Show GH IN OFFICERS AT OUTS Col Col Could Not o ot Agree In Africa April COA J colonist colon lit from tram Cler Clerman man lan Southwest South Africa who IH Iii II visiting Ial tine In Berlin Berl In iii II a n letter loter to tho the scouts couts tine tho tle Idea that the return of oC Col Duerr from the colony for tor which vari tarl various ous tills conflicting reasons have been heen Iv Iven en tin was on account of heart trouble au hie TIme Tho ho writer wrier stays sn s that the tho true reason rennon renol tho the more mort credible ono omro Is li that Col Duerr Was ent emit to when Col Cal governor of ot German Southwest Africa Arlell absent lt at n the scene of ot hostilities and cut off ort from communication Col Duerr eXI nn an ni Independent carried u n large staff Col Leutwein returned before tho the arrival of Col eol Duerr at nt and an Issued nn an order lag Ing the staff mind and dividing tire the reinforcements mentH among the til lit various col columns Col ci 01 Duner resented l hi hil liis r lel t lion lon to a it subordinate n Un tin Unpleasantness pleasantness 8 tine tho Fays n 3 hits has been avoided by b closer clor relations of oC tho the of time the ho minister r of o marine marne Cot Col anti and Ind the colonial office to tn which Gov 00 reports |