Show I I f HORRIBLE Rm RITE 11 OF f SELF r I Ii 1 i I 1 ious Fanatics Mutilate Them Thew Themselves i selves to Expiate Historic j t Murder S I t i it II 1 I 1 t GHASTLY CHAST CEREMONY DESCRIBED j Hundreds Hack lack ami armil Tear Icar Their Flesh 1 I With lh Steel Scourges Scour es Until i I I Drenches Their Theil Garments i c g I q a aI nce j 0 S1 TI April Apri 16 L C Availing myself of o tire the nC i of or a in kh r friend which pro p for fOl me uric le a it privilege seldom I accorded hope who wino are not lol Ii Iio of o tire the prophet I 1 irate Just J what ht Is probably tho firm most mOlt rc Oln L and bloody exhibitions of K 1 punishment heir ami 1111 it t on 0 II n 1 whole 1 sale Hale scale that can bo is t e anywhere within the ot of civilization If It I your you OU think that your oUr nerves nonen can tant I il I stand It I tin ninth friend to me I t will wil ivl ii show nh on yon 01 m something sonnet hr I ng t ha t I i I ii anteo antee you YU IU will wi as ni long as I I you 0 Crl live hiie hut hint I 1 warn you tU that It I may IrY t I Ii I Ico cost co t you ou one or two tuo hind had dreams f Ho So by iry h appointment A n few days das later inter I II I It I chanced to t I bo inc h Palm Pahn 1111 wo met If In Iii lit it union I antI and wended our IY I to 10 the lie Ih t Valletta ii Ii eric Khun l hll ii a mm or em 1 Mothers ll ot hers house I where live most 11 t of tire DID elect of tho timi Ihl ler ler J I residents of ot tire the capital Tho only 1111 entrance was tins all through a I vaulted f 1 passage lp was nine 0 guarded ulIe by ix a 1 I strong detachment of Turkish Durkish troops I 1 but bil my 0 ni a 1 docu document I t I I ment which their cern J arid Old at a I word t from train him hint tha tho I I soldiers ludo way itay ton for 01 IH uM I I I I IN t 4 i I IWI WP WI e found four un In imm a it I ench rn en cit h J I I side of wInch which wits wan IH about 1100 I long icing J by try houses es of ot two tWI In 11 height h with wih wooden balconies project Ing luig In inn II front of noine of lt the h I Walls us and a iv windows were ivero d ra aed In 11 Ir L 1 black In 11 tho hr enter of DIP square wan wana Wil J a I IO CIUI In iii tire the mimo 1111 saab fashion ash iou Men of luCia I I lt visage 1 1 i id In II robes tobe moved Ie Ill silently hither trail thither t 1 hiher Their wil 11 1 low ion delicately and 1111 Intellectual C Indicated that IIi they Ihl were isene fl Persians mont mt of ot them but J among them firma wore were come Turkish Mo Ma i men mel of II a II more Inore robust st and a mud i physically rigorous type tIl and 1111 bj I 4 bearded priests Id I J t Almost I 1 Immediately n a 1 inneR block garbed Individual alter after Inspecting something I like n Il ticket which my nay lY friend showed I him hulun gravely conducted us irs 11 to tl t an rum ni upper I I room loom 1001 In one 01 of the IID lie houten f and Ild when I we lund had ted cit II the tho Moor liner foor Turkish I fashion uhlon tire tho win will I dow Ilow and 1111 mu mid pushed mini ohle e the lie blick d rAp f I J pry ory to tin let hot us tin lS me l nil all ni that I 1 ili went on OIl I my 1 ill Turkish companion ex CX explained J what It all II meant II I WHY IY I i jl I Know unbeliever ho him said that I this thin IH Is II the Ilo of ot tim tho I Ithe the Hi a when Persian dans dairs mourn the lie death of ot All Al and amid iris hla hll 1 two I iii 1 tons somme Himon OI unit anil 1111 trim trul clue iT C HUr of thu Ih etoll o prophet Misled lliel mIni deceived by h I the devil they slew them III i I years ago irgo 1110 arid and ant today I 11 f the tine anal anni anniversary 1 I of their I 1 ther 1 II having t themselves for It by b 21 j bonn houra houf of ot fisting and prayer and 1111 weeping Ion they expiate tho tire terrible i I of IC ur their by hy undergoing self 1 lf I I ml Ii Ic tent iu a Ink and torture t re I j At AI this timie moment a Il stir slit tho the II 1 silent throng announced tho time arrival of oC it I I the tIre Persian ambassador and ad iris hil suite HUlte I II who were ivero conducted to a n kiosk at nt ono one 1 01 l sub of If tire the mosque Then h n the 1 WIl and tIne the priests gathered j 11 1 I II nr tha Iha steps of ot the mosque 1 f r r II j Tire The hl wall stall of ot funeral t f I reaches H us 11 mind and 11 relieves tine the tension ten lol of oC I i ien en IlIck robed men Inca appear with stow slow mind and Ind ol 11 steps I on surmounted by try 1 silver I hands pointing heavenwards bannera 1 of purple green black silk with Inscriptions In ui Upon on them of ot ploua plu I Import wl j 1 One of o the banners IH Is white Then i I follows n a band It consist only of oC u a 1 j few Cel drums and cymbals nail I UH Its 11 music Is restricted re to six si bus lurs ball re repented rl I again null and anal again with 0 1 Otis hurt but despite Its 11 lack of ot I of ot melody the lire ItH Il Vend Dead effect March Is 18 ns nR as al that j Following tho time band In double rank s hilt but hit with wide Ido Intervals between 1 t el I como comae I I SO O dressed men aren In sate savo for er tho the left ICI breast which Is In bare At AL A the tha end cart I of o each ch bar bal inn of o 1181 they strike their loft breasts with inith wih their hands mournfully the tire while lies Han Pair can HIB ell A Ail Their form of ot I I penitential lIeu I t I al atonement ii I though thou gh Impressive I res dye sive 1 Is 18 a n comparatively easy emsy e tame one nut Hut behind them follow olo a n still st larger larler num lum ber her of o men stalking two to Ito and two inure j I shouldered but hUI for tor time DIP th rest rOHI rind In the tha th t I black Each 1 ac right hand wields a n short to 10 which hunched of ot steel chains are arc attached n As Al they march inn with wih ivi tin time the pond oh ike regular the tar 1 l lI ity I of ot some ome gymnastic exorcise exercise thuy santa themselves rivet over O each ench shoulder 1 Alternately keeping time Iliac to tl tho tiro tie music 1 I nail ond In chorn tire the mournful IP no I Irain I 1 rain JIM eln All each elch name being punctuated by ernuel 1 a blow biow t I I IN Hound and Ild round the Ire situate they tho I i with what mimi warn serum ola I to one 01 who feels f 11 tai for the pain I they the tho mo enduring voluntary though It I I I IH mi Ilek welts 1011 soon noon gIve to rod red streaks and then th blood freely Noly rol 0 hut but hit for lor nn ant 11 hour tIny thy th keep it up liP shrew trig Ing hI no nt in lii II Iho ho lie fervor of ot I I I Iton A penance with each well Don ton of ot the tIre sacred name nall titeR heir 1 raw raI hash losh loBI and allow allowing no n elgum 1111 of o suit lf 1 I I to 1 show Itself on their set Bet nun faces tC S 1 It I Is with wih much relief one sees them t I I re retire tiro at nt last leaving time tho occupied I t jl I pied by b elderly ell men mel black limbed Wira 1 t rend tho the air with their loud J 7 I tIme tine tho ho tears trickling down clown their t I I cheeks attesting tine the sincerity of fC their 1 let Hut hunt it It cannot bo be u ns as phy II arid and does toes not try If unu I 1 I I II I it I 4 1 ewes mell B i 1 attendant light It lit WE tor h the th square 01 c mes oth Mil but t lla Irta limo nil 1111 till the Inures In It are ure r oi aJ d Cn Milto Follow Following Ing the th Miners ar are r two tITO up rb white horl of oC purest lIl Arabian reed breed ouch each led lerl I by b two m men n Two so Id II adorn i the shoulders of oC o nuh how horse hor the la mo ora H ti a 1 pair of o white doves dove Tho The lang o unit of ot the horses arc Itro 1 with blood which affords n a 1 hint ns ne to U the purpose of oC the tho 00 yen who follow folio behind d them thool armed ormed with aIth gleam In the tho light of r torch and mini as n they the whirl around their ht uM walling as 1111 asI I Iii Ile M y due All 11 AllOne One Fees F eH At al a n 1 glare glance that the tM are He Hemen men of or n different type p troUt tram thui ti r who formed the first Ih et pro II on They Th are dervishes their theil oyos nio nto with frenzy strong natures with the metre fervor onor of o As Is IsI 8 I 1 glance mound the square ponce I 1 note felt that It Is now MI tined lined with Turkish troops with backs to tha wail ll and t fixed lied Their business In Is to 10 prevent any p of t the thc fanatics snail from Cronl running urno amok amokA A MIRI nm tl by t Kimt dozen men who car carry l r ry 11 aloft gigantic torch the procession slowly move around the tho I square It H has hns made the line th circuit t onre once to the oft pe ted cries of o lies Hns In pan Fan I Ittis All AlI A li KM an old uld while I bearded Learde priest an un ugly wash truth In III Inthe Inthe the throat from one o v tho whirling learning yataghan MI um an as he hI In Is Le hp LeI I ing carried nay my 1 i h friend as assures cures urI me mo that It wn Was a more accident that there was tuns no Intention of offer r tug fig him up ns as n vicarious atonement th 1310 years Ial old ohl crimes crl C Of or the per i All Ati 11 HI seln ln 1110 T lell ofHa lIall Vow I derm A note of ot on oVan walling ton tun In In the n rendered The fhe murderous yet yat at they th are ur III I MChAn cleave Re the air more the second circuit nears near completion a as suddenly by b what And Hl signal n t 1 t could 0 u leI not d wern n th the lIu lan satt nu sen II ln All II was BUP 1111 tip cry rry livered with redoubled volume and en In energy and Immediately to so 0 quickly was waa erBy ergy In It done I f did not see sea ea one of or the blows delivered each face of ot dieted those thoe 20 0 fanatics was waa drenched dr 1 will blood and their white while robes robe were dyed red Still they pursued their course 8 around I hacking at and ami the square re slashing their crowns with WWI their razor with each PAI utterance of ot otI edged w I the till names end and never I Their features Indistinguishable their tn lr drenched garments leaving n a mel of 0 blood bloo l behind them mo t of the dr der wishes In limiting hut hu rl third march around the equate auar A Afew tow few reeled and fell and aa as n 11 social honor w were fin ie carried to In t i the se nador for lat st ail Mil hill at al HI till his feet pel fi to the die perhaps chaps In the NI O lIr of nC f bo he boIng IJ heleg Ing leg Immediately 11 to Parn Iara dlce clift for tor such mich Is II th Ih the reward r promised 1 those thone who p perish of oC these self ol SL Ss hundred more moll fanatics R lit In hatch batch hatches PS es 18 of or W oo went nt the Mine Prune Ly I y ceremony Long Tung before thy they th had hili finished fin 1111 I hell tics the th looked like Ilk a 1 shamble and the nIl nir reeked with the odor of blond My I friends had truly troy Ifill It 11 wan wAI wana a 1 sight that tha t I Khali shell always rom And the Ilk of or which J l have no nu noto wilt wj to see JI eo aJain |