Show INFANT IN AUDI IM 1 Pale babies become rosy and pretty babies when fed on Food Mellina Food strengthens 70 printed r n s of ot hint bout about II The Crt Car are and nd mid yielding of bound In cloth cl th will you y ell u IM uell it If II you ask ik Ic for It FOOD FOOn CO lOnON MAS NASI HUNDREDS OF OP UTAH AND IDAHO PEOPLE VIII Will vIdt time the Worlds Fair at tit St I WILL NOT 01 Both class CB IR will wish to see seo the wonders of ot the h III him Portfolio form fora Road Read the time lell Dea eret cret None News ells announcement on un page loge 20 O v YES C Tho McCona 7 hay Auction Sale will run after afternoon afternoon noon and evening for several weeks Jump on on and ride jide to 41 IJ I I West Wf 2nd South J y r ALT CITY L L HEAVEN DEAVEN A rata or orOS orOS OSTEOPATHS OS T E O 0 rAT P A T H S Sn 3 n i Al ur I Tel i 1130 I y ru nea TeL 1000 Y 1 YO o r I N a O olm tip AND I IA lY J If Jt you OU are weak Ial fin tin lIu matter r from what ause havo havu etc etl 1 It 1 P CT will cure you OU No 0 drugs ur or ir electricity cured 11 mid anti developed 10 DAYS DA 8 T 1 liAr Send for tree free booklet Sent settled scaled n P Mantes 1 Tuber Tabor Denver J Colo Cole Y Wy W W L Bulletins I I N IJ M I MI HJ P N MMA NJ N I IF FOR F BULLETIN R BABIES NO 1 i r Ii FOR BULLETIN WOMEN NO MEN 0 U Haw have 1111 you out ever seen a 1 pebble Early Bird r House Hou slippers arly v o for or women Wo i drop drol In him Hull Hov It starts a a alight I t 4 Lt iLL 5 t are arc on n u great Ij commotion which rapidly light I on all these there the goods goads have bought hought In mm f In III ever aver widening circles I lots Iola lot to get Het prices down Well e l were weme going to drop n it I cut rut t 4 and nn to cap the climax offer them ham hamat price pebble and heres hetes a 1 result IJ j at lit the special prices No excuse Infanto So solid soled shoos shoes new Shoe Sale 5 not lIot being belli now goods neat Milt style well ell made t These o aro tiro a to 1 boon to tired l feet feel I colors and ond black pretty 1 A wonder of a mu 1 value Womans M styles value Oc now non no wide too ton comfort com tort slipper sewed r SOc 80 value HalleH size 2 to 0 G 6 shoe sh e 59 C turn sole Hole 1111 patent tent tip mode made mil do from tr I IIO pieces of ot higher grade childrens HOE i olt n hand bond sewed lie wed turn tum sole i shoes Went neat toe C NEWS of most unusual importance Im p slippers slipper soft glove kid easy esS to H COc GOe value the foot tool neat roomy toe tip alp now SHOE 5 from the Hirschman store today an announcing value nille 1125 sale pale p le price 0 C 1 Babies B 3 to G Ii s heel turn The Aa best beat slipper made fat to Tm shoe patent tip lip good Urma up Wl In pore peril A most t excellent SOc C CV the opening of our great J teat shoe I street or house solid comfort com tort toe u ui good firm sole nice soft sott Dongola V 6 value at lit SOc value now W Ii i Sale right now at the seasons very vet y start stark Instead uppers comes COrnES In n ort tie Ox wr J ford tic and elastic side olds Juliet J t fi a A O r ArA I t of 0 f at the th e seasons season s end en d Right RI g h t now when w h en we pre pree present now A Marvel Marrel at nt iS BULLETIN NO 2 t sent the finest lines showing of new sl styles ls because U i FOR GIRLS aA J weve weve made up our mind to double our May busi business BULLETIN NO 7 a 7 Such n a 1 buying chance for good I staple B girls shots shoes comes come II not apt r p t ness mess and are going to make most remarkable p price rice Street Slippers S wry every day yet right now at most wanted time Ts Tie hero when concessions to do it such uch good goot shoes cost so 80 little t i economically It Is the th part Pt and of o n wisdom w well ell to 10 shoo shoe 3 This Sale must command your attention be because t For F or Women W omen Here Heros a n value that we consider S cause of excellent materials character and style of temperature Women who wait until the ta the greatest A Woolf Brothers f Roe ROCS high to buy low shoe for tor girls western all solid made mado shoo shapely making by good shoemakers shoes Wo wu offer usually at low pay temperature high prices low bet ber that a n Ii with al III the no cut price off ort seems vamps lImps Impossible or shoddy dy Because prices which are always low are shoes ShOCK shoe Is lit at the tho low loo thing thIn prices and the limo The place low lowshoe to buy It is IA here ta Good firm kid stock patent tip Ilp lace g style tye much lower t I because of complete new lines and A value that speaks for tor itself i Womans India goat Oxford Sizes 5 G to U 8 at preparedness I of having the right goods nest neat style It le too with potent patent tip Sizes I U II 12 1 2 to t It 11 t sets good wide also widths all 1111 sizes value Sizes tt 11 ll 2 o 2 nt at t at prices this sale will attract the lime 1 price I t onto I jl nn multitudes and The Tho Jacinth line of f ta Tho The teat best thing that over aver hap be a record breaker Oxfords s are ore splendid hand sowed soles nice round toe Homo t it styles hay havi etch Insert others patent The Tip Petite Petito Is lit II n a special snap wo wor t nea neat mi m tn t JC ie o a plain eight neat nent t s sorts to of big lot of or excellent t r 1 bought hand turned a shoes sizes alien 4 I to 8 S i i 1200 choose at nt from values to o Q Cl 1111 1 40 Afi Medium patent tip wide wilio a splendid toe too shape r t f i tt i m k te tt n 4 Wo We mean to make this Item Meta 75 Sc 1125 value at I C our banner special low BULLETIN NO 4 FOR BULLETIN NO fi b f t shoes at nt MM 1105 values to 1300 The Tho Frolic Is 18 a 1 splendid shoo shoe and 30 Includes 17 swell new now that comes com s In patent p tent tip alp tl kid ld Myles tIt and the tho Electra line mm made de Girls sorts for Cor better wear near Car or White Whits fJ Boys and FOR F OR MEN MENTho I EN of lit roost good l o ll grade kid k II skIn akin with Went neat Bros box cult calf with Uh firm solo sole for tor stylo style Insert or fancy tuney ribbon tie school wear near These Ire are three of our regular Tho greatest shoo shoe f values that effects affects Also patent roll colt button low lov shoes patent colt Oxfords limes of ot and lUd shoes were Iere over ever heard or of and the boys bos girls they tics mire southern ties and 0 4 lilies Hires 5 G to 0 U UVO value strap san sandals new ew d that Pro 10 a give giro premiums to the tho nl g style stylo shoes Precise data dals cia III 3 O value and Sizes n 12 to 11 Il n I lays boys and girls Iris with ly IY most moot the decided sort Hort of ot slap shoo s 11 1 n you you ou wait at nt a 1 many aunty II I I 11 other ot I r sorts all nil go fie n 0 Cl 1 95 fur lor Our Shield shoo shoe for tor girls Is III a n Mens 11 s 11 I or lace laco tiger nt Sizes 1 zes U 12 I to 2 1 50 ahIA thoroughly trustworthy medium median Inc calf tilt shoes neat styles styles grit firm sowed Heros lIeros nn nil Rent Item for tor seek for III I 00 j priced shoo shoe tor for dress Boris aorta In kid kill a soles golCH n a II splendid CI QC ing unusual In lit ta or calf sorts Borts for every oer lay day f nunn r HyO 1 95 V sorts of ot low shoes new nets style tan anti patent colt low shoes In rr t tt t Sizes 5 D In to 8 81 a 1 I 00 The Marvel 1 HOD aan ties lies button low shoes and and a n 1 0 l eor welt Volt e It t Sizes II I 12 2 lo to 11 at nt IUS h time lace laco styles values and styles st not BULLETIN NO U a process shop shoe tho city In the city C AC Sizes 11 1 12 2 to 2 j I 1 60 frown Crown Cro II n a standard 1300 shoe ahoe ho short of ori op sale nt lit ntA 2 4 S 5 t and hu FOR FO R BOYS BOY S of ut pairs r of or our spa Sl t Jumping Jump nB Rapes with slice sizes lint cial 1300 shoes hoes orIn In neat s styles A sandal Item of tit especial au ent bluchers lac Inco or congress In ht II Import imminent Is neat lent t 8 C to 11 II I I Shoes es for boys that stand limo tho kangaroo kid olio calf viol lei styles cross crolls 2 strap test feat t 11 of a roughest rOUK leR play play Honest n A Nice Doll with kid kiLl in III dress or every day y sorts three bar hur bow and In sandal shoes sheen at lit low loft prices I tho limn I AH n special leader 2 15 effects also Ilso n nC loo the Arm tent Chair anti and antik iW of aloe story mm Common Sense Hesse strop strap sandal nice kernel k C r Ile 1 our Y Massachusetts shoe for far or girls In Inthe tor for dancing a house hou e or ir street nc Isar r The fht wonder little mans mall I shoe phoe hoc the time top lop notch of alit Our 1285 8 value vain extra good at tit SI IS M a n real calf shoe lies 10 14 to 13 wear eM You will pay pa from to created specials have always 1150 On sale ante at v leather of ofu I moro more mind and get tet shoes that aro tiro a n torero men mell be e I soils ea ear r anti and not nol their equal 12 for Cor cause wo give most styles dress dressor T u solid aa a special lead r miry ary lit value a n pick hick u t t I m or school I wear up III wo we 0 mado Inn I 10 M or I ot at means menns n a 1 value the tho Harvard The Pace Saco an JUt all solid tiger calf Sizes C G to U II at nt I n a wonder f I anti and hundreds sun e s of or brok broken BULLETIN NO H 8 W JM C shoo wear II I ear OO for tor boys style It dope does t SIzes n ll 12 to 11 at au I 60 06 en ca values sized d pairs alma I tip to 3 5 3 t S Z QC 0 t SHOES S H f 0 E S FOR FO R f SIz Ul 1112 to 2 at 9 Sizes ito 1 to 2 at 1 23 Work shoes for VL II to i at i 2 Froe Jump lump Ropes with shoe olios tho the H sort rt that hut bring men you ou back 00 WOMEN OtoO f O D to tho the sort wort wo we 0 nell noil always ollIUs 5 The Time nn nil nil all extra e trl Dolls with 0 to 2 wear near ell Heros Heres n sample sang to value I well w e ell l made mado shoe In III little mans Our boys ho double wear shoo Is Mens MenH heavy hell y stogie apnea wide t ACI stylish or of s service sorts rl T sites rises G 0 to 12 1 n a shoe you ou can con bAnk the tho best thing that lint ever oer hap hup happened too loo lIr shape III come with utu Wide 4 the tho values wo we quote lunte ll In i K on wearing good sax box calf uppers petted In tho lire shoe way aay They counter or r I style fj IO also 0 shoes I ell for aro no very r un um unusual J arm soles Price now 1 3 wear near no question about It mado t heavy I X el lace Jaco with square once toe usual naiad h overy line lino Is III new I with know how of ot vello ello calf I excellent I at I OI I j 05 lS t arid and cornices complete co std sloe at nt or III original 0 gj Rw r tl i tho the toughest stock made extra Jj on as sale pale at nt piu r I I I 1 I prices 1 Ik S t they hose were close clone clo eNol Now Nowthen w SV well weld sowed sowell and unit good stout soles Boles then thou think h prices r over mud and Menn f en canvas shoes f 1 loell Oral first n men anticipate your shoo Ahoa of ft Special Bulletin of Sizes II to tU lit Hint at lion tion n a C lot wo we 0 bought at nt a 1 snap t f t now no anti and future at al these the o splendid Sizes Sf zel 1 to 1 0 2 at a t 1 76 and wo we ore are going to give ho you 01 tho limo t savings lIa ft Good Happenings Sizes Size IJ J to G 5 at nt advantage Extra good Rood canvass Wo We offer as n a 1 special loader leador a 1 1 good soles Roles well made a I shoo j womans India gold goat shoo shoe with Hh L FREE WITH THESE SHOES be bo pitying paying 1200 tOO for Cor litter later In lit I patent tip nice round too loo Him shape PC all Little things mako great say the tho season Benson at tit most value lIlue 1 GO Bah stun C I HA 00 S IK logs Heros Heres n a few savini Items Knives loll Ball Bats lats Masks or places ac a on sale 00 nt tit 1 5 Ico ft Beet Bost 2 o Bixby Shoo Shoe Polish Catching Cloves 1 Our Now N w Ern Era 1200 00 shop hoo for tor j r rr r r tt r s t rv Wr women at It Is Ix u a 1 great value u Bud and j I Oc 1 C a c h rt r ar iL W car wJ e tt vrr wu tj comes In low heel h ol sorts fur for largo PJ Jest Best Shoe j I oll h and ami girls mind regular heel herl sorts for tor VU t Paste 60 0 Yours OUi s Shoot ladles s Eight styles nil tai good i n strictly solid slice In lu 11 1 t luo lU 0 Simon Shoo Q UI Paso I R t I f M for 40 Time Tho shoo shine for tor women IH la mado of lit 1 genuine vin vinA A most offering Is la this kid kill neat round too ton shape light for tor women western made monde shoes and amid heavy snip soli IIO to la wear tsar extra good In every way wa Theres and amid look well weli mid alit lilts tills the bill Jill so Go put cut of oC vamps amps or shoddy leather value 1 65 a 1 shoo wo 0 cant can nn recommend nd for or nt at KS any service n neat nent at too toe shape pat Our special at tit lor bM Includes pal ent heel hod fox tox and potent patent till alp I In most mOll 20 2 to in III value and wear of pf W 01 07 wo WI A I 83 lines but fur for good Rood sorts torts in 2 nu urn nn add Ille tho time u it 1 patent colt SHOE 51 sofa PEOPLE l value This Flue lire line Ino pontes coined In Inin 1 Mutts Mens comfort homo mouse slippers Blip era t or extension salsa eoles wing willo In leather value 41 C and many now new features featured avalue a 11 at i i in T No South Main Street value extraordinary J I TNT THE STATE STArE BANK OF UTAH SALT BALT LAin LAEl c Cr Joseph 1 F Smith Smith yin m n Preston P T S BUrtte Durton uon c Pr l dat d 01 t CUM CAM I DIRT CuM rona a Reber J Grant Onn I Joseph F F I aa n Chas C B 9 J li D 8 Wm m n B Preston ran are areA lIe it r u A hIli Carf Commercial n Account f In III b u S Y R DESERET NATIONAL BANK RANK SAlt gait i g lake City cilY Utah I f a hills lillis Dt o l tOt sir Rent Thatcher ha teh r H S R nun tiro Ice 1 Edgard al rd H 1 1 1 B H IL f 1 BANKER BAiT BALT L Ur 11 ITT ITY I AU rive rime Per Pcr Cu n I paid ld r on tim Ux I d r f Street O Coop C p ARCO Co 00 BA BANK Salt fal ilah Iah The t and fa 1 t 2 Ut Capital surplus Irn I bUlk In VI Tran Transact 1 n na ba anti with hanks Direct co th In all 1 p world ni al c N prof HIm ot of i transfers en n itO u Depoll r 1 to J H P ble 1 Amt AI ChI Crib h M 00 BANKERS ANKERS I SALT BALT LAKE CIT p tA Established hed ire 1173 ireThe The DESERET DESE T BANK JV W P boons M Io i Illa A Fia James Allarp jhn n hare Jo Joh ase C Cutler DatI Dald i A K W larn c Calon n O Oeo J n R Winder r E f n R h l 1 moot V W V Jamrs Un Your Jour Per Pe Cent Int P Paid ld on COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK BANS In I Of tint ers In ni It John J Daly Dalr 0 O j J Salisbury G fox W P 1 Noble ow Gpo M Joh C A F A F 1 Hold tn J J D Di IZ fox i E f 1 Cc C Capital fully tU paid IMo WALKER BROSI BROS BANKERS established IK Ili Salt Bait Lake lak Uty Ct elT M Cak h Incorporated I Transact a General tanking Bitin IUa Safety Deposit Dom Bore tor cr R RIal t NATIONAL BANK BANS OF THE REPUBLIC U B S DEPOSITORY FlUNK KNOX NOR I e J A VIM i W Iv V V F i nAMA A hl PAID PAI IN NI Ranking In nil all Its it branches n transacted nl J J se drawn ur on th etia cu of Europe nE nER PAID AI ON TIME TIE I R R C G DUN GOTho GO Tho The Mercantile Agency a George Huit Idaho t O and nral Manart tr tt Vial CUt City In gren A n J Sal l 11 PUTNAM i I STILL LEADS 1 a w e Hor stone Now MOW Thom l 1 Nails shoo 1100 Nil Ii lh i on moil un form 1 m 10 IS i lon b and I thetas of 1 0 Buir l of thin ct Ini inferior Halls toby by 11 Iho u u fi of word worl PUTNI pU Sold SolI I hr tin hl tm J 10 r e our n anti and antiA mark rk own hran d nt k A P mallet mailed on n 1111 I Ilion b O rOi lion linn ton i c PU I PUTNAM NAil r MUla TR Th OLIVE LIVEn LIVEnT T pc SIMPLICITY rho Tho simpler It ta Is The easier castor it Is U to loarn The easier It if la let to 10 n nm Td Tho i loss IDAS lo apt to 10 nol got out of or order Tho rho lon or It will last Tho OLIVER Typewriter Is I the simplest made mada Ralph A Badger Agent D F Walker Blk M k |