Show r rM MM MUSIC AW DRAMA IN LONDON I d v i n 4 t r How American Theatrical t Is t jj Metropolis Nevay rotes ot tho Foreign Stage 5 J m 11 c 1 1 M fl n Fl n fl n 1 n ni I 11 I n n n n n n n U I r ww Special lal Correspondence April Thero seems to 10 L beno hI hm 10 doubt that Sunday Senile the ho t romantic play py produced nt at the theater Is what v at Comedy UI every London has ima been seeking another Mice Uce and IId Men len with n a long longrun longrun run hero helo In front of oC Id ih I anti favor In lu luthe Inthe the tho United States as AA well wel This Is I the tho th piece upon which three young members of Wilson company collaborated Wison under tho the name hattie of at Thomas Bate Rico wood HH Its atmosphere Is 19 American two out of the four scenes 6 eles I I being laid In a I western mining town Fred Frail Terry Terr and antt his hiI wife Julia Nellson on produced time the play and Its success or failure allure meant leant a 0 lot to them These two capable stage folk tolk made nn nil ulc uncommon success In Paul Hesters IC t t Nell lf f fOld Old Drury Drumy but since tome l crop croppers Cr per pers with two to unsuccessful plays play with vi h he time result that blat they have been under tinder a This by b the thc way IWAY was tras exactly 1 the time lo n mm of Forbes ron ton RII Gertrude tilt nit hiton niton tilton on Mice and Men ien Sunday Is II exactly c ct tha timo simple wort rt fr i play with a 0 happy ending and ond no 10 ambition 16 U l teach tench anything the ho hoI public on both sides of thu water In Insists 11 slats upon Uon Jilting best b sl in of the l folk tolk who think 1111 It I ought ti tl to Iko like om thing timing else Its ii Is II isi a Who like Crusoe Crusoe henchman was wims named lamell for tor time the day on she sho shovan Iho wan van nn born Like rime Tho Imp In When h 1 wv ma wore 1011 too Sunday har hM hit heen icen brought up P by four Caul our comrade rough miners who have hayo not among other timings things to teach the tho girl gin 1111 how low to use uso SO n a Moreover they hey time have advised to use tse her hiI In case of Insult To ro tho time town thero ther comes n a handsome named nettled who makes mAke lovo love to Sun San lay 1 Hut But Hit when ho he time girl finds that marriage IH in II not In Iii Included chIded In his hlf scheme chele Tho two ore are In n n a I and Imagine themselves puss alone Sunday bun bias her imer hand on her ro to olver amid Is ready renly to shoot down the tue theman man Who ho has ha Insulted her In such deadly fashion when there thero Is II n a 1 re report report report port 11 the tho man falls tho victim of at ho time gun of one 01 of Sundays four foul pro protectors 10 who has ha overheard the tho Inter view low and cud taken It upon himself to avenge tho time girl Tho body hody Is iii alno ml the Incident KII closed l Then through c which need l not bo ho 1 the da In detail this western girl Irl II is taken akon to England by hy a n woman of title tto Introduced In itt society here l Ev nt she alto finds herself a I guest at tho time hall bali of a n certain Col whom hul she Rho discovers dl Is la time the Mother of time the nina mon whom her hor foster roster parent o had hail shot hot Col Orin hemp loves sho alma returns his love ovo but In n a morbid way woy nho Rho considers co herself tho time causo of Pits Ils brothers death dath anti nd no YO sh she repulses him and 1111 unwilling her attitude puts to 10 o England behind her ami ro vu 10 turns urns to her first homo Silver Creek Hut But Col Cot follow and ono one 01 night turns turl up II In tho time little cabin where Sunday and 11 her bier tour four our protectors are witting la In tho the twilight time the girl Kir 1111 try tr no lag ng to respond to tho time incas mens cheerful begs I g Sunday to marry hint him and III dho imo ho responds by b tolling telling him hIm tho ho story of lila his hl brothers brothers death but hut leaves eaves tho Inference that ho imo died by hy her revolver however lies has hll tans ens to clear cionI up timo situation I ly by con conC tuning C that It I WI v s ho Imo who shot the tho Englishman I The rime end Is prettily pa In time the gloom of tho the cabin room rm thele It t Is Impossible tO to lo seo sem I I from Col horns thomps faco taco what effect cret tho time revelations have lavo had upon him nut Hut evidently Bun Hon lay 0 ha hl no doubt Hadly picks up her and going up to o 0 each ench of ot her liar says rays it but hut when alto cho ho turns to tho limit man site sho loves It I i Is Ie Cot Col I But the theman man rises rl es and amid says gays sa Sun Sus dayl lyt and time the curtain I tall fall fallA ral tallA A practise limos lins sprung up lately In Is Inthe I Ithe the time 1101 theatrical world Ii which 1 lu i Irritating to Americans here M e bera beca of oC time the way In which It libels the artistic judgment of or audiences audience at home Thi Tb consists f pt of announcing as ns giving b beta i n na a 1 great success In III America le Ca pU that have hlO been beel nothing of or the tho sort Tu recent Instances have Wen blen Ilen Cast a 1 and The me of or the Unless the writer wrier John Drew Dt found to I 11 billie favor faor rl 01 with wih tho t piece lec l b Anthony Anthon Hope anti and Harrison RhOeL MI time the play was IIa as put iut en on at a tin the b ret Duko Juko of Yorks recently Jt t was ival wa dt de Is ns an R nn American It hasted a 11 ht here hr One Ono hat hai hanel new ren understood Iod cither that iCI Cro M a n fortune dut ut of o Th Tk ThI I of oC C tM II Wn Vt yet It this th pie tw I tC Ih by 1 Ida I a nt Itt W Syd u s va M rl a at having anIl favor In lii I Th first t night at St rc Ih Ir nil f thi al 11 piny PlaY which In 19 riot not of courSe n w to tn Iw 1 ii Its It ll U bf short It Ils Is annoying wt to bh the this IhU Ihs r Oit of o timing thing may plow n nu lud h r f cares but It ii Is I net act lt good London s Tho of or U fm off ott at time tho Prince or of Wul culi thIs tf f fi i with Mn MR In th tIm P part pirt rt of or the th do doll lh Is that t I Amid the tho v tj American ld girl did an even eR Win better b Wr iW It or of acting than hr nl tt rP nt mit lt work troth ork lii In n TC It T School Helical Girl Gin had Ild I Id hI d hr hi tn tl P Orl P II Iut It from imer S 0 I 1 IH t tIn I evident that Miss Mas was tan In IS a 0 worse won state stab titan than over ever and nn It Itha I ha Orl If hf h contInues s In mum surprising hI W enc Ihl This Is a 0 n II iii comedy Frob tIles Miss titan nan hn has hns Mays i hal had In nile for sortie IW end Uan there thero was trims II n mm hot It w 50 f lent font VP If tnt far 55 to 10 Cl CO hind had so o that ho ha gone Rone f mission J M horn to writs a V for tor the time S girl to mana vho used Hugo announces wh tha he h hl hat W di di i I S Viennese girl girls f rj two covered I it IS 12 1 14 ii now nol 1 only t n i who have hao not IC 1 a are but lre IK for tor to be bt abt ab ready Tad to appear II I ii I th eM I Ini Ito he Is b hot flat to la but says he 15 i prodIgies its I ni hint ono one or of time tho girls nt at least wi mt III t as a l a great rent Impression n 1 In publiC moment omont she sho appears O Oat two young ort wi will be brOut 7 1 With r rat thi hull hell on arm May wl at St James I Mi heart Hall orchestra und r Queens IP Wood Wod Time The young I minor wi 11 lot or time the Chopin Concerto II lit Jj bi f 0 orchestra anui piano Lists Usta Th 1 1 Schumann ni J Ii tP rl vocalist will wil summit sing th time Vrn ittiS other wow Jh I t two Mozart t tO Their 8 trl the boY l of o IY that I are oro time the Mine Ile as nil Ih brought out hero years ars I 4 t I l for tor Oto OttO tt Time Tho ho concert ball i for May ny 7 at nt 5 Mi ball I to May II It nt at Q Queens Mi 1 led ImP hy r r lie 10 will wi bo be b r jf mint tho the Q Ial l birth d M Vou Vess Is on 11 American tm y a t f had Treat great success on 01 time the I much EO Let that he Ito has hns hasan It henre C mc C an gum I extended tour In ii winter II Miss I Mabel iVilO ho nga r t J number now 1 I of ot recitals r lomo M her er time stu u ft us ot ad an St nol make her wi lake WI ld tor a also Is May I Ii Hue fl s IQ oriented tour or of Cl tar ter |