Show Mrs Bartholomew Barthol mew Freddie Due to Meet in Hollywood LOS ANGELES April 14 AP AP-A AP A mc meeting ting between Freddie Bartholomew child film actor actor- and his mother Mrs Lillian Bartholomew Bartholomew Bar Bar- who came from England to get him back appeared pos pos- sible today or tomorrow Counsel for Mrs rs Bartholomew Leon Leonard d J J. said he ho Would try to arrange the meeting when Freddie and his aunt Miss Millicent B Bartholomew his legal guardian return from Palm Springs desert resort They are expected in Hollywood today or or tomorrow year Twelve-year-old F Freddie re rc d d die i e who earns earns 1000 a n week weel is unaware of ot tho the war tug his mother and aunt are arc waging for lor his custody Determined to regain custody of her son Mrs Bartholomew slipped sUpped I into Los Angeles quietly She traveled traveled trav tray from New York by piano under under under un un- un- un der an assumed I name said his client would file a petition for regaining custody of or Freddie within the deadline of April 23 23 the the date set by the court which gave the child to his aunt Worn out Mrs Barth Bartholomew went into hiding after arter a conference e with her coun counsel el but Meerberg quoted her as as' saying My liMy trip to this country Is to protect pro ted teat my child ehUd I want my boy He Hc belongs to me and I am entitled to him This is all aU a commercial scheme to keep him away from meI meI me eI e. e I I want to see to it that his earnings earnings earn earn- ings g go go I into to his estate so that he will be properly educated and taken care of or This I believe is a Do mothers mother's mothers mother's moth moth- ers er's sole duty Freddie's parents consented to their son accompanying accompanying- Miss Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Bar Bar- to New York Mrs MIs Barth Bartholomew Bartholomew Bar Bar- th declared on on the understanding understanding understanding under under- standing he would merely visit there Her husband and she the mother molher moth moth- er asserted vero iere n not not Informed of their sons son's motion picture contract until after he arrived In Hollywood Attorneys for kr Miss Bartholomew had rio no comment to make upon the mothers mother's arrival and indicated t the e aunt Wo herc keep f Corl on the time |