of unof- Philadelphia hris Mathews, S.L. Ski URS; 001 140 000- -4 10 3 of Hall 26 scoreless 108 Brace Hunter, TIAGO; 109-Club; and Neville (8) Maloney, Edwards; ficial results and pending an of Smith, Solitude; 110 John Neff, in 14 Culp, Jackson (6), Roebuck (7), Jenkins He gave seven in ficial check of times. ATS; 111 Paul Poppler, Snow Basin; (8) and Dairy mole. WP Neville. LP 9-Analne scoreless 1 in HR relief season. Dalrymple, Gonzales, Cal-- I 112 Ed McKay, ATS; For Gallagher, it was the Jenkins. derson, Park City; 161 Rick Anderson, Ison, Cardenas, Harper, Sharmky. 024 101 0109 16 6 Park City; 162 Gary Lorlti; Park City. third time he had finished sec- Milwaukee 113 Susan Budge, Novice Girts 100 002 020- -5 7.2 Minnesota ond in the collegiate cross-countrBlasingame (7) and Torre, TIAGO; 114 Holley Deist, KIFI; Cloninger, 116 Sue Hecht, URS; F Beck, Nelson osnow Lynn Hancock Grant, (4), (9); In 1962 and 1963, he started ant. Solitude; 117 Tracey Brown, KIFI; 118 (7) and Sevcik. WP Cloninger. 119 Linde 30 seconds ahead of the eventual Monica Thiokol; Nance, HRS Woodward, Jenkins. recently at the age of before breakfast at the and then in the State isfSpilsbury, the staff) resigned had as a the at the institution. forfeited victories the and cheating admitted athletes not National basketball tournament have offered for the future beat Eastern Utah. transfers for Burlington and has tential Redskins out for the shortstop, to make the every from The lists the and Giants Phillies, as favorites, at for National with the the winter at are at and League with Last Giants were betting and finished fourth and fifth the former the hurler, has a inning streak holding From through the the regular season, registered innings appearances. hits that up only mark a of Tiago Ski Club will kick off the 1965 Salt Lake Tribune Ski Club Saturday at Park City. The expert A gal racer was drawn to lead the field of nearly Order Spahn Bats, Hurls Mets Racing For 65 Past Yanks in 3-- 2 Tilt Ski Classic Potential ; Logans will use, followed by the novied girls and boys wholl run 8 slightly shorter line. Dev Jennings, former Olympian and veteran course-sette. along with Ray Langston and 200 championship-calibe- r junior Park Citys Tim Heydon set the down the competitors sporty preliminary line Thursday. The line will remain open for slope of Payday Run. until 10:45 a.m. Sat! inspection Ideal Spot urday. Then it will be closed for The invitational spectacular the final set and the stream of will begin at 11 a.m. with the competitors. courses for all competitors fin1 Tribune Trophies ishing directly behind the TreThe big run for the gold will asure Mountains Activities Center, an ideal spot for spectators be for a 30 giant Tribune tro to sit back and enjoy the action. phies which will go to the first Chip Halls name was drawn three finishers in each division. to lead the expert B girls. The The Capsule Classic champions too-- , Alpine Training School gal will will take the spotlight there, share the spotlight with Jack- with winners receiving I sons Joe Infanger wholl lead high trophies. , the expert A boys parade. ' Trophies will be for 30 giant Tribune trophies which will go Other Leaders to the first three finishers in Others topping their respec- each division. The Capsule Clas! tive fields will be Dan Roberts, sic champinos will take thd ATS, expert B boys; Holly See- spotlight there,' too, with winh trophies! banner holzer, Tiago, peewee girls; Jeff ners receiving and Ray Langston as they prepare giant finish-lin- e will be Seeholzer, Tiago, iij boys; presented Trophies jpeewee for Saturdays Sait Lake Tribune Ski Classic at Park City. Wendy Riser, ATS, Intermediate the Activities Center about 3:30 girls; Jack Abbott, Utah Racing p.m. All competitors should be Lawrence, Snow Basin; 120 Judy Price, School, intermediate boys; Sus- present. Solitude. an Budge, Taigo, novice girls; Coaches should pick up racing 121 Novice Boys John Wlnquist, TIAGO; 122 Steva Dvt, URS; 123 Bill and John Winquist,. Tiago, no- numbers and lift passes behind Bohrer, PSA; Anderson, ATS; vice boys. 125 Bill Anderson, KIFI; 126 Jeff Hanthe main lodge after 9 a.m. sen, Solitude; 127 Barry Hansen, SoliAll will Coaches should have one classistart racers expert 128 Scott Wilson, Salt Lake; 129 tude; Greg Vamada, Pocatello Ski Assn.; 130 from the top of Payday. Then fication card (as deposit for the Gordon Hapke, Pocatello Ski Assn.; the mighty peewee bombers will numbers) and $1 for special, redu131 Randy Bamesbergtr, Pinedale; 132 Alan Langston, ATS; 133 Kelley Deist, take the thunder of the big race ced-rate, day passes on Park KIFI; 134 David Pickett, Solitude; 135 Kristi Campbell, race the Citys lifts for each racer and Expert A Girls -Craig Redfield, Jackson; 136 Bruce with their special URS; TIAGO; 2 Peggy Goddard, Boyle, KIFI; 137 Danny Lawrence, Snow Capsule Classic from the hill- coach. Belnap, ATS; a Janne Smith, Basin; 138 Gordon Boyle, KIFI; KIFI? ATS; 5 Fae Jacobson, Raw, side behind the lodge. Woody Anderson and several 7 KIFI; Susan ATS; Curtis, Lawson, LindW URS; 14- 2yj??' Next will come the intermedi- members of his Treasure MounWells, Pocetello Ski. Assn.; 143 Kathy Babich, ATS; 9 Carol Keevert, Jackson. ATS; 16 Pleree Scarlett, ate girls and boys on a shorter tains Ski School will provide Hall, ATS; ..Expert B Paquette, Snow Basin; H Ann Aproberts, ATS; 12 Linda Jen- 170 Joa Burt, Thiokol. course than the one the experts most of the forerunners. Kristi Campbell didate. However, Aggie athletic di- rector" Frank (Bus) William continued, the four years that followed the formation of the WAC without us has developed a lot of strength and unity within our university and among our alumni. We have broadened our scope, from Intermountain to national, in I football and basketball. Our basket- ball schedule for the next year Bus Williams couldnt be better and our football for the future hinges on our new stadium. Our facilities for football are below WAC standards, but I am confident our administration considers a new football complex in the very immediate future plans. And once we have a stadium capable of handling crowds of 30,000 I have pledges for home and home games that will equal any attraction the WAC might offer our fans, Williams said. Anyway you look at it, Utah State is the last strong independent team as you travel west. We are gaining Pert Bonnie Pidcock of Midvale takes time out from her skirecognition on a national basis and we can go either way, ing to lend helping hand to Dev Jennings, left, Tim Heydon as a new member of the WAC or as a strong independent team. It really doesnt matter. Strolng Fan Pro, D4 A Golf No Dealers Pleas Stronger Tire Body nylon construction ULTRA-PREMIU- No finar Tfra At Any frit M 560x13 590x15 640x15 670x13 710x13 760x13 600x13 650x13 700x13 730x14 00x14 30x14 lest thee Whitawalli 2.43 morn P95 Down 3.50 per mo. All price, plea tax and recappable easing NO MONEY (WE DO NOT SELL YOUR OWN TERMS DOWN-NAM- E OUR CONTRACTS) , tor Cradit Jpprovai No Waiting j R.J.GILLS TIRE MARKET 1 523 So. 2nd A W.-- D OGDEN 2-12- - 3985 WALL AVE. 7 Call 24 399-589- I a m. AA AilAAAAl 4 8- A. 1 tAAAil 1AU M. A tAf L 1AI LU. A. A A6J.5J .4 t. 9 .9 t 4, At AA |