Show ew Deals Deal's Job T Program Laid Before Nation t resident President Proposes Limiting Active Working Work Work- I 4 ing Life at Both Ends' Ends in Move to Distribute Distribute Distribute Dis Dis- Dis- Dis tribute Employment More Widely By Associated Press j 4 BALTIMORE April 14 14 0 Offering 14 Offering g the suggestion that the tive working years of every American winner bread-winner be to 47 President Roosevelt had bad placed before the naion naon naon na- na ion on today a broad outline of the new v deals deal's position on the jor problem of unemployment Amid the cheers of supporters who whoa a lad ad gathered for a Democratic rally fter an time old-time torchlight parade st t t night Mr Roosevelt called on onto to bo be so social ial pioneers and Text of Speech on Page 7 ep elp bring under control ol the forces if modern society l 3 1 Devoting most of his address to discussion of continuing large large- arge- arge Cale scale unemployment the president promised that it would be attacked from I. I rom every conceivable angle But Butt t was his suggestion for limits on one e wage-earning wage life HIe span that roused much discussion and Lion today t Raising aising the question whether It is lot t possible and right to limit the cUve working ages at both ends fr Mr Roosevelt said 4 Moro More Years in School SchoolWork Work out for yourselves what rould happen if all aJl the boys and ill 11 the girls of 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 7 who are now working in industry indus indus- try ry found it possible to stay in chool until they were at least 18 pears cars ars old How many nany jobs would hat give to the young people of the Uon tion who have graduated from school and from college i 1 In Ia the same way ask yourselves ourselves low ow many jobs would be created f t the great majority of people who whore re now over 65 to 65 to take a figure at were idom were in a n position to retire n n U security for the balance of their lays ays on earth Mr r Ro Roosevelt sevelt did not indicate whether hether th the e administration is tanning planning specific proposals along ese icse lines beyond the social se security se- se and other programs already enacted But he did indicate that the new deal despite the tho invalidation of N NA A still hopes to attain certain of that experiments experiment's objectives He said aid the government must and will vill jive give consideration to shorter hours stability of employment an and anI adequate adequate ade de- de quate minimum wages Urges Work Hour ork Hour Cut L Again he called on industry t to td undertake reasonable reductions of ours hours ours of work per week while at ate att atthe t the e same time they keep t the e aver aver- e C Individuals Individual's pay envelope at ast as large a as as it Is today placed High Democrats in con con- ess ss and the executive branch sat the platform in the tho huge armory re re to as Mr Jr Roosevelt addressed his to members of the Young clubs of Maryland gath- gath red rea for lor a J Jefferson birthday cele- cele and to a nationwide radio I In the light of flaming torches by bands and the theof mp of troops the tho club members d ci come to the rally in a a. a mile four-mile arch Baltimore streets Vice Vleo President Garner rode in an pe pen m automobile in the procession allowed by Speaker Byrns Senator on of Arkansas Postmaster James A. A Farley Fancy and other ders The rho presidents president's speech was studied y 7 as a text for many a Demo- Demo campaign speaker in the to come He Ho started with discussion of youths youth's problems ring ying Points Basic Problem Flaming youth has become a mIng aming question And youth comes come 9 D us 3 wanting to know what we to do about a society that thai urta so 50 many of ot them Ridiculing the idea that the con- con and prosperity of ot 1928 would ure everything he said 1928 as s no You and I know the simple fact at while production was ng g and profits were vera increasing in and 1929 unemployment was rowing at an astounding rate The eat t that the captains of the coun coun- 6 r and captains of industry could Continued on Page FaRe Two Column Column- One V t NEW DEALS DEAL'S JOB JOBI I F r. r I PROGRAM TOLD 1 J 1 t Continued from P PA Pate t e On Ont c Jo do for you before the depression was wa good enough then and it Is no not good Bood enough today I 1 t Production he said Is about back bad back Ito the pre pre pre-d high point b but t employment Is la only about bout 80 bier p per r cent as great But he emphatically er call cally rejected predictions predictions' of a vast vas permanent army of unemployed saying ying no man who is s sensitive to human values dares to accept such uch forecasts L. L Democrats f Attend Dan Dance e Democrats of Salt Lake county heard President Franklin D D. Roosevelt Roose Roose- R Roosevelt ose- ose velt velt speak Monday Monda night then celebrated celebrated cele cele- Jefferson day with a costume costume cos cos- tume lume ball In the tho Coconut Grove ball ball- room Governor and Mrs Henry H H. Blood and Calvin W. W Rawlings D Democratic state chairman and Mrs Rawlings were guests of honor honorat honorat at at the function at which prizes were awarded for lor the most moat authentic Jefferson day c costumes I William WIlHam J. J Eustice was general chairman of the local event which was jointly ly sponsored b by y r the Salt Lake Aka county Democratic committee Junior Democratic league Sagebrush Sagebrush Sage Sage- brush Democratic club Jackson Democratic league and Women's Democratic clubs Prior to the ball baU the Fifth Ward Roosevelt club met at the Ambassador Ambassador dor hotel to hear bearD Delbert M. M Draper speak peak on Why We Sh Should uld Vote for Pr President Roosevelt lt Mrs A A. M. M Browning a was as in charge charge- of ot the meeting with Mrs C. C 0 O. Bonner directing musical entertainment Mr Mrs r. r Frank W. W Penrose newly elected associate state Democratic chairwoman spoke poke briefly as did didI I J. J Waldo Parry chairman of ot the Fifth Firth ward |