Show MUNICIPAL IU 1 U ICI 1 t 1 i fines fur for n it Uniform g Were ed Chicago April 29 rho National Mu Municipal Municipal today considered plans for tor uniform municipal accounting and statistics i Dr r E I M 1 I 1 of or ton read reuel the tha report reliant of at a IL special sl com which tho the league appointed In 1000 1900 tn to study 3 tho s subject The rho report showed phoned 1 that time the committee ad 1111 advice vice Ice to more e than tt ut flitS cities whoso whole o fYK AYA system tem toan to an of ot accounting was IM unsatisfactory Nine Nino cities adopted either cither In whole or orIn orIn In pat part tho time uniform system recommended recommended mended by the special committee Dr Ur Uri DrA i 0 A Cleveland president of ot finance of tho time City of or New Now York described what constitutes reasonable uniformity in iii municipal accounting At the tho final w at rat time the University of ot Chicago o Dr nr 11 II L I Rowe Howo or ot time the Uni University vcrs It of o delivered time the principal address on out university anti col tto education and research In muni municipal cipal government |