Show C n w wf f J y J l l I r f J 11 6 j 1 I J 1 i l honor hOllor of at Ur Dr and Mrs Ir Irs of or lawn Iowa i who ore tho Iho RU guesta sta of their daughter t r rr Arf 1 P Mrs Mra Joseph Joeph H n Morris The table was 1 v If decorated lIe and covers were 14 li r laid for U N j 1 I 1 t I It 1 Mr Atra Ir Crabtree the J 3 J S W V 7 club nt rd her home on Thurl ay ayi I e t i y Mrs Ura Llla hood Hond Rave gave n t Ma a nt lit her I homo home on the affair being b nn an exceedingly I pleasant one J I u u u H I f I s si i I I Ia I 4 I a I 9 t i r I t A 11 rho The week has hns been beNI a n surprisingly F quiet ono In social only a n law tew lawt 10 i events having taken place c and t hN Ih t with tho the exception of nt the 1110 inimical recitals nt at the Commercial club lull on Ond d Monday night being J comparatively ll The Th club re t tIR lor T 1 r w with l tint tl of ot Mr Irs Martha n au aiu auM M le Oliver were ill III d In u 11 social us well w in tie I a n way wayOn wn tea On Tuesday Mr Mra Ir Frank Frnnk I Mills Mille ontur tanned tallied ut III n prettily i pointed luncheon I tiring being laid for ur eight The Tho noun J Was deformed throughout with Hh hlo nod and In the room l a t not n a r ferns f l e wen Irn t s er r u used sed I iho mho Ito table bib being riot most attractive ml Tto I wore were Mrs Hoyt Sherman II Mr MI William Bayly Jr Mra Albert Von Ion Mr Mrs In lrI Mr M r Nt a fh ell J Mrs Smith of ot U has Ang n and Mr Ini 1 Frederick W Little I j jI I I I d Mrs Mra James tt jt nd rl at U t ai ru ani Informal tea tell on n It I Miss II II limn d II nt at n II de d II Kensington oh III In Honor dinner of oC Miss ulmer Culmer whoso wedding takes place next month The rooms looms were IrO transformed into wreaths Tenths boughs and sprays o of up lip 1110 bl bia and a t 1 delightful HS with sewing the guests guMn hem Ining table lobi napkins which were re ateY nt r wards wardA to 10 the guest of oC or 01 A was 1111 awarded for Cor the In tt the sowing Mr Mrs Irp George bring heng winner About AboUl 25 guests were Tho The tact last la l dance dame given given by hy the Iha Strollers club 1111 was In to every way aay n 1 grunt I success HUC e II and the tho have to 10 give u n final bull ball on the evening of May ll 0 ut III lennen Five Fler bundled programs und Invitations have noun IJ Issued 1 and It II IK Ir II a n number will enjoy rl s at l the tho IHO OnA Until hull ball fie Tho Huh club Is ruin coin posed of oC some popular young oung ind 1111 to be hI one ono of oC the tho most meet sue tic IIII racial acini stubs dubs In III the Iho ho city dl Tho The color Ora 1110 pink hulk und and green anti and three theeo will III be he used profusely In lu th Ih decors decora lion r Norman OIl olo J 1 It H mare H U I 1 P and Harry ron tl lute luto the committee commit Ie on II 1111 II l lI I I Thursday witnessed Iho Ihl wedding anniversary of Mr Ir and Mis Janie Dunning Du and the Ihl occasion wan celebrated In an nn elaborate dinner fol tol followed followed lowed later by hy Informal dancing it by the tho ho young joung purple wit MI at al the Ihl table was WUK prettily derogated In null and forn feria Music was III fur Cur by Oy Me 1 sri lIr und and Shining I Dr and Mrs Ir entertained at lit ath ath h n Charmingly dinner on ou Thursday night their K number numberIng lug Ing II H U Th rue were In III ap III apple le blowout a n l bank of oC thorn them being heln heaped on nit a n t centerpiece of or Cluny with whit pink I Ink and rha ties mud and with i lb ha Ia completed the tho deCays I coln I l Next Wednesday evening will occur the Iho I last of oC the ho I for or this Ihl season Benson OIl Throe Those affairs boon boen a n 1 great success this SHon null wore were thoroughly enjoyed by hr the Iho dancing public ns au an nn Informal affair I I III i Miss II M ly Head wa Jl II of or honor honorat honer at ut u an 1111 n tea 1111 on Tuesday n I number of nf her friends her In iii Inn Inn n delightful thoughtful way 0 at nl Whitehall MIM Ms 1 1 the Ihl members ot or her Sewing club on next ox l 1 1 A most enjoyable a ns by hy the Iho ladles hillier of ot St Nt on Ott Tuesday fUtI the HIP affair taking place nt III Iho the home of oC Mm 4 II is 11 lit A Whitney hl Mrs Ir wee was It at a 1 delightful luncheon In given In Ut honor of o Mi MUe Walter LewIe of nf Untie Butte liar her Rin nt ten The rite rl table prettily In ht r red rt laid and green carnations e null A Ih it an nn way ft fth Mr h and Mm Mrs J J will enter tain taro Informally tonight I I t I Samuel Sampol III gave 1110 Nava an en informal luncheon hi nt at the Country flub dub on Thur Thuri day ea Mr Mr Mes Ir w V U 0 lamb titter enter lilt I Mined a t 1 few IW friends Informally In II taut mat night I Mr Mt OIl and Mm Mr Snyder guve nn III Informal ual perty nt III their home w act t night nishi n a 1 number of nf their friends pr to 10 enjoy PIlo the tho BV evening The Th rooms were re bright with spring and the soret and und were In keeping with them 1 1 I Miss brace rne will be he guest of honor at nt a n dinner to lw tto Wl eu on II by Mr Ir and l Mr Ir J T THarris Harris 1 I I Mr Mfr II and Inel III S R V shIp Shelp lay gave av n It din dinner tier nn unit tight night at III their homo home 1 Dr PI nod Mrs M ML I It will en em entertain nt tt dinner diner III liner tomorrow In III Minor of MN 1 N Walter I owin I I Mrs Mire Hp Sperry rry loon Uw an the Nui Jo o club on Wednesday afternoon about 12 l I being A delightful luncheon WAS nerved the de being entirely In III green fern terns end anti plu pin 1110 being heln used need with d candelabra I On Wednesday afternoon the meta memo bors bos of oC the Ih J U R McKean corps turps hid lud h n a 1 delightful eat wring ut at th Mclean McK an hall ball In the Jennings blocK blockI I 1 Mr and amt Mrs 1111 JamR Jamee n K Ie Thew Ih w f v ve I n a 1 delightful demur on Wr r l gM 10 in l lI int l I t Il p turning tur tome homo after a 1 years visit In 1 I 1 Mr Mrs H left letl today for tor St Louie utter a n brief visit with h bet r lUtor Mrs Oln Shepherd A Jell son salt I Mr and anil Mrs fr J I F 0 Grant will leavo early oarl In May for Chicago Later 11 they will go o to St Ht Louis Loute accompanied by b Miss Mesa who Is Ia still visiting In Chi Chicago cage cago I Ellza Elizabeth lh Redall leaves soon for Cor City to visit I her slater sister Mrs A AF W WF F 10 Shelton I Col and Mrs Ir I 1 K I 1 hop of oC Orand Grand n Mich h are ore In III the th city and wM wit withe II bo ho the Iha guests for some route time lime of their daughter Mrs Ir Welter G 0 Tuttle 1 I 1 I Mu Mr Ir Morgan and Miss MIlS Morgan have haa haarr resigned rr their portions lo nt RI tn the Colle l nt ate In to spend sand n I year abroad in rest anal study stud Atlas Ml I n Morgan Mor an will I I JN AIo I N San Pan R ln Francisco Franciaco where hare she spent the winter with her parents I 1 Mrs J f C Gilchrist Is nt at home for Cor forthe Corthe forthe the coining week nt at 55 Ninth Fact I M street cl Sho She wilt will leave next Monday for hH M f I NY NN ably spend a II part curl of oC the Ih winter 1 nt nl tho the lla schools school at and nil Athene I I Mm Mrs Mildred of HI At St Louis Louie ar or rives riven the latter purl part of the Ihl week 1 for or a u visit with her hel son lon J I 1 Donnan 0 Mr Ir and Mrs 1111 J P 1 anti and Mr Ir and Mr Mrs Frank lIaR are arc home from rota California where hero the have huro si sl eni the winter r 1 1 i 1 Mm 11 holly Tuttle left leU yesterday for her hilT Idaho II pleasant visIt vis visIt Is IsIt It with Mil bolt Lake Lak Dr Tr mill mid Jr I 0 have IHO gone HOllO to southern fur fUI an all ox ex extended tended visit vleit Mr lira tl Lol Pitt und ami Mm Mrs Annl hove runt New York and will wll be th the guests JU for rOI a some soma time of at Mr air Ir rind Air A u 11 Witcher I 1 I Mr 11 forko of will bo be IJ In lu 11 the bet city to III upend spond tUho thou with her 1111 lu r Mother I 1 Mr air 11 II Mm MII rt N Ferry Ir have gave roue tot foe n 1 nty eta in III California Cu t 4 MI M of will hort he t HI e horo here to II her elter Mrs L 8 e Buggi Mill Ml Catherine Catherina Collier left lert llila IIII wr 7 for fell her home hom lu In Gibson City nty ell III U after spending handing tits the winter In III this city Ill a it 1 guest giust of or Mr air r and Mr 11 William A Weli W IIII ll I I 1 MliS Idt returned front Idaho whore hore hi ho h hat huu been pon ponIn Ing In the winter o I 1 I IC Colonel C amt Mrs Mr I 1 K 1 of Grand OaM Rapid Midi nr are visiting th It daft Mrs Mars r Waltar fIlIHI I 1 I 1 JUt II hn 9 next week for fm lit to 10 nut her hll slate Mrs I 1 Dr Ur and Mr Mrs Ir A L I 1 I 11 lI and little lOll can of h stilt hall I May 1 tin fur it If clay IltA In III London Loudon I I Mr lr und and Mr Ir S B Dillion of Chi hi rego are ale i for a it Ie few w days Mr Mt mill end II Mrs Mire 0 U on their way Wit to 10 0 I IM Mr M r and Mrs J 0 t Sawyer R 01 leave to lo today loIl day Il fur for their home In III Nevada N 1111 after nn an d lilt with Suit cult Lake Lako friends lends I MII IIII has hUI returned trout from New Newark Ym ark where the slit II 11 I luau has been visiting for Cor fori forthe the lie i peel two I WO month I 1 t 1 Mrs W V Cl 0 Human of or Philadelphia who Witt ha bus hili b bt been tn spending several months with 1111 her Mrs tr I 1 D Kelly 1111 lift left Sunday for her homo hom homI I I 1 I Ih Dim h and Mrs Mr C e K g 1 lawyer Mil ure down from Crom Idaho tint are arc stopping at nt north M ln street 1 I I 1 tt re U IC 1 Calvin hns gone to 10 port lorl portland land lane f for r a fA U to day Jaya visit with Mr dr tr oh III ViII 1 I Mil MI Needle lIeI Lowry lowr will arrive In n it tew r w Uyi dayi II from California where she sho has hui beep tin this winter and win will with gait III Il UM Like ruin fur for fort Itral wN ela t 1 I Mrs W VI K II Poss tins hiss r rammed from rom romi r i i 1 h |