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Show v rrrrr"r rrr mnrrrrtTrv ...... it y yrri'y y rrnnrni-ryi'- vv fTryrvyror'VTTy 'v m a yvrrrrrvyyTrTxrrTrrrrrnni rrrrrrywnrnrnr rvyvrrri rrr ' The Salt Lake Tribane, Friday, March 26, 1965 Opening DramaHailed at London Fete Tommy Dorseys Band Stirs Music Memories - - bobby-soxe- Songs the tromin Novem- bone virtuoso, died ber, 1956, but his memory lives on with an orchestra directed by Sam Donahue. Donahue, who exhibits an amaz- lng musical versatility by playing tenor sax, trumpet and trombone, said many listeners apparently are unaware that Dorsey is dead. Frequently when were playing dates people will come up and ask Wheres Tommy tonight? Donahue said. Donahue, bass player Billy Clark and trumpeter Charlie Shavers are the only members of the band who were contemporaries of Tommy. They recall when Frank S- Fiddler Leave Due for Mostel A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. FidDuring his absence, dler will continue with Luther Adler, who scored a critical and popular success when he spoiled Mostel for a brief winter vacation. The is scheduled to start in August at a London studio. SCREAMINGLY FUNNY SCENES! SHEER ENTERTAINMENT. ONE OF THE BEST!" -C- AMERON, Newt ACADEMY AWARD WINNER FINAL WEEKEND! MARGARET RUTHERFORD amidst mischief the mizzen-mast- s! AGATHA CHASTE'S (What WILL she do next? ?) MSS HARPLE HOLLYWOOD (UPI)-Teen- -age singing favorite Carol Connors has landed a top role in Red Line 7000 under the direction of Howard Hawks. fflBK Every Saturday at 9 and 11 a.m. FREE TICKETS AT Den's foodtewn Markets or from Suoar House Merchants THIS SATURDAY . . Solo . . . All Timas STEVE REEVES o "HERCULES PI ill The New Look in Pirates Disney Cartoon at 8:30 TONITE Circus Business Grows MATINEES SAT. & SUN. 2 P.M. try to keep it still a circus. Thats the reason, people still like us, says Bundy. John Ringling North has sent 40 new acts from Europe this year. We have 185 performers, and the circus train is up to 22 railroad cars compared to 15 two years ago, he By Milt Frudenheim Chicago Daily News Writer NEW YORK The circus business looks good,, says Rudy Bundy, who keeps track of the money for John Ringling North. As the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus aproached New York for its annual stay at Madison Square Garden, Bundy said advance ticket sales were running way ahead of last We said. The days of the Yickets tarlyl Big Ber- Suddenly youre surrounded by the screen . . . Suddenly youre in exotic lands . . . fascinated by strange customs . . . and stranger people ! YOU ara dangl.d from a h.licopt.r In a daring storm --swept Mediterranean! hair-pi- n curves of Monaco's Grand Prix YOU pin the a Royal at in Turkey . . . land of teaming ha fierce YOU witness and vailed intrigue! the legendary Nila . . . through the Valley YOU travel in search of a Phareah's traasurel of Kings fiesta . . . thrill te tho colorful wild YOU dance at a of tha Spanish bull ring! . , Share the owe and spander of pageantry! . , . Thrill after thrill FEATURES AT: 2nd Reserve Your 1 tha main tent, menagerie tents and cookhouse tents are over. Now the cirucs plays in air conditioned coliseums on tour of 45 cities. an It opened Jan. 8 in the Venice (Fla.) home base. It 'will circle the country and return to Tampa, Fla., by Nov. 29. year. Treasurer and vice president of the big circus, Bundy attributes good business to more new acts, more people, but the same circus format weve used for 25 years. ' "KmcT ..1143, 3:M, AM, 10 M. "RowJ" dangerously h! : WEEKI f dj . Mightiest Man of y Ottlf I 5.5391 AMMERSTEINS -H- Curtamc 7:14 and 9:15 p.M. features: 7:44 mmd 9:45 p.m. Lands Role Lake City, under auspices of Eugene Jelesnik. ... 0 HOWEJl 0 . The Tommy Dorsey Orches- Theotref, In. ' for Show Information Ne also present Feydeaus Te Promene Done Pas Toute Nue and Claudels Le Soulier de Satin, will be followed for a week by the Compagnia Dei Giovani from Rome. Andro-maqu- enthusiastic reception. There Were no fewer than 10 curtain calls for the company which Queen Elizabeth II will see in the same play next Wednesday as the guest of the French ambassador. The season, which will last nine weeks, is the second to be held at the Royal Shakespeare companys London home. Like last years, it is being presented by the gover tra, with vocalists Frank Sinatra Jr. Helen Forrest and the Pied Pipers is scheduled for a performance at 8:30 p.m. April 14 in The Terrace, Salt film-makin- g RODGERS re- slender brunette wio sang with Harry Jambs orchestra? Remember her interpretation of I Dont Want to Walk Without You, I Had the and I Craziest Dream, Cried for You? Shes a redhead and matronly now. But she has lost nohe of the magic that made her records popular with the GIs of World War II. NEW YORK (AP) Zero Mosleave next tel takes a summer from his current Broadway show, Fiddles on the Roof, to make the film version of his preceding hit, Racines of which was given an famous muted Dorseys trombone solo in Song of India' is played by Larry OBrien who was in grammar school when the master died.' Its no trick for Larry to play it the same way, DonaThe arrangehue explained. ment is there and he can read music. Of course, he had listened to Tommys record and he seems to get the feel of playing it like Tommy. Remember Helen Forrest, a inatra broke in with Tommy in -20 often That Trombone the 1940s and skyrocketed to hNwuntolR tion croon. But the Sinatra touch remains with the band. Frank Sinatra Jr. has been with the orchestra for more than a year and offers songs popularized by his father. His delivery of A Lovely Way to Spend the Evening, "SWon-derfu- l, Falling In Love and Who Can I Turn To releases a flood of memories for the fortyish audiences. Young Sinatra is backed by the Pied Pipers when he sings A Lovely Way to Spend the Clark Yocum, one Evening. of the original Pipers provided the background for the elder Sinatra a generation ago. Its like taking a lot of the years off my life old tunes again, Yocum said. Its a younger feeling. Boogie-Woogi- Dorsey, France launched the 1965 London World Theater season at the Aldwych Theater here with a distinguished produc- mained through four stage shows to hear the Thin Man have a way of turning back the years and the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra can provide a fast rollback to nostalgia. Youre creeping up on mid-idl- e age if you danced to Dorseys Marie w hen it was arranged in 1936. 'Song of Ine and dia, "Sentimental Over You are recalled by women who have a touch of gray in their hair and have given up jitterbuging. Tommy who rs nors of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and impresario Peter Daubeny, and sponsored by the Sunday Telegraph. The French company, which during the next two weeks will Jean-Lou- is Barraulis Theater de fame. Sinatra was adopted by By Rudy Cernkovic United Press International PITTSBURGH LONDON (Reuters) camel-comb- II. llUrllM ... werld-ranewn- ed TODD-A- TONIGHT AT COLOR Presented n Di Luu 8:30 P.M. In - MATINEI SAT., SUN. and WED. AT 2 P.M. ! A Magical Filml "DESTINED Koto Comoro. TO BE ONE Mm DHy "Big, Beautifully Made! OF THE BIGGEST j WUBLW RTAti t wausivr iaTt IakT OMN AT 11:M DAILY P.M. stowing f S1.M TIL ... ILLS. I tea PotswKk. Jour. Amo. HITS EVER! - Superb- The happy news is that Music is a warm Dramatically, Cinematicaily, and beautiful experience! Julie Andrews' radiance Ann-Margr- et TECHNICOLOR Musically! Strikes a New Kind of Fire Metfeto Moppot in A Smashing floods the screen, warms the heart!" nTH Picture! a New Kind of Man... Box Office Open Noon Michael Parks KitgoOo MATINEKS Sunday $1.25 $1.50 Saturday and Holidays $1.50- - $1.99 HU 7 -7194 3042 Highland Dnva at 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Advanco Reservations In person or by mail at VILLA or in parson CHARGE IT AT ZCMI, DA EVENINGS at 8:30 p.m. Sunuday Thru Thursday $1.50-51.9- 9 Friday and Saturday $1.99- - $2.50 TO YOUR ZCMI ACCOUNTI 7? s. EXCLUSIVELY RICHARD HAYDN ELEANOR PARKER i I RESERVED AT THE O O SEATS NOW SALT LAKE AT 830 P.M. NIGHTLY MATINEES Serf., Sun., Wad I p.m. SHOWING NOMINATED' INCLUDING J j BEST PICTURE 0 8:30P.M. MATINEI SAT., SUN. AND WED. P.M. J': P IXCLUSIVI j SALT wen m mom mene.MII ft TICKETS ON SALE AT (OX OFFICE J Opwi Doily 11:30 e.m. (Sim. I p.m.) I LAKE GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE FOR TONIGHT'S PERFORMANCE I SHOWING Something scandalous always happens when. jrr P) h Sftftil&liVJI Opn H- a a 1 p.m. Daily 171 S. Mom El PARK FREE AFtw 4 p.m. Sure Virna . . . watch I'll show you how to murder hls wife! ft ACADEMY AWARDS AT i. 1 Hey Jack . . . Lets put some fun in Rock & Ginas life . . . FOR T0N16HT 1121 S. 11th Dont worry Gina , that Bus RiLEys Back in Town' 1 j JANET KIM DARBY "Piwhiced Lemmon is just a dud! MARGOUN-ERA- w. s,waoer gsgem t,msvarnMT COLO2 bj ELLIOTT IASTNER (umpdFom RECOMMENDED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT! PARK-V- ONLY CO-H- IT U A MOCKINGBIRD n "TO NOW! KILL STARRING AT TWO THEATRES uimuuisi jnciiiECT GRIGORY PECK T OPEN AT 1t:4S A M. Till S, Time SMS. Ck. SSc Shews et 1340, 4:00, 4:10, ( IS, 10:13 . $1 r MS AT urn AOULT3 SUt, CM. PX1 rswm Mi WdA SRSC HEATERS WARM Pas ... Opee et 4:30 p.m. Shew 7:1S - PHONE Exciting Pamela Tiffin Jamas Darren 4 51 hut . , , Hating Thrifts "The Lively Set" i I 4 C 9, m ft (1 ft rA 9 0 00 - 00 0 00 P A ft A ft JkAft 0.0-- A 00 0 0 00 0 f'C ' EXCLUSIVELY! Open 5:15 Sat. Open 1 p.m. At 5:35, 7:40 and 9:50 (OX OFFICE. OPEN DAILY AT 1 a.m. j 11:94 o.m.-S- m. EXCLUSIVE S SALT LAKES GREAT COMEDY KITS! ! v f A.AftftftAftJlftftftftftAA ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft rw. |