Show Two Monuments num ts Will Mark Historic Sites in in- County Two monuments marking h historic sites in Salt Lake county county coun coun- ty ar are r to be erected in cooperation with the Ut Utah Trails and Land Land- marks mark association Fort V Wight gh which marked a dramatic dramatic dramatic dra dra- matic and adv adventurous stand of ot the whites white's against th the Indians In 1854 a and d the Nett Neff flour mill formerly located near the L. L D D. D S. S church will be commemorated during ceremonies d dedicating the Charles Beckstead chairman of the West Vest J Jordan c committee i in charge of f erecting a foot 12 shaft hatt hattat at the Forty Fort Wight Wight site said that construction would the next 10 days Dedication has bee been tentatively set for Ma May 30 The original pioneers Alexander Alexandcr Beckstead Beckstead Beck Beck- stead Samuel Egbert and Lyman Wight first to settle west of ot the Jordan river In the vicinity of ot West Jordan will be honored during the services sen Groups Cooperate The fort tort mon monument ment will be constructed constructed constructed con con- by the West Vest Jordan camps of Utah pioneer organizations West Vest Jordan Bo Boy Scouts the West Vest Jordan Jordan Jordan Jor Jor- dan L L. D D. S. S stake and the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association as as- Assisting Mr Beckstead with planning the monument are arc Willam William Wil- Wil liam lam J. J Leake P. P T. T Bateman J. J C. C Richards Hyrum Byrum Stocking Ivy Lindquist and Lu Luella McAllister Erection ot of the Neffs Neff's flour mill monument is to be supervised b by bythe the he East Millcreek Betterment le league eague gue and amI the landmarks association asso asso- Plans for the project were were accepted at a meeting of at the league Monday night In the East Millcreek L Li L. D. D S S. S church with Dr Munn Q Cannon president in in charge Oldest In Utah Data on the mills mill's history said to bo the oldest in Utah will be gathered by Bishop Eugene Neff son of the pioneer miller Inscriptions will be made on a bronze plaque describing the historic scenes scenes The plaque will be placed in the monument during the dedi dedi- dedi- dedi cation Officials of ot the league and landmarks association are to participate participate par par- te In inthe the dedication scheduled dedication scheduled for July 4 The leagues league's beautification beautification cation program will be bo concluded on that day and elaborate ceremonies ceremonies ceremonies cere cere- cere- cere monies have been pla planned ned The annual annual annual an an- nual East Millcreek k Betterment league eague carnival has bas also been set for tor July 4 Mrs J. J J. J Stewart Jr vice president of ot the league and Mrs Parley Pack are committee chairmen in ch charge rge Others will be named l later ter The Tho league also heard reports from Crom rom the county commission that its ts petition n for additional street streetlights lights and t the e erect erection on of name nameplates nameplates nameplates plates for the streets had been ac- ac The work vork is to start within tw two wo weeks |