Show SM 5 I A ALovE LOVE LETTER OP OF AN INDIAN SWAIN J 1 trw n tl t i I om NF of oC the most lore loc loreI I r ONI O 0 letters ever 11 written la is a purl port Jurt of oC the tho archives of or the Indian bureau In fn Washington on 11 Jl t In Is penned by nn on In III Indian dian bravo when wh n he was nIl a t student In tint one of bf C the tho government schools My Dourest t Client Outline genuine Dar Darling ling I 1 nm am taking the tho lolI pleas pious pleasure tire ure of replying to 10 your mot most kind und and love loe totter lotter lot tel Also I l was 1111 well gratified to hear for f r you ou that you yuu ore are oreIn In gives elles me n II more mMe con amt to know that you OU era art In a n aItel Itel o of a good cheer com cont comfort tort fort and It ft leaves le me 1110 the two And here I am nm the greatest greaton t love lore loveI fn J I have havo hitherto which h will twin expressed ed to you yon It falc tales And n 1 I tint my m toward you oll Increases dolly dally Chili The more will meet In the tho Ih of oC a alove aloe alove love loe there more moe you OU will appear NU In III my m heart mud object of oC contempt You remember dent delli love 10 that day Ill fill 1 I si St seceded ceded from tram in fl on the twenty of at November 1 fel f el 01 my m way disposed mid and determined to 10 meet you but hili butI I J did dill not nOl Well Vell my ray m t daring wife I do wish wl h that you could b be lIeo iii one that I never had any Intention Ion tion yet eL to offer you froni my right rl Il hand you remember that your lots lot are fell felt of anti have hae not hot a II shadow of I wit wt and good sense ond b believe me sn o n adverse a lver c tu to you It Is In Impossible for to foo me toe even ivon tobe to tob tobe b be dour must most friend and humble servant Oh Ob my dearest ling hog near dear I 1 love you lih all 1111 my heart henrt and with nil 1111 my m sour ouT and with till all my m mind nod what that more morl could I J do utter after I lose H ro HI w well vc Is I s that every Iry time I come com cometo I to 10 think of at you OU my heart lop flop up unit und down like Ilk a n churn dasher My Iy great Irea t promise l lit IA no matter what trouble we wo had we Wf be he for over ever and ever for I been trees you originally to tobe be hp my authentic friend and I shall hal try tr to succeed all the words that I been cone conn eel el to tl you yore Oll and 1 I hope you will viii do me methe methe the some two n that thai I would not sacrifice re you OU for fo anything I 1 love you yon OU no sa well that I always YS dream about Yeti ice York orld |