Show i Speed Manias Mania's Harvest death came to three youths on the SUDDEN Ogden highway at 1 a. a m. m Sunday Two other young men and three girls were rendered un tm- conscious These five are in hospitals on beds of pain the outcome of their grave injuries un un- un- un predictable A ninth victim is at his home suffering suffering suffering suf suf- suf- suf fering from possible internal injuries and cuts He was incapable of giving a coherent account of f the tragic on head-on crash of two automobiles when passersby stopped to render aid immediately immedi immedi- tely after the horrible accident A grisly spectacle confronted those who ar arrived arrived ar- ar rived at the scene a few seconds after the terrific terrific ter ter- rifle impact of the machines The broken bodies bodies' of at the bleeding and groaning victims were were heaped on a passing truck which took them 19 to the emergency hospital for for first aid Three were beyond help their agony terminated by death Had they survived they would have been mutilated perhaps helpless for life All three girls suffered fractures one a brain concussion con con con- One of the worst perhaps the worst wort highway tragedy to occur in Utah it brought the death toll of auto accidents in the state since January 1 1 to 38 Speed youth and two powered high-powered automobiles automobiles automobiles auto auto- mobiles was Sheriff Joseph Holbrooks Holbrook's laconic explanation of the crash which tore the machines machines machines ma ma- chines to splinters a as if it they had been mad made of matchsticks It is unlikely that any more complete complete com corn account of the happening will be devel devel- ped One driver was killed The other barely able to speak said The other car just came from nowhere and hit us Investigating of officers officers officers of- of could find no evidence of brakes having been applied Speed youth and two high- high powered automobiles seems to be no noo o other her cause to ascribe Officers physicians and n nurses ses could find no suggestion that liquor had any MY part in the affair Three boys and three girls returning from froman an Ogden dance dance two two dead and four in torture from om their ghastly mutilations ghastly s end to a night of bf f merrymaking me Three happy boys speeding to their Davis county homes one homes one dead his fa face e crushed in fractured skull and broken leg t the theother e other two suffering painful perhaps critical hurts In spite of safety education a model traffic code and an appalling record of death and de de destruction destruction both adult and youthful drivers re remain re- re main unimpressed It seems impossible to appe appeal appeal ap- ap pe peal l to reason or instinct The speed mania continues to tl take its undiminished harv harvest t. t To o 1 3 0 J i 4 j. j tk r J I the state road commission we submit for consideration consideration consideration con con- before projects for add additional highways highways high high- of center ways are ire launched the installation curbs dividing the traffic lanes on main traveled traveled trav tray highways Even these could not eliminate eliminate eliminate nate all danger It Is of course an afterthought following Sunday mornings morning's tragedy but if such physical barrier had existed on the Salt Ogden-Salt Lake highway it is wholly unlikely that the two cars could have met |