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Show -- Th Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, March 26, 1965 8A The People Speak-Exclus- to the strategy some white leaders are likely to follow in the future. They can be expected to try to organize the voting of the Negroes working for them to counter any political insurgency of the Negroes who feel 'free of the establishment Whether the new Negro vote divides or becomes one single white leaders no longer have bloc could determine the politistructure of paternalism that cal future of the Deep South. can meet the Negro's economic needs either. Next: Signs that the Souths bitter integration struggle is Going North moving into a new phase. The Negroes are torn between fighting for a foothold in Selmas economy, drawing relief checks and packing up and taking their problems North. Negroes outnumber the whites in Selma and once the voting barriers are lifted a new kind of political struggle is likely to start. One remark that Mrs. Stop It right away with TUMS antacid Suttle made seemed significant. tablet. Today1 good Ustirig TUMS are fortified - speed soothing, high potency "With this new riffraff registerrelief , . . neutralize el excess acid . . . ing, she said, we will have to release you from the grip of an gently, en get our own Negro workers to ive Negroes Accelerate Drive for Rights as the Old Southern Plantations Disappear raging struggle of Negro voting and will probably detrights cotton 1952 the As late as how ermine that struggle will planta-.tio- n .fields of one 3,500-acr- e near Selma, Ala., were move in the future. While in Selma I tried to get a ' worked by 48 .better understanding of the imfamilies. Jegro of this economic revolution pact cattle Today by interviewing some of the graze over much of the land once citys key economic leaders, such as Green Suttle and his devoted to cotmother, ton, while tracwho now run the Selma stock-yardtors and mecha-i c a 1 pickers Three points stand out from .have replaced all of the old these talks: more important perhaps is the second point that in places like Selma there no longer is enough of this paternalism left to embrace anything like the whole Negro population Turn Him Loose The 48 families who worked the old Suttle cotton plantation in 1952 had their place in Selmas economy. They belonged to the Suttles. If any of them got field hands. In all, only Mr. Lubell three Negro families are still left on this plantation. dis- This astonishing which of placement Negro labor, j has taken place through the whole cotton South, is certainly one of the more explosive prothe Negro pellants behind .march from Selma to the state capitol in Montgomery. Most Important into a scrape, Mrs. Suttle resheriff the called, always called me and Id say, Turn him loose, Ill be responsible. But when the tractors and cot- By Samuel Lubell s. n -l Homes Modern First, the most feudalists paternalism w h it e community e a d er s like the S u t tl e s treat the Negroes they employ. While the Suttles 1 Second in a Series ton pickers took over, the Ne- were freed of belonging uira groes me photographs to anyone. They had to go on i homes their tenant farmers live welfare, move North, or find a in, a Negro worker walked by new place in Selmas economy on his way to the "colored enin competition with white worktrance of the stockyard cafeterers and with the most menial ia. When he saw us, he tipped education. his hat as a European peasant Truck Driver In fact, the breakdown of the might greet the lord of the ma- The Suttles cited the problem e cotton plantationhasTnor. Such paternalism may seem of one Negro who was to be probeen perhaps the most impor- tant single factor in shaping the alien to American traditions, but moted to the job of driving a rr ZZ'Z truck but couldnt get a license he was unable to sign his name. And yet he had man-- 1 aged to get through the seventh grade in school. In short and this is the third point of significance Selma can be said to have at least two broad classes of Ne-- . to groes: those who belong what is left of the paternalistic establishment and those who are free of the establishment. Free Class The local Negroes who rallied behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. seem to have come mainly from the free class. When the demonstrations began, the policeman who knows Selmas Negroes best studied the faces of the picketing Negroes. He ported back to the citys leaders that he knew only a few of the. demonstrators. Of the 26 Negroes who work at theSell!ia stockyards not one is vote- - "When my re Elstere husband was alive he tried to CONTACT get some of them to vote, Green Suttles mother recalled, but they wouldnt. To them politics was the white mans business. As I left town I thought that Selma and the South really is in painful transition between two psychological worlds. Because of the paternalistic tradition, the white leaders do not know how to treat Negroes as vote. political equals and yet these That remark, I suspect, points OoMfXkfetf... OUR rout special dressing 534 S. Main' 7th East & 21st South Visit Cottonwood Mall Cafeteria indigestion stomaeh-complete- ly, the spot Wouldn't S that? you like rail pack -- sop Quickly effective, high potency relief SPECIAL ON THOMPSON 'Esnmmssm SALT LAKE ANYWHERE... GRANGER 2 BIG . 550 SOUTH' QUALITY, SERVICE AND PRICB 6th ,3065 WEST) 3500 SO, EAST. 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MOCCASINS AH Styles 20 OFF ANNIVERSARY - WORKMANSHIP Lodie' cushion Neothone Dowell Men's Goodyear Neolite HEEL LIFTS HALF SOLES Reg. 1.25 2 ' proacta and springy rubber heels Free Loces Can of ' CONTROL! gg, 3-ye- ar s Neon Tetra e" Spotted DoJo ca. 39' ea. control guaranteed 2. You can reseed with application 3. Controls lawn insects 4. Controls many 5. Contains 3 Major Fertilizer Elements ITS TIME with ORTHO-GR- at cll stops . A. r -y g)95 Complete new stock of roses new available over 10 varieties to choose from. $ fj jt 08 IRfhQR FREE USE OF SPREADER with each purchase of $5.00 or more in fertilizers or lawn materials. 2 SHOE REBUILDERS (i ! 8 Lawn and Garden Food 40 lbs. covers 4.000 to 5,000 sq. ft. 20 lbs. covers 2.000 to 2,500 sq. ft. e 69 East Broadway e 154 South State e Cottonwood Mail e Sugar Bouse Shopping Center Arcade " LADIES O i e TO FERTILIZE Kiwi Polish Special favorites, 2 year, 1 roses. Complete color as- -' sortment. Reg. 13.50. Dinner Plate varieties with extra large bloom Reg. 4.65 1 25 10 NEW LOW PRICE Catfish 98 39 GLORIOUS 10- ROSE COLLECTION NEW LOW PRICE crab-gra- ss other weeds No. 3 Sptcud j and turquoise FREE FLOWERS TO THE MATERIALS REMODELING SPECIALS So. 2 Sptcud Reg. 1.50 99 . . . with NEW MACHINES SEATS NEW COMEOtTAllI NEW EXPEDITOR SYSTEM FINEST FINEST SPFCfAL Style shown 4.95 In black, white, natural . . . Ao. I Sptcud PURSE HANDLES GUILD com- CRABGRASS Ghost-Glas- ft Covers 2,000 sq. ft. remodeled to give greater customer fort and the fastest repair service . anywhere! Decorative cactus, novelty and pompon types SPECIAL 20 Traditional Eroodway Fait Servke U Now even Falter ROSE SPECIAL; Choice new stock just arrived from America s dahlia grower. TE SHOE REPAIR SERVICE in the West in our newly remodeled shop at 69 East Broadway Completely Weed-Fre- e DAHLIAS SERVICE Salt Lakers the MOST Pink Peony Spring Opening Sale 55 UP-TO-DA- d Regular $1.49 celebrates its $T' White Peony Un-name- STEER MANURE Large i d of several other varieties at sale prices ' 246 SOUTH MAIN er Red Peony Un-name- SALE Limited Quantities I d 98c SALE ABSOLUTELY Un-name- Reg. $1.25 E- INCLUDES SCIENTIFIC EYE EXAMINATION WHILE-YOUJRE- Giant Pink ' |