Show SALT EX-SALT LAKER DIES IN CHICAGO C. C Nutt 53 Chicago former former for for- mer resident of Salt Lake City was killed in an accident in Chicago according according according ac ac- ac- ac cording to word received Tuesday by Salt Lake CIt City relatives Details Details De De- tails of the accident were not given Mr fr Nutt was born In Salt Lake City in 1882 and moved to Chicago 12 years ago He was a painter and paperhanger paper He is survived by his widow Mrs Ella Nutt Chicago five children Marlon Marion Nutt Afton Nutt McMurray McMurray ra ray Donald Nutt Keith Nutt and LeRoy Nutt all of Chicago his mother Mrs Emily Nutt Salt Lake City a brother Phillip Nutt Salt Lake fake ake City and a sister Mrs Kate Snarr Salt Lake City Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p p. p m. m Wednesday in Chicago |