Show II T r THE FIlE TIl BEST MAGAZINES ES CONTAIN CONTIN I Fiction In the tho May Century will wi In chile a n story of ot student life Iro In lit II Paris The rime Last It of or tho We tIme Tha Illustrator Leon Ion la Is II a new ort mint 1st time the tie text lext as mimi ni well itch wel as an I anthe tho the pictures pictured There Thera will wi be also nJ o nn In other of or 55 L 14 stories of o boy ho life l In lii tho time Arena The Tho ho of or AntonIo Aureola by 1 Stunt t log Dop 10 by hy Morris and amid A Mission In lit Macedonia by h BonsaI Honsal The May chapters of or rho will trIll 1 Introduce the tho of the tho tale til amid 1111 i tho time santo samo Issue will wl bring brine tIme the and I n happy one ono It H is I promised of I Mrs Ir Goodwins witty wity Four loads to I Paradise I Aln leol for tor May Mi opell with wih n mu I nov novelette tov delta elette by William I called Time The ceno Is 11 laid In lit 11 Canada and New Ne York In lit old ohl colo cola 1111 days Is II the tho nom noni 11 do guerre of tho time hero who Is I a 1 typical officer of or tho the seventeenth and tutu eighteenth centuries cent Irl whoso who o character Is well el by h l time the tw name It I I t Is 18 till full rul of ot drama of or the Iho best SOIL sou timid holds tho time Interest In t eros t and a itch action tie t Ia it that t lt t cur rUf r vies ries tho the reader along without effort Maurice rho I Is bust bont known ns tumi a this tho thC author of ot tho the groat roat Momma VI a hut who wIl I le hI becoming I mm g almost Ilmo t equally well known an an flit I II 11 essay let 1st has a it charming and lit 1 timely essay o on lI Il Flowers A story with wih a n de 11 flavor 1111 IH Is II Mary n fl Mimi Mill letts lIls Tint Tho ho from remit Maxims in iii which a 1 now view If im of Ir tho time fa ta it II atolls motis Parisian IOUI Guernsey ims another of or her h r stories torl en eu titled Miss ll A vivid of ot time the hold that keeps tipon MM IH Is It givon 11 by h Lynch m II lh tho Ito Huh Hub merged Tenth Josephine has a 1 clover closer And ex cx IX Irol h witty It story etory 1101 In Mrs He lt former time the title tIthe tto of Ir which gives some endue Il hint hilt of or Its Il character A very 01 ery tender and somewhat story 1101 which will wl appear to tn to Is l Tho Ilmo ho of or a n by b Payne lIne The Majors flay Day by hy A I n ii 1 particularly study of or u a l common metro atro type H 11 1 M 1 I lower hue hai a mu 1 fAH mis love story In Iii At t time the Orny Wolfs Ir Den 11 the time of or which thIh IH is unmistakably western Other Oilier ore Iro Dorothy Ix Lucia Chamberlain Hartley Jart DuMn 1118 uIs Owen Arthur InI L 11 Lw nna and an Alan D DIo lo loTho Time Tho by bl AL Al AI phonic IH tm II ont IM or of time the t 1 WL w JIUL Lt t In this bran fl or of or do |