Show INDECENT I UI rE 1 1 IH H tt t We tte c salute Ida Harper who stood up nil 1111 alone in ht the 1 D A liters RIera mud voted against time the resolution de do demanding manding the expulsion of It Reed Heed Smoot from the Senate for Cor the reason rouson that ulic ahe lih conceived It to 10 bo be none of till the D U DA Ut A t liters HUTS lne II to 10 prejudice the tho case It 11 Is le sweet to 10 roe n a tons omon sticking clicking up Ul fr or her urn own opinion occasionally in III instead stead of oC joining the feminine crush email That paragraph Is from Crom time the Doston Herald AVe WI endorse the Iho sentiment I We V du do riot not believe ono one of oC tho the ladles Iud Ie who 1110 composed the tha assembly could have given un till intelligent intent ent reason for tel the thu reso rosa resolution lution presented All that his has been published of oC tho the testimony lesl mon given glen In the thu case cae before time the committee does not de do Iop a single sound round argument for Cor the tha thoO expulsion O of or the tho Senator or furnish an nn excuse excuse for Cor the snap judgment lIt which the tho clergy and a 1 number of oC have hare reached and which they Iho Impudently and pre pro prematurely maturely endeavor to foist upon the Senate of oC tho United States Common decency to say ny nothing of or common commas fairness would Influence thoughtful and anal people to suspend conclusions until the thu case caso has hos been heard hen id But lut after all nil what can cnn be bo expected of oC people nut not associated with congress congressional ional affairs and many of at whom are aro nl Ig Ignorant ignorant of lC the Iho ordinary forms farina of o an In III Investigation e when ono one of Qt the members of oC the limo Ih committee not mot only anticipates results but tut gives expression lon to hla his forecast We copy the following from the Idaho Falls Fallu Titmice Times and echo the tho query I which closes the paragraph United States Senator Fred l red T Du linn bold in his letter to 10 the Democratic state stUll committee at al Raise Hole gives uell n U few Cew views loIt regarding the Smoot Inquiry caso that would almost lead one to 10 believe that the tha t of oC the commit toe tee was us not only to tn make a n complete but to 10 hiring bring about the tho unsettling of oC the tho senator from Utah at nt any i ont Mr II who ho by the tho WilY way Is g a Il member of or the time committee on Oil Im estimation betrays himself when raying enIng It Is my Ill judgment as II I 1 gath gather er or here herl among the senators that after time tho Investigation Is III ended elided Mr Jim h Smoot will not lint bo ho allowed to 10 re ro retain twin tain hiti hili sent Boat And again It U Is 18 my tiny niter after the tho of oC Apostle Sato rt 1 the th of oC u a constitutional t convention in Idaho that butt thin Ihl Mormon question will he bo at tit rout rest hurt How does docs nil this sound coming from a n member lII of oC tho ho committee which Is to 10 rIo give Senator Smoot a II clear and amid Im iw Impartial partial tearing hearing |