Show THREE DRIVERS FINED I IN BOUNTIFUL COUR COURT BOUNTIFUL Despite repeated traffic law jaw vi violations viola viola- warnings against la ions in Davis county offenders continued d to pay jay fines lines here Sunday Sunday Sun- Sun day lay and Monday Appearing before dore Justice of the Peace William H. H Holbrook Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day Bob Van Cott 1512 South Ninth East street Salt Lake City pleaded guilty to a speeding charge and was fined ined fined 10 With a promise e to pay the he remainder Wednesday Van Cott was p permitted to pay half halt of the line fine He was arrested by Patrolman Patrolman Patrolman Patrol Patrol- man P. P L. L Dow April 8 8 Horace Crandall North First West Salt Lako Lake City charged with driving riving in a reckless manner was lined fined 10 Sunday by Justice Holbrooke Hol Hol- brooke brook He was arrested by Patrolman Patrol atrol- man Harvey Brown Mrs Amy Cordell West South Temple street S Salt lt Lako Lake City paid I Ia a fine fino of when she appeared Monday in the tho court of Joseph A. A Sill of f Layton to an answer speeding charges harges She was arr arrested sted by Patrolman Pa- Pa rolman George eorge H. H Faulkner i |