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Show y yyry wHpnryyw y 6D t TTTSr'yyV "'wvvt-'J- t 0- ne ,iV WV1 The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, March 26, 1965 ww e- Market Mine m e -e www CPI Chicago Daily News New York Time NEW YORK . (AP) O SNOW WARM FRONT COLD FRONT STATIC FRONT pni WIND The weather forecast map for Friday Indicates generally scattered snow flurries over ' Last January, Rock Island approved a Union Pacific-RocIsland merger at a special meeting. Under the merger agreement, each share of Rdck Island common stock would be converted into one share of new Union Pacific convertible preferred stock. Each share of this In turn could be converted to 85 per cent of a share of Union Pacific common - WASHINGTON (AP) The Civil Aeronautics Board ruled Thursday that Hughes Tool Co. (Toolco) has not divested itself of control of Northeast Airlines as procedural step toward reacTrans World Airlines. Snow Increasing Friday night. Saturday, quiring Toolco asked the CAB in Ocperiods ot now and confer. High 42 to a, low noer M, high Saturday 14 to 3B. tober, 1064, to determine It no Utah Firtty cloudy to occasionally cloudy Friday with a tow snow tlurrfeg longer controls Northeast withstock. north mostly In the mountain. Snow bethe meaning of a statute coming a ilttla more general Friday in, with mow making night. Saturday, cloudy it unlawful without apreadlng ovar most at tha ttote. A Ilttla warmer Friday, cooler Saturday. High, CAB approval for any persons Friday mostly In Hit 40s, lew, IS to IS east and 21 to 35 west, high, Saturday 15 controlling an air carrier to acto 45. quire control of any other pir Tribune Washington Bureau Southwestern Idaho cloud)-nVariable with mow flurries Friday. Snow be- carrier. The Federal WASHINGTON coming more general Friday night and In Thursdays, order, the CAB Power Commission has continuing into Saturday but with partial upheld clearing SeturAy afternoon and snow de- said it found that Toolco had the recommendation of one of creasing. Cooler Saturday. Highs Friday not established relinquishment its hearing examiners and aumostly in tha 40s, lows IB to 34, highs Salurdsy 32 to 42. of Its . . . control over Northeast thorized natural Esstom Ntvada Var labia cloudiness gas sales by inWe find that the trust does with a few snow Hurries in the north, dependent. producers in Wyommostly In mountains. Snow In the north not In fact eliminate Northeasts ing Sweetwater, Fremont and Friday night. Saturday cloudy with snow spreading over moat ot tha area. Cooler financial dependence on Toolco Sublette counties at a price of Saturday. Hlgha Friday mostly In the 40s, and consequently Toolcos power 15.384 cents a thousand cubic lows 29 to is, highs Saturday 22 to 34.- - , Wyoming Partly cloudy end not ae to dominate Northeast . feet. cold Friday with a tow snow Hurrlts In f mountains. Mostly cloudy Friday night This was substantially below and Saturday with scattered snows In th mountains and a few showers or snow the initial prices ranging from t lower elevations, Hurries Reelects generally 16.41 west of the Continental Divide, warmer cents which the proFriday night and east at the Divide Satto Tribune ducers The Special proposed. 25 35. to urday. Hlgha mostly The producers are Atlantic Al- WILMINGTON, DEL. Low prassura wtV on Itra Summtry m surface circulation aieft covered bert E. Forster was reelected Refining Co. of Dallas, W. S. A cold, j hnat-r- i most ot thg West Thursday. chairman of Hercules Gilroy of Houston and Glen W. moist, unstable air mess we over gate re-was CO. DV the board Of v Pryor of Denver, 9ioit. fh nonnqrn Powder pie gas is sold wllh numvrnis $neY shower In thq mountains which occasionally splllad ouar rectory ftt the annual meeting. to El Paso Natural Gas Co., Coa Into Hi valleys. Skis, were partly cloudy to clear In Hi southern section. Surface nenI7 A- - T)n,lrfwl was reeieciea lorado Interstate Gas Co. and Montana-Dakot- a winds gradually increased end most sec- president Utilities Co. It Butte --14 f U- . Elko Ely Evanston Grand Junction Las Vegas Reno TIMPIRATURI CHART Rock Springs Dgtg tg Merch If at I p.isi. Sheridan II Hr. II Hr. 1 Hr. West Yellowstone High Law Free. Pacific Utah 1t 7 -IIt 42 26 43 65 54 24 2 45 33 3 -2- $ -3- statos At tr. 1 41 35 46 65 39 64 54 45 33 Midwest ... 25 26 21 21 26 21 20 last 12 hilling. - 42 40 7 Man Found Dead Special to The Tribune FAIRVIEW, t Sanpete County Nelson Morris Rasmussen, Falrview, was found dead here Tuesday of what Sanpete County Sheriff C. W. Jensen said apparently was a bullet wound. 21, i - 4) Iteteg - e Loan League 7 Utahns to Panels - Sauth 49 Albuquerque 75 Atlanta 71 Miami New Orleans II 35 Oklahoma City 67 . Phoenix 50 San Antonio 26 St. Louis Salt Lake Weather Datat Precipitation for 2Ahour period ended Thursday at S for Merch. .04 P.m. Tr.: precipitation accumulative deficiency. 1.22; precipitation tinea Oct. 1. 1665. 1.14 accumulative excess. 1.31; sunrise Friday, 4:22, eutv sat, 4:44. Hercules taret-fourt- h ar Seven Salt Lake City savings director members for three-yea- r and loan executives have been terms. Milo Nechanlcky, president. appointed to 1965 committees of the United States Savings and Canteen Service of Utah, was elected vice president, and HowLoan League. The executives and firms are ard L. Blood, public relations Clarence H. Tingey, Deseret manager, Mountain States TeleFederal Savings and Loan phone and Telegraph Cq., secre' Assn.; M. L. Dye, First Federal tary. New Mr. directors are: Blood, Gene Loan and Savings Assn.; Prudential Fedeal John H. Klas, vice president. Donovan, Savings and Loan Assn. ; L. Eu Continental Bank and Trust Co., gene Clissold, State Savings and and A. Allen Thomas, vice pres- Loan Assn.; Vernon Romney, ident, KLUB Radio BroadcastState Savings and Loan Assn?, ing Co. Scharf S. Sumner, Western Savings and Loan Assn., and Robert H. Jones, Zions Savings and At Pembroke, ... Is William E. Stratton Ambassador Club president di-d- i tions had some spots with moderst winds end fusts. Early afternoon temperatures war In the 20s or less In Hi Belt Lake City anB Vicinity Friday northern portions ot Hi region. In Utah, to Nevada and parts ot Idaho, tempers tures with pertly cloudy occnlenslly cloudy tow snow flurrle, mostly In mountains, war mostly In 30s and 40s. Major Averages All Lower as Loan Assn. Netv Sees Gas Cuts SAN FRANCISCO Paso Pembroke Office Outfitters, Market Closes 1,544-mil- Dow-Jone- intra-da- high of 904.88 and y Furniture 24 E. Broadway (300 South), will (UPI)-- El Co- .- said hold a showing Friday afternoon Natural Gas Thursday that the hew natural gas it wants to bring into southern California will result in annual rate reductions of $8,200,000 a year in the Southwest. New York Times Service The claim was made before NEW YORK An easier tone the California Public Utilities developed in the stock market Commission, conducting hearThursday, and closing prices ings on the Gulf Pacific Project, were near their, lows for the a e proposed pipeline day. Trading continued mod-- e by which Gulf Pacific Pipeline r a t e 1 y active. Volume Co. would penetrate the Califorclimbed to 5,460,000 shares nia market for the first time, from 5,420,000 Wednesday. El Paso, now supplying 75 per All the leading averages cent of Californias gas, is ops were lower. The posing the Gulf Pacific Project Industrial average closed 2.22 and is allied with Southern Calilower at 898.34 after touching fornia and Southern Counties an U V 145-5t- k Backs Gas Rate 30 rww' Ambassador Club Picks President, New Board stockholders Marchs Lamb Has to Go Fly a Kite Ctwennt Dtnvtr R. I. Approval r" William E. Stratton, president Ambassador dub, h East, of the American Fence Co., has it was announced Thursday. been elected president of the He succeeds Howard L. Brown, vice president of the Names Alfred Brown Construction Co. The club elected, new officers for one-yeterms and board, of r k Firm Fails to Divest Airline, CAB Rules the Intermountain Area with, winds light and general over most of the region on Friday. In the Snow, Too Intarmauntalg ' ' " Southern FLURRIES k&;3 Dili Pram U.l. Weather lure Region Weather In Hi Intormounteln Friday will bo moetlv clouoy with seat, tered enow flurries. Winds will persist throughout the region. Temperature, will remain cold at night. jdk V Union prospective Union Pacific-RocPacific Railroad said Thursday Island merger. Southern Pacific had asked It has agreed to sell the souththat approval of the merger be ern halfof the Rock Island Rail- conditioned on a sale to it of road for 120 million dollars, almost half of the Rock Island pending approval of a Union Pacif- lines. ic-Rock Island merger. The sale would bring to the Southern Pacific 2,462 miles of Urges Sale main line road and 1,063 miles The proposed sale, to the of branch lines of the Rock IsPacific Railroad, land from Kansas City, Mo., to would require approval of the the South and Southwest. This Interstate Commerce Commis- amounts to about half of the sion. The government agency Rock Islands main line and 37 also has yet to approve the per cent of the railroads branch lines. SHOWERS snow if yyy yrry Today in Business New York New Chicago Tribune U.P. Vows Sale to S.P.-H-alf of Rock Island - CLOUDY T""" w Finance Here and There in Business RAIN wwww i alt fab ffihanrlJuiiw AP c- w gas companies. and Saturday of radically new action" office furniture. Items include a 20th Century version of the rolltop desk, which does away with the nightly cleaning chore, a stand-udesk, a perphing stool and a p unit phone soundproof which permits private conversationsr-eve- n when callers drop in. The furniture is the product of Herman Miller, Inc., Zeeland, Micb. Designer Robert Probst, research director of the firm, studied the standing, perching and pacing Inclinations of executives as bases for his designs. . a low of 895.74. The three companies all asStandard & Poors Index of sert that Improvements in pre'550 stocks closed at a loss of sent facilities would provide suf0.25 at 86.84, the low for the ficient gas to meet the states day. future needs. Air Traffic Rises for UAL S.L. United Air Lines passenger and cargo traffic at the Salt Lake City Municipal Airport increased during 1964, J. R. Dunlap, Salt Lake sales manager, announced Thursday. United handled a total of 437,- - APRIL arriving and departing passengers at Salt Lake City, an increase of three per cent over 1963. The company carried pounds of cargo in and out of the airport, an increase of 10 per cent. 1-2- -3 138 157 West 33rd South HERES WHY MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE BUYING PLYMOUTH IN 65: WEVE GOT A KICKEROO OF A CAP FOR YOU! VALUE-PACKE- D TIME TO PLACE 4 LINES 4 DAYS 4 DOLLARS YOUR TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BIG DISCOUNT ON CLASSIFIED ADS DURING NATIONAL CLASSIFIED AD WEEK 3313 JUST SAY: "CHARGE IT" Here's How it works: you have something to sell (any item you no longer need or want) something to If rent something to buyor something to swap, just dial 363-- 1 525. AsIc for an taker. She will help you write a ad, run it 4 days and bill you 4 dollars (Easy as that.) 4-Ii- (Sorry, commercial house cannot take advantage of this special discount rote it is reserved for the family classified ad only. Only 4 lines and no refunds for early No extra cost for late ne The . 65 Plymouth Belvedere gives you more power, more length, more width, more weight, more. car for your money than Fairlane or Chevelle! ts. '4' sale '4' for SELL -- FIND IT-RE- 'Jor--S- O IT NT IT IT-S- WAP FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE PLACE YOUR AD AT OUR BRANCH OFFICE . . ' 4091 SO. STATE 4-4- -4 .-- Harti h b PlywwOft snglnB and Srtva Vila warranty yretaeta yau: Chrysiar Corporation confidently warrants ail ot tha following vital parts of its 19S5 can for 5 years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first during which time any such parts that prove defective in material and workmanship wilt bt replaced or repaired at a Chrysler Motors Corporation Authorized Dealer's place of business without charge for such parts or labor: angina block, head and internal parts, intake manifold, water pump, transmission case and Car Miks an Modal PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE Power Sid. 1 Csfh Displscsmsiit Isnftk 145 hp 225 cu. In. 203.4 In. 116 In. 75.6 fn. 3222 lbs. $2226 120 hp 194 cu. In. 196.6 In. 115 in. 74.6 In. 3015 Iba. $2231 120 hp 200 cu. 198.4 116 in. 73.8 In. 2916 Iba. $2230 Wheelbase Width stdan) .4 CHEVELLE 300 DELUXE internal parts (excepting manual dutch), torque converter, drive shaft, universal joints, rear axle and differential and rear wheel bearings. Required maintenance: The following mainte-nanc- a services art required under the warranty-cha- nge engine oil every 3 months or 4,000 miles, whichever cornea first; replace oil fitter every second oil change; dean carburetor air filter every ( months and replica R every 2 years; snd every 6 months furnish evidence of this sedan) FAIRLANE sodan) required service to Chrysler Motors Corporation Authorized Dealer and request him to certify receipt of such evidence and your ears mileage. Simple enough for such important protection. . In. In. Pries Weight eCompertsen based on AM speclfltttions and Manufacturin' Suggested RetaH Priest for modtli das Ignited neluslvt and local taxes, if any, destination charge, whittwalls, whttl covgrs, and sthtr optional tgulpmenL gf tut GET ON THE PLYMOUTH KICEt... QUICK. FREED MOTOR CO. BUY IT NOW AT r t - - . i Purvmxlvxdxr valiawtbarracuda , 47 South 2nd East CHRY8lE MSSSM Salt Lake City, Utah ... totroiwiioi e 7 i r |