Show PIONEER WOMAN OMAN DIES Mrs Elizabeth Boyle Eyle Native of Scot Scotland Scotland Scotland land Aged 88 Will Be Ee Buried Tomorrow Special to The Ogden Nov 20 roIn In the death of Mrs Irs Elizabeth ElIza eth Boyle mother of John A Boyle Boyl Boyland and Wallace Boyle both of this city an another other of the pioneers of the state has gone to a reward at the ripe of ot nearly four score and ten years The end came at an early hour this morning at the residence of her Eon son Twenty eighth street The cause of her death was old age Elizabeth Elisabeth Boyle was born in Edinburg Scotland in the year yea ear of ot She came cameto cameto cameto to America in the spring of 1848 18 8 and to Utah in September lS 5 Upon her ar arrival arrival arrival rival in Utah with Ith her husband and fam tam family famIly ily fly Mrs Boyle made her home upon the same plot of ot ground upon which stands the house In which she died Mrs Boyle Bole was the mother of five fhe chil children children children dren three of whom are dead John A Boyle of ot the Boyle Hardware company and Wallace Boyle of the Boyle Furni Furniture Furniture Furniture ture company compan are the surviving chili dren Mrs Boyle Bole was a faithful member the Church of Jesus Christ of Saints and always an active worker in tn inthe inthe the relief societies of the stake She had legions o of friends In Ogden as well as us In other otherS towns of Utah She was a 11 loving wife devoted mother and a true friend The funeral services will be held Mon Monday Monday Monday day afternoon at 2 p m at the Second ward meeting house Bishop Robert Mc presiding The Interment will be beIn beIn bein In the City cemetery |