Show I INSIDE N S I D DE E S STUFF T I U F F Th The By News PAUL Behind MALLON d the News 9 v WASHINGTON ASHINGTON April 12 12 The Tho wise vIso new deal dealers rs mako make a business business bustness busi bust ness of not knowing much about their spending pl plans ns Congressional Congressional Congressional inquisitors have not been able ablo to get much out of Mr Hop- Hop klan on that subject The impression has been created cre cre- that tho the federal handout next year ear will vIlI total as requested by tho the president plus whatever is left over from this ye-ar ye and no one ono ever knows how much is going to be left ov over r. r That is no one ono ever admitted knowing until Mr Dan Bell the nonpolitical budget director testified at a house tax hearing recently He let it out while his hearers were so deeply involved In the taxation subject that they overlooked it Mr Bell was heard to say that the tho amount obligated for this fiscal year is not the amount allocated mind you but tho the amount which will be spent The Tho I over left he said would be exactly on tho the basis of figures compiled as late lato as March 20 If Ie you will add this over left-over to the new V relief fund you will have hayo President Roosevelt's secret secret- namely that the relief sock under his bed bcd for the year beginning July 1 will contain about 2628 Bulge Mr rr Bell was giving the status of the last relief fund of He said it was carried on the books at b because causo some of it included from the tho previous year ear It would be incorrect to deduce from his figures that relief expenditures expenditures expenditures expendi expendi- tures would be less next year than this year as the figures seem to indicate I If you count in the bonus tho the extra- extra budgetary appropriations being made in congress and the relief appropriations switched from the emergency budget into frito the regular regular regular regu regu- lar budget for next year Mr Roosevelt's total spending fund will be bo much larger than this year In other words Mr Roosevelt can spend considerably more moro money next year instead of less as generally supposed Speed Swiftest legislative stepper In congress Is shrewd Senator Smith And the swiftest step he lie ever made was on the recent cotton loan legislation Mr Smith was living up to his nickname of Cotton Ed by championing legislation requiring the Commodity Credit corporation to sell bales of its cotton holdings each week Most of Df the experts agreed it was a n sour Idea They wondered what it would do to the cotton market The well wen known Oscar Johnson A A A cotton expert put h his head together with the American Cotton Cotton Cotton Cot Cot- ton Cooperative association expert expert expert ex ex- ex- ex pert and worked out a substitute plan in private They agreed to have the government take a 2 21 cent loss on its cotton loans by unloading the cotton upon certificate certificate cate holders who would market it piecemeal The plan was wa-s to have been announced announced announced an an- at 3 p. p m. m but Smith jumped the gun and introduced legislation embodying the tho plan asa as asa asa a substitute for his own several hours earlier Some of his senatorial friends were still championing his original original nal bill at his committee hearing next day not knowing that he had abandoned his old horse horo and was riding another in an opposite direction Lobby Diplomas DIploma The hatred hated which congressmen have been breathing at lobbyists Q 9 lately In public statement and speeches apparently does not apply apply apply ap ap- ap- ap ply to all lobbyists A small veterans' veterans organization which boosted the soldier bonus is Is 15 now flOw delivering a han handsome ome cItatIon citation cita cIta- tion ton to senators and representatives represents represents- tives who voted for it The Tho citation citation cita cita- tion looks like a diploma At the top Is tho the name of the congressman congress congress- man written out in full tull In an Impressive Im Im- Im way Tho body of the document received by one congressman congressman con eon gressman stated that he had been awarded the citation for outstandIng outstanding outstanding out standing service in the fight for forthe forthe forthe the soldiers' soldiers bonus The congressmen are very proud of these citations citation As AB has been said before a lobbyist lobbyist lobbyist lob lob- Is b a public benefactor if you happen to be on his side He HeIs Heis Heis is a despicable crook if you happen happen happen hap hap- pen to be bo against him Able Senator Jimmy Byrnes Is understood to be in the market for ear stopples stopple to afford himself the same sort Jort of ot relief that Senator Senator Senator Sena Sena- tor Glass gets from his ear stop stop- ples pies His problem is is' not anti- anti noise but Senate leaders successfully sidetracked sidetracked side side- tracked the Davis resolution callIng call call- In lag Ing for a senate inquiry into V W WP VP P A politics polities by sending it to Byrnes Byrnes' committee on audit and control Byrnes is supposed to have sought the counsel of a wise wit who sits near him asking what should be done about the resolution The response was Lose It it Each day the tho good members of his committee c appear in the senate senate sen zen ate but he declines decline to see them However it Is getting more difficult difficult cult each da day Senator Davis keeps howling for action on his resolution and the quorum keeps reappearing declining to go off and die o or even play golf Copyright 1936 for The Telegram |