Show Find Cause Of Eczema By Position By MYRTLE l MEYER ELDRED I It is sometimes possible to deter deter- deter I mine the irritant which is causing eczema in the infant by noting the position of at the eruption It seems unlikely that baby would have bave eczema only on the legs if it the diet were much at fault In that cause aus the eruption would probably appear most profusely on the face and forehead or or generally all over the body Ask Doctor When the eruption is localized it may be due to external irritants such as diapers or wool clothing oz or bedding or the rash may be some local skin infection such as impetigo The differentiation between such rashes must be made by a a. competent competent competent com- com doctor not the mother and then the proper measures of ot cure will be instituted Mrs D. D R. R S S. S writes My 8 old month-old d daughter a Ug h t e r has large patches of eczema on both legs I have taken her to a a. doctor several times and he be has changed her diet without result He told me to feed her just vegetables and raw milk no sugar no starch Her condition is worse than it was after atter following these Could this be a teething rash Could it be possible that the milk she gets is too rich Cereals May lUny Irritate It is easily possible for tor rich milk to cause eczema but not just on the legs Because both boiled and processed milks are considered desirable desirable desirable de de- de- de in these conditions I suggest that you try them You may have havethe havethe havethe the leaflet on Sweet Milk Formulas Formulas Formulas Formu Formu- las or Evaporated Milk Formulas Formulas' and What Mothers Should Know I About Eczema for cent 3 a stamped self addressed envelope s sent e n t to Myrtle Meyer eyer Eldred of at the Your i Baby Baby and Mine d department of or this vs ne newspaper aper Your baby needs need fruits vegetables and ind milk Sugar is not often an Ir irritant to eczema but cereals cereal often are re if lit the baby has a a. sensitivity to the he grain from which t tie the cereal is made But in your case I should suspect external irritants a list of ot which is given in the leaflet Tomorrow BABY'S CARE SHOULD NOT CROWD CRO OUT AFFECTION AFFECTION AFFECTION AF AF- FOR OLDER CHILD D. D |