Show WANTS HER ER LETTER PUBLISHED ED For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills Minneapolis Minnea offs Minn MinnI I was a great sufferer from rom female troubles which caused a weakness it e Y H and broken down k condition of the system I read so o oI if much of what Lydia tt W I E Vegetable stable Compound t had bad done for other suffering women I felt sure it would i help me andl must n i say it did help me wonderfully My M s pains all left let me I grew strange and within Wi tl n three months I was a perfectly well woman to I want want this tl s letter letter made public to show the benefit women may derive from Lydia E Vegetable Compound Mrs Joins JOHN G 2115 Second St North Minneapolis Minn Thousands of unsolicited d and genuine genuine genuIne ine testimonials like the above prove the y of Lydia E Vegetable Compound which is made exclusively from roots and herbs Women who suffer from those dis distressing distressing distressing ills lUs peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E Vegetable Compound to restore their health heath If yon you want special advice write to Mrs at Lynn Mass Shew ll treat your strictly confidential For 20 years she bhe has been helping helpin sick women in inthis inthis this way free of charge Dont hesitate write at once I We Wo Have More Moro Bargains to offer for tor Mondays selling than we have space to tell of so BO come and see for yourself Seeing is bellev believing ing to HALF price sale Monday at Main St Recipe Cures Weak Men Free Send Name and Address Today You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous I have In my possession a prescription for nervous debility lack of vigor weak weakened weakened weakened ened manhood failing fail ng memory and lame back brought on by excesses unnatural drains or the follies of youth that has cured so many worn and nervous men right in their own homes without any additional help or medicine that I think every man who wishes to regain his manly power and virility quickly and quietly should have a copy So I have determined to send a copy of the pre prescription prescription free of charge in a plain ordinary ordInary ordinary nary sealed envelope to any man who will write me for it This prescription comes from a phy physIcian physician who has made a special study of men and I am convinced It is the surest acting combination for the cure cf ot de deficient deficient manhood and vigor failure ever put together I think I owe It to my fellow man to send them a copy in confidence so that any man anywhere who Is weak and dis discouraged discouraged discouraged with repeated failures may stop drugging himself with harmful pat patent patent patent ent medicines secure what I believe is the tho quickest acting restorative ing remedy ever de devised devised devised and so cure himself at home quiet quietly ly and quickly Just drop me a line like this Dr A E B Robinson Luck Building Detroit Mich and I will send you a copy of this splendid recipe in a plain ordinary envelope free of charge A great many doctors would charge to for merely writing out a pre prescription like U this but I X send It entirely free ON HIS PASTORS ADVICE Mr Chas W Foster a prominent prominent nent neat and respected citizen of o East Haven Conn on the advice of his pastor some ten k years ago o took Pure iX n e en Malt Whiskey as a tonic with such good results that he has made it his standby r ever since s r c I can highly recommend a 4 Pure Malt Whiskey as I have token taken it for the past ten years ears as a ti gan gon on eral tonic It was first recommended to ma me lie by bya q a minister the Rev Dr Holten Holton who had used it in his own family family for fors some come s me time with good results thas W Foster Lighthouse Point Bast East s Haven Conn r Duff s Pure Malt Halt Whiskey is in indorsed indorsed N Ns d by b y leading men m en in in all professions pro f aa s x eions including clergymen doctors rs educators nurses lawyers as well as 7 business men and women in all walks wally U of life l o It is invaluable in the th treat treatment treatment treatment ment of indigestion nervous prostration malaria chills and all diseases of the throat the bronchial F tubes and lungs It is a heart tonic and in old age when the vital forces are yielding to the weight of years it will bring strength and vigor to the muscular and nervous nerv ua centers Many men and women testify to the great gre t benefits derived from its use Pure Malt Whiskey If you wish to keep young strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the glow of perfect health take Pure Malt Whiskey regu regularly regularly according to directions It tones and strengthens the heart ac action action 4 tion and purifies p the entire system It is recognized as a family med medicine medicine medicine everywhere It is ia invaluable for overworked men delicate women and sickly children It is a s promoter of health he th and longevity makes the theold theold theold y old feel young and keeps k eps the young strong to When you yon on BIlk ask your Tour druggist grocer or dealer for Pure Malt Whiskey lIkey be sure you TOU get the genuine Its the only absolutely pure pare medicinal malt whiskey and Is sold Bold In la sealed bottles bottle sever in to bulk Price Look for the trademark the Old Chemist t on the label and i make sure Bare the seal over the cork is U unbroken Write Medical Department The Duffy Dufty Malt UnIt whiskey Co Rochester ter N Y for a free e Illustrated medical P E booklet and free advice Big reductions in all millinery Special cial line of ot misses and childrens head bead headwear headwear wear a fine tIne line of ot ladles hats and bonnets Womans Coop 29 East First South i New Millinery Monday and half price Main St Bt t t OUR MONEY lIONEY BACK GUARANTEE CURE DRUGLESS TREATMENT a aSpinal I Spinal Adjustment a and nd Mineral Water Spinal adjustment and mineral water are unequaled for the cure of ot rheumatism kidney liver stomach heart and lung or female troubles tr cancer tumor abscess or diseases of any form If your doctor has given you up write us or telephone Ind We will call at any time and restore you to health without any surgery or medicine Dr W A Brown Chiropractor and Rooms for those thos c seeking health Office r hours 10 to 12 CHIROPRACTIC SANITARIUM STATE sTATS ST sTy STD r 0 D o lIf y z n bra 5 I t ti L dr drS S rr pt 1 f fF fru F ru l lY r t a i 2 r 1 s k Near South and East Streets we offer an nn extra well built house with four large rooms downstairs and three rooms up It has front porch feet entrance hall living room with beamed ceilings wainscoting in burlap china cabinet polished floors and tinted walls large parlor kitchen bathroom complete and one bedroom downstairs with closet The walls upstairs and down are sand finish and tinted in colors The lot is to alley and has lawn walks and young bearing fruit trees Price is only D D 1 r rD REAL ESTATE BROKER No 73 Main St Phones 1 Visit Our Booth at the Pure PItre Food Show You Tou will wUl find exhibited there all th the latest electric heating cooking and lighting appliances things that away the drudgery of t house housework housework housework work and an make it a pleasure Ladles should be sure Bure to register In our grand free tree prize drawing The following handsome and valuable prizes will be ba given n away awaT Ono One Sexing Machine Motor tarnished by the General eral Electric Company One ODe Electric Toa Toaster ter Stove furnished by the tbs th Westinghouse Electric Company One Heat Pad Fad furnished by the Western Elec Elee Electric u trio Company One ODe Hot Point Foist Elect Electric rie LOOK FOR FOB THE ROCKET SIGN SIGHT Utah Light Railway Co CofEl l fEl for tor Everything I t |