Show I FROM THE WORLD AT LARGE I A leading citizen of Toledo IK III exhibiting lung a 1 most moal peculiar condition of things Ho Ito Is an on old man of ot ninety and ITa born In Amsterdam but hul went to America Amerlan when he was n It child and through disuse soon forgot his native tongue Since he has become Insane he ht has forgotten every over word of ot Eng Ing English Itch lish which he habitually spoke pok und and speaks nothing but Dutch which he ho now remembers as perfectly as ns when I ho he first left Holland The Tho railroad of ot Russia I advertises a 1 special car for tor tho the newly newl married designed desI ned and furnished with te lIco latest comforts The decorations are In the thi beat b lIt Parisian style and polite poll Ie female attendants look after attar tho corn com comfort fort tort of ot the happy couple None but couples on a n honeymoon are lire allowed nil owed I I I I to use this magnificent nt car The par partitions p r are removable and the ear car can cuu be used ns nil n a series serle of or small email compart comport compartments compartments ments or as 08 n couple of or roomy toomy saloons All AI Rome nome has discovered that thAl Pope Plus linn han an nn abundant sense lien of or humor humar The other day tho the Vatican architect Constantine Schneider had occasion oc to see the holy hol father In order to submit some plant As he was IlS retiring Plus X smilingly h said fald Mr Schneider do you ou know that we are fire related The was tens but 1111 X added Well ell Schneider In III German Just what Sarto Sarlo means In Hat Ital Italian inn ian n a 1 tailor therefore we must como come from the amo Carne f totally In II the study of or the lives of ot seventy three persons more mare than ninety years old living In tile the city of ot Dresden 1 Sax Saxony Saxon Saxony ony on It linn has been discovered that all sleep Jeep In closed mono nt It night and ab oh abhor hor bathing and ami nil all sleep leep eight or nine hours dally dall They vary ar In some lome of or their habits but hut these three plenty of o sleep and avoidance of ot drafts at night and Ind of ot bathing ar common to toi i all nil The conclusion of ot the government Investigation points to these as essen essential 1 laments cements of ot the secret of ot old liKe oge Some Somo curious experiments experiment have hao been made mad nt ot one of ot the tho royal philanthropic Institutions In Copenhagen For sonic some years hack back the tle seventy boys bOI and girls In the place have C been lIeen carefully welsh weigh weighed ed ell every day rIa In groups of ot fifteen and ands s I under Thereby It Is proved that thal the children gain weight mostly In III and n nil In III the early tarl part of ot December From that time till the end nd of ot April the there thero re Is b scarcely any Increase In weight More remarkable still null there IB la n II dimi diminution nution nu 1101 till the tho end of ot cummer suu ner nerOne One of nr the side Bide shows nt at the th Liege exhibition In Is to tr be the thc scientific pro production of ot storms to 10 order The fhe scene will viii resemble nn no encampment of ot Eski Eskimos mos mo with seals Real polar bears and Ice Ico bergs her By IJ the old aid of liquid air the tem tern temperature I of at the hall lull can be he lowered from 15 16 1 to 20 degrees below freezing i I point and special apparatus will man manufacture il I re stew snow and wind to give tho the i Idea reality I Iho Tin Tho ho average cost for tor carrying n a vas pas 1 on the street railways of the I I j Ii United States Is IB 29 cents I Some Seine of ot the flue redwood trees In Call i I forma ore ro feet feel high anti US feet teet In I i circumference I 1 I I |